About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 104.

I'm crazy. I'm really crazy.

What's the setting for "crazy"? I think this "madness" can be classified according to the cause of the disease, if the brain nerves are destroyed or disturbed, is the human flesh damaged and lead to abnormal behavior, or "madness" this kind of behavior should belong to the physical level or spiritual level? If the person's mind is too strange and there is nothing abnormal about the physical body, then the person should be "crazy" on the physical level. If the person's mind is too strange, and there is nothing abnormal about the body, then it should be "madness" on the spiritual level.

This is not the time for me to be philosophical, this is not the time for me to be thinking about these things, I was indeed mentally unbalanced for a moment, my physical side was intact, I was damaged by my consciousness, how could I be so stupid as to ask a girl, "Do you like me? What about this problem!

A Chinese girl would have said, "I like it best!" And then smack me across the face with your tongue?

It can't be, right, it can't be. There should only be two answers to this kind of question, so to speak, and generally, only the second answer.


However, Qin Lan's reaction was not one of those two.

She... ran away....

I stayed sitting on the couch, still wearing the clothes I had on when I was ready to leave. Although the room was warm, I didn't feel much warmth. I didn't understand why, after listening to my question, Qin Lan gently pushed me away and then, gently opened the door and left.

She didn't cry, she didn't make a scene, and she didn't hug or kiss. It was as if she was a child coming home after playing at a friend's house, saying a polite goodbye, and then, gently leaving.

Her quietness was painful.

She was, or not, did she like me? At this point, should I call her, or, send her a text, or should I wait there in silence? Was my behavior today an act of disrespect? Should I apologize at this point, even if I have to call her and text her?

I took a quick glance at my phone, and the only thing on the chairman's smile was the cold beat of time ice.


There are so many modern forms of communication, but none of them, however, bring me the one call, one text, one message that I want.

I pressed out the phone, tossed it aside, and looked up at the darkened interior. I didn't have any sad feelings, or pain, I was even surprised with the peace I had now. I really had no inner turmoil at all, but I didn't want to smile either. It wasn't that I wasn't feeling anything, but I was feeling so much that I didn't know which one to deal with anymore, I guess.

I picked up my phone and opened my contacts. Suddenly, I realized that my finger, had been pressed on the chairman's name.

I smiled bitterly, gently, and pressed it....

Already, it was enough.

The young woman looked up at the dark ceiling above her.

When she looked at her phone, only the white numbers jumped on it. There was no message, he hadn't given himself a single message. What was the reason for his problem, anyway? Was he really just a question, or did he already know what he wanted?

Looked into his eyes, himself, and felt it was enough.

He should, already understand his feelings.

Since he already knows that he likes him, then, there is no need to pester him anymore. But why is it that it's all up to now, and there hasn't been a single message yet?

The calmness when I left myself was less than some happiness, and this idiot finally understood that he liked him. Then, shouldn't this be the time, to confess to me?

What is he doing? Shouldn't this time of year be a good opportunity for guys to make a statement? You didn't answer him yourself, but as a guy, shouldn't you be more aggressive? He should have understood, should have understood that his leaving wasn't letting go and just going to wait. Tonight, tonight, his own future was on the line.

With a message or a phone call from him, perhaps, tomorrow, he will be able to appear openly and honestly. Neither Lin Yiran nor Wu Mo Xi nor Song Yixin was a threat anymore.

But what about the fact that he had no message.

There was nothing.

The phone gradually went black.

The young woman gently let go of the phone, and it slid from her hand to the pillow.

Just...wait a little longer....

"So, timing is important meh."

There was a clacking sound over there, that pervert was eating chips, I think, and there were happy laughter from the students over there. It sounded like a landlord fighting at the residence, and no wonder, the exams were about to end, so it was time to take it easy.


"Yeah, yeah, you like for example, don't like it until you're apart. What were you doing already?"

The voice on the president's side was a bit impatient, what a rare thing, I actually had the nerve to be impatient when I called.

"You mean, let me confess now?"

"I didn't say that."

The president laughed, then his voice changed, perhaps from his right hand to his left, and said, "Well, it's not like you and Qin Lan's business is my business, so how am I supposed to know when it's appropriate for you to confess? I did say timing timing, but you should be the one to judge this timing. Ahhhhh... Dear brother called me late at night, I thought it was my brother who couldn't stand the loneliness and finally let go of his dignity and begged me to come back, but it turned out to be my brother asking me about my relationship with another woman, ahhhhhhh I want to die!!!"

So that's why you're impatient!

"That's actually the reason for your impatient attitude you fucking pervert!!!"

"Ahhhh~ To say that my brother's energy hasn't been replenished today, the panties I stole from my brother's room don't smell anymore, I'm so irritated..."

"Hey, hey, hey! Give me back my underwear! Aren't you ashamed to do such a thing in public?!"

"Hey hey hey hey hey, it's okay oh I'm one room a person oh I'm paying for it myself anyway." There was a capitalist laugh from the council president over there.

"Even if I put you in charge of the money you can't take it out and spend it wildly! Do you think we have a lot of money? Can you squander it like that? I even usually buy groceries..."

Ah, I'm in no position to talk about anyone else... I buy supermarket goods myself and never mind the price... I remember buying peaches for thirteen dollars a pound....

"Hahahahahahahahahaha I'm this is capitalism. What do you do with me..."


I tossed the phone aside and took a deep breath. I didn't exchange anything nutritious with this pervert, but it still felt, quite happy.

The timing....

In any case, tomorrow, there was going to be a, even more bitter reality to face.

I got up and took off my clothes.

Throughout the night, I didn't dream. Was it because I had experienced so much during the day, I didn't know which part to remember? How should you look at something like time? Is time a sport? If so, then there should be a reference system. If I am the reference system, then time is not constant, the more I do, the slower time flows for me, and the less I do, the faster time flows for me. The more I do, the slower time flows for me, and the less I do, the faster time flows. So for me, this day of mine is exactly a month's worth of events.

This is a rather idealistic statement, which is unacceptable to me as a standard materialist. However, I always feel that my recent rational thinking has failed to solve many things and problems. So does it mean that I, a materialist, should also have some idealistic things?

By the way, neither Qin Lan nor Wu Moxi have said a word to me since I came into the classroom today. My first words of the week came from the table next to me, "The teacher is coming to call me". But I can't guarantee that, because I quickly fell into a state of drowsiness as well.

I seem to remember that something important is going to happen today... I remember that soon it will be Lin Yiran, right? The class president was called out just now, so maybe that's the thing.

I don't really care about this matter, anyway, I will definitely end this relationship quickly.

The door to the classroom was slammed shut and everyone's noisy voices exploded violently, carrying with them sudden bursts of hormones and nasty laughter from the young males. I was so frightened that my table and I were jolted out of our sleep. To Chul stretched his neck like a snake spitting out letters scouting the area.

I rubbed my eyes and looked over to the podium. There was the class president, standing on the platform with a great spirit, the sunlight shining on him like a king who has just inherited the throne.

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