About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 115.

Why? Why? Why is that? For Wu Moxie, the issue had gotten the perfect result, which was very good. Lin Yiran would also be in attendance as usual, she wouldn't just be a phantom club member, and the literary club wouldn't be disbanded.

Why, why didn't Wu Moxie agree?

"No need, Lin Yiran."

Wu Moxie shook off Qin Lan's hand and she looked at Lin Yiran, a Wu Moxie who usually didn't dare to look at another person, for the first time, with an angry look in her eyes.

Lin Yiran was clearly stunned, she didn't even think that this girl would do this to her right. Or why she would be angry with herself. Lin Yiran, wasn't even being looked at like that, right.

"Thank you for your kindness, but club activities can be a waste of other people's time, and it might not be appropriate for you..."

"Ah no...I don't really feel..."

"Shut up!!!"

Wu Mo Xi suddenly yelled, Lin Yi then took a step back, looking at the outburst with some fear in his eyes. This normally docile rabbit, at this time, was like a hedgehog.

"Don't come any closer to me! Stay out of my life!!! Don't even bring in the literary club, okay!!!"

Chapter 82 on my precarious voice.

There are times when humans are not machines or computers.

What is the rationalism of human beings, anyway. Is the so-called rationalism of human beings speaking to others, to the law, or to themselves?

I have more than once envisioned how convenient it would be if only 0s and 1s existed in human society. What is wrong is wrong, what is right is right, what is wrong must be punished, what must be obeyed must be obeyed, what must be abandoned must be abandoned, if that were the case, how harmonious and peaceful would human society be?

Just like the numbers and currents running through the CPU, they flow smoothly and smoothly forever if they are not forcibly disrupted.

I'd rather be one of the electrons, if that's the case, if that's the case.

But there can be a very strange existence of something in human society, and that is sensibility. This is not the same thing as reason, but it is something that humans have fought with their unparalleled brains for countless years even to this day. Human sensibility triggers what is called emotion, emotion triggers what is called character, and mankind has mastered how to control others, and mankind knows how to control power.

Whether the circle is large or small, there will be this struggle. As long as it's humans and humans together, it's not electrons and electrons together, humans and humans, there's so much struggle.

And right now, it was.

"What about being hated."

Lin Yiran walks beside me, hands behind her back, grinning. She jumped mischievously onto the fence at the edge of the roadside flower pool and bobbed forward on it.


I didn't know how to respond, I'd never seen Wu Moxie like this before, Wu Moxie was a very gentle girl with little temper in front of me, no anger even after being forcefully slighted by me in her brother's incident, and no blowing up when I had the misfortune of seeing her naked. She would have cried out in front of me if she was genuinely sad, but this time, she didn't cry, but was indeed angry.

Oh Mohee, there also exists, anger this kind of expression ah.

The angry Wu Moxie didn't run away, but appeared generously in the club room, treating others exactly the same as usual. However, she was really, truly, angry with this person that she had known for a short while...hey no to the two of them?....

And this fire had no source at all, obviously Lin Yiran was being kind. Why was Wu Mo Xi angry, wasn't this kind of thing a good thing for the literary club that was now on the verge of collapsing? The reason and purpose of this anger of Wu Moxie was completely unclear, it was a meaningless anger.

Lin Yiran didn't seem to understand either, so she acted very carefully and stayed in the classroom instead of coming to the club room privately in order to wait for me.

I walked with her on the way back.......hey hey maiden we're not going the same way, why did you walk with me for so long!

"Ahhh, I was invited to your house today by Sister Qin Yun, huh? Didn't your sister tell you?"

I closed my eyes and remembered....

"Ahhhh!!! What are you doing, little brother? Don't you kick me! No! Don't make me leave! I want to breathe your smell! I need to breathe! Otherwise a woman will come and rob me today and I'll hack and slash her to death if I don't replenish enough! Yiran is coming ah Yiran is coming."

Ah, that seems to have been mentioned this morning when trying to kick a pervert out of bed....


I nodded slightly, not quite understanding why the chairman would suddenly call her over. But since it was Lin Yiran who went to the house, he would need to prepare more food.

"Qin Feng ah, how is your relationship with Wu Mo Xi?"

Lin Yiran walked in front of me and suddenly turned back with a smile and asked.

"It's okay."

I think that Wu Moxie and I can only be considered best friends... Ahhh, I don't really understand what the definition of best friend is, it's better to say that Wu Moxie and I are friends. To be reasonable, shouldn't human relationships between humans be enemies, strangers, and friends?

Or rather, my relationship with Wu Mo Xi is mainly based on my helping her, and if one-sided help can be a best friend, this best friend is too easy to obtain.

"Is that right, in my dear's heart, Wu Moxie is just an ordinary friend?"

Lin Yiran looked up thoughtfully at the sky, which had gone completely dark overhead. Her scarf would only be a thin layer, a very long part of it, dancing in the air with the movements of its owner.

"Hmm...or rather, Lin Yiran what do you think my attitude should be towards Wu Mo Xi?"

"How can I say this? This is the kind of interpersonal question that should be decided by the dears themselves."

Lin Yiran looked back as if I was a child who had asked a very stupid question. She reached out and touched my head, Lin Yiran herself was very tall and I was going to be slightly shorter than her at this point, she pressed my head and lightly hopped down the stone steps, patted her dress and then said, "Come on, I'd like to meet my sister too, it's been a long time since I've seen her. Is honey still a sister control?"

"Where did you hear someone say I'm sister-controlled I'm going to sue him for slander."


Lin Yiran laughed happily, fiercely reached out and grabbed my hand, along the streetlights, through the river-like traffic, in the cold winter air, I could feel the warmth of her hand. The mist of breathing obscured the vision, the hazy girl's long hair danced, vaguely seemed to go back in time, when I was small, there was also a girl, so pulling me running.

But that time the background was in the summer.

The young girl is holding the boy's hand and running by the sea. The scene is not beautiful, there is no sunset, and even the sun is a lovely cloudy reveal no golden sandy beach, under the feet are large chunks of round and wet stones, mixed with the sea rolled up seaweed and garbage. The air was the fishy smell of the sea and a strong wind, and the girl pulled the teenager, not knowing why, not knowing why she was running.

"Qin Lan..."

I seem to remember, the girl's name.

The girl in front of me, fiercely, stopped in her tracks.

The air stopped flowing, the headlights stopped passing, the sound of the wind no longer filled the surroundings, the noise of the crowd and the sound of footsteps shattered the frozen air and revolved around me again. The young woman's grip on my hand grew stronger, and she stopped running. I almost, bumped into her.

"What's wrong?"

I looked ahead, puzzled, at the young girl who stopped with her head down.

The young girl didn't reply, but lowered her head and quietly looked at the ground. Her hand gently released me and I gently pressed her shoulder, a little worried about Lin Yiran.

"What's wrong?"

I re-asked.


The young woman's voice was trembling a little.

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