Recently, the Liang family is unstable. The old man left and caused civil strife. Housework is the most laborious. Liang yongxiao is not the eldest brother or even born in the main house. Sometimes a person's birth is not important, and sometimes a person's birth is very fatal.

The eldest brother of the main house threatened him with his identity and united with several brothers. He had to divide half of his property. The Liang family could not divide it. Once dispersed, it would be difficult to get together. Now the Liang family is a powerful elephant in yuemen. Once separated, it will become a hyena. Any wolf can defeat them.

As the current speaker of the Liang family, Liang yongxiao is under great pressure. When he was the speaker, he spent a lot of trouble, but now it is still a housework

In the face of external pressure, no matter how big it is, Liang yongxiao is not afraid of anything. Nothing can be difficult. It's just this kind of housework. He really can't bear to start with his brothers and brothers. He has done more harm. In the end, he hurt himself.

A Yong also knows that Mr. Liang has been under a lot of pressure recently. If Jiang Wuchen had not been too fierce and won 50 million in half an hour, he would not have come to Mr. Liang.

At the moment, his cell phone suddenly rang. The phone was from the female manager of the casino.

Ah Yong immediately felt a little bad and answered quickly.

"Brother Yong, something happened... Brother Qiu lost 150 million just now..."

"Hiss..." ah Yong just felt that his hair stood up and was extremely cold. 150 million ah, plus the 50 million just now, this would be 200 million. If he delayed any more, I really don't know how much money he would lose.

"I know. Stop Chen Qiu right away. There's a problem with this guy!" ah Yong said coldly. Chen Qiu's position in MGM should be above him, but I can't care about it at this moment.

Liang yongxiao raised his eyebrows, looked at him and waited for his explanation.

"Brother Yong, how can I stop brother Qiu, I......"

Before she finished, ah Yong hung up his cell phone, "Mr. Liang, someone came to the casino and won 200 million in half an hour."


Liang yongxiao's cigar was cut off on the ground. His eyes were a little dull. He immediately photographed two cold awns with a strong killing opportunity, "why tell me now."

Ah Yong wiped the sweat on his forehead, "this man's speed is too fast. It's only half an hour since he started fighting with Chen Qiu..."

"You said you won 200 million from me in half an hour!"

"Yes," said ah Yong.

At this time, his cell phone rang again. The phone was still called by the female manager. Ah Yong answered quickly, "Hey, say!"

"Brother Yong, four hundred million..."

"You fool, I didn't tell you to stop Chen Qiu. Why don't you fucking listen!"

"Brother Yong, I don't have this right."

"You're fucking stupid. Just don't give him chips."

"This... Brother Qiu has taken a billion chips."

"Stop him immediately and do the same if you smash the table!" ah Yong shouted.

Liang yongxiao frowned, "is it necessary to be so impulsive? Calm down and transfer the monitoring!"

In less than two minutes, on the snow-white wall in front of Liang yongxiao, the light of the projector shone in the past, and the real-time picture of the casino was continuously transmitted from the monitoring room.

On top of the casino, Jiang Wuchen stacked a pile of chips. Lao Shi and scar Zi were putting more than one million worth of chips into a sack.

Chen Qiu on the other side blushed and had a thick neck. He patted the table loudly and continued to follow.

The chip on the table is 400 million, and Chen Qiu also pushed 400 million.

On the card, Jiang Wuchen is already a pair of a, and Chen Qiu's biggest card is at least a K, that is, he is a pair of K at best. The beginner can recognize this number of cards.

It happened that Chen Qiu shouted to open the card and compared it with Jiang Wuchen. Needless to say, Chen Qiu must have lost. Jiang Wuchen had a pair of a's and ate him 400 million!

"Chen Qiu has a problem, there must be a problem." ah Yong said loudly, "Mr. Liang..."

Liang yongxiao nodded, "find chuanzi and let her compete with this man."

Ah Yong was stunned, "yes!" he called at once. In less than three minutes, someone came in and stopped Jiang Wuchen and Chen Qiu from fighting against each other. Jiang Wuchen and others were invited to go, along with the 800 million chips won.

"Call Chen Qiu over." Liang yongxiao said, "take in the monitoring of chuanzi's room and find someone to watch this man and see what his routine is."

"Yes." ah Yong wiped the sweat on his forehead and turned to go out.

A few minutes later, the dejected Chen Qiu came in, followed by several men in black and ah Yong. When he saw Liang yongxiao in front of him, Chen Qiu's body trembled, "Er, Mr. Liang..."

Liang yongxiao pointed to the wall and played the confrontation between Liang yongxiao and Jiang Wuchen twice as fast.

Before reading it, Chen qiuwa vomited out. Dirty dirt sprayed everywhere on the floor.

"Mr. Liang, trust me." Chen Qiu cried, "this, this, I don't know how it happened. I just seemed to have lost my mind. How can I make such a low-level mistake... It must be this man's mischief, vomit..." Chen Qiu vomited again.

"Go down." Liang yongxiao said faintly.

"Mr. Liang, I'm wrong. Give me a chance..."

"The opportunity is for you to win back the lost money slowly. Go." Liang Yong's filial piety.

Chen Qiu was taken down.

Ah Yong came up and said, "Mr. Liang, did you really let Chen Qiu go?"

"Nine times out of ten, he was bowed by this man," Liang yongxiao said.


"From the moment he came into the house and began to vomit, I can see that people's mind will be affected after falling head. Chen Qiu has been very stable in the casino these years, otherwise he won't have today's ranking! He made this mistake. Although the mistake is not small, the crime is not to death." Liang Yong Xiaodao: "I still trust him."

After listening, ah Yong was relieved, and his evaluation of Liang yongxiao was also a little higher.

"But..." Liang yongxiao made a turning point. "People should be punished for making mistakes. Just give a verbal warning for small mistakes. Eight hundred million ah, how many lives can they buy! Cut off his hand and let him shine his eyes in the future."

Ah Yong immediately suffocated, "yes, yes." accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. Tigers always eat people.

"That's right." Liang yongxiao shouted ah Yong, "find a better surgeon and give Chen Qiu anesthetic. Don't let him hurt too much."

"Yes." ah Yong wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Ah Yong went down to deal with the matter. Liang yongxiao sat alone in a rotating chair, put his feet on the tea table, lit a Havana handmade cigar, watched the monitoring on the wall with interest, and even heard the voices of each other.

Jiang Wuchen's field at the moment is a level higher than that just now. In front of him are still poker, dice and Pai Gow.

Sitting opposite Jiang Wuchen is a woman with exposed hemispheres and deep gullies.

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