"Oh, yes." relieved, Mr. Wang quickly cleaned up and walked out of the office with Mr. Dong.

Cao Liren first locked the door of the office, then opened the safe and took out a gray yellow robe from inside.

This robe was asked by Cao Liren in Longhu Mountain in the year of Sasha's death. Usually, he put the robe in the safe and took a jade card to ward off evil spirits.

At the moment, director Cao wrapped his robe around him and put on a long down jacket to cover it. Then he took the jade card in his hand and took out a peach wood sword from the bottom of the safe.

This sword has a history. He went to the Haichuan temple fair to repay his wish. He spent 30000 yuan and bought it from a monk.

Peach wood is solid, and there are a large number of ancient and simple spells on it to restrain evil ghosts.

Director Cao had a sword in his left hand and a jade card in his right hand. He was wearing a yellow robe. His self-confidence suddenly increased. "Ha ha ha, don't worry about your demons and monsters. If you have seed, just put your horse here." what he imagined in his mind was Bai Fei's graceful figure.

Although the girl is only 18 years old, she is as mature as 28. Cao Liren's restless heart has long been ready to move.

This is a good chance.

Director Cao walked out of the office and came to the girls' apartment for the second time.

It was already 11:30 p.m. at this moment. Most of the girls fell asleep. Cao Liren was not interested in these girls and went straight to the sixth floor.

He quietly came to the front of F4's dormitory and overheard, but he heard three girls talking one after another.

"I wipe it. It's so cool. I robbed 80 yuan for this red envelope."

"Unfortunately, I only robbed 80 cents."


"I wipe it. Luan Tian is such a fool. His hand speed is not generally fast. He can always grab it first. Shit, he robbed 60 yuan..."

"Why hasn't sister Fei come back? Won't there be any problem?"

"What's the problem? People are chatting with their lover in the bathroom. It's more interesting."

"Ha ha, I said, I saw sister Fei go out in the latest t-font library just now. She's really coquettish..."


The snuff of director Cao, who overheard, almost came out. Today's students are really amazing. They wear those billowing pants at a young age. It seems very necessary to give them a health physiology class.

Well, I'm going to find Bai Fei now. No, I'm going to catch ghosts, ha ha

Cao Liren thought of moving quietly to the public bathroom in the middle of the corridor. At this moment, director Cao's eyes have adapted to the dark changes. He came to the bathroom entrance and heard a slight movement inside.

"Aha, there are really people inside." Cao Liren became excited. "How can I behave well? Do I rush in like a ghost catcher, or..."

"No, it's better to go straight." Cao Liren thought. At that moment, he raised his peach wood sword and rushed into the toilet step by step.

At this moment, I saw a big black shadow coming out of it.

"Come on!" Cao Liren shouted fiercely, and the shadow in front of him was startled. It was obvious that he didn't expect a person to pop out suddenly.

"Where are the demons and ghosts? Let's see that our Heavenly Master catches you." Cao Liren said, raised his peach wood sword, smashed it down and fell on the head of the shadow.


The peach wood sword bought for 30000 yuan broke.

Cao Liren shouted in secret. He tried too hard and made a mistake. At the same time, he rushed to the big black shadow and grabbed it with both hands.

A soft feel came, and Cao Liren secretly called for fun. His weight of 1780 kilograms hit, and the momentum was very strong.

The big black shadow could not dodge and was thrown to the ground by him.

Cao Liren pressed on the big black shadow and shouted, "the Heavenly Master needs to catch you, don't try to resist!" then he wiped his hand down, pulled it to the position of the big black shadow skin and grabbed it hard.

But I think this big leather stock is fat and thick, and the cortex is very rough. It seems that it should not be owned by a girl.

Then Cao Liren felt that there was a hard thing against him in his lower abdomen. He stretched out his hand to grasp it, but unexpectedly, the big black shadow made a grunt.

"Ah!" Cao Liren was surprised. The voice was wrong. It was definitely not Bai Fei's. who was it?

He narrowed his eyes and looked carefully, but he saw that the big black shadow had an ugly black bear face and greedy saliva around his mouth.

"Ah!" Cao Liren shouted. At this time, he looked up and saw Bai Fei lying shirtless on the ground in the distance, especially under her body. It was a mess, and the black t-font was torn off.

Cao Liren just felt his brain buzzing.

The big black shadow under him suddenly erupted into a powerful force, lifted Cao Liren out of him, then Gulu, landed on all fours, ran towards the window, jumped, knocked open the window screen and jumped down.

This is the sixth floor.

Cao Liren hurried to the window and couldn't see anything below.

"Say..." Cao Liren was stunned and trembled. "What's this..." he hurried to Bai Fei and looked at the naked girl who had been unconscious on the ground. Cao Liren's scalp was tight. He took out his mobile phone to call the school security department, and then called the police.

After the phone call, Cao Liren ran to F4's dormitory and asked the girls in their dormitory to put on some clothes for Bai Fei.

The three girls were very angry when they saw baifei lying in the toilet, but they had no doubt about Cao Liren. If Cao Liren did it, would he dare to stay here?

Bai Fei left a lot of scratch marks on her body. It's not human at first sight.

The security department and the police came one after another, and Bai Fei was also sent to the hospital to extract relevant evidence during treatment.

Several police officers of Haichuan branch asked Cao Liren about the situation. They didn't take Cao Liren's ghost or black bear monster seriously at all. In their view, nine times out of ten, it was deliberately made by criminals.

There was a murder in Haichuan that year, and the monster fingerprints were left at the scene just to divert the attention of the police.

This matter is very important. Cao Liren can't carry it alone. He informed the principal and several school directors overnight. After receiving the news, principal Cai Huaan immediately came to the school.

He is a martial artist who has seen the existence of special people in the world. He chose to trust what Cao Liren said.

The two and the school manager held a meeting overnight and decided to block the news. They must not leak the news to avoid causing a commotion among the students, which is not good for violet's reputation.

At the same time, Cao Liren took on the important task and went to Hailong temple to find master Yongfang to eliminate demons and catch ghosts. Whether people or ghosts, they were not released to the public until they were caught.

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