About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 118.

The president came up behind me and pressed his hands gently on my shoulders.

"You know that, right."


"Don't pretend!!! You knew that, didn't you? You're simply planning to have your things discovered by Lin Yiran, aren't you!"

I shook the chairman's hand off in anger and looked back into her eyes and yelled.

"It's not my fault right, you're the one who didn't remove the Qinlan stuff right, brother."

The president looked at me with a very calm look in her eyes, she reached out and pressed my arm, then said, "Is it because, brother, you were expecting, Chin-Lan to live at home?"

"I didn't!"

"So you're so angry because Lin Yiran might call off the engagement when he finds out?"


"So, what are you angry about?"

My sister looked me in the eyes and asked quietly but unquestionably.

I choke violently, unable to say a word. Yes, I was very angry now, but why was I angry? What am I worried about? Or am I afraid of something?

I didn't understand their thoughts at all, and I didn't know my feelings for them, as well as Lin Yiran and Wu Moxie.

"I told you so, brother, flat-out tenderness is poison, poison that can make everyone suffer. Let me warn you in advance here, brother, sooner or later, you will have to make a choice."

The president laughed softly, then looked at me and said, "Brother, I am your dearest sister, so I know you, you are the one, who is passionate, but can't do anything, ah."

Chapter 84 about my ambiguous day with my classmate

"Sister, seriously, I really can't see anything if you let me look at it... how would I know what Qin Feng likes."

Wu Moxie's brother sat cross-legged on the bed, propping up his chin, helplessly watching his sister try on the clothes one by one. Wu Moxie looked at herself in front of the mirror and nervously kept packing the small hangings on her clothes.

"No, tomorrow is the first time Qin Feng asked me to go out, I, I also want to become cute ah."

Wu Moxie was a little worried as she looked at herself in the mirror, constantly adjusting her appearance. She still had a somewhat excited redness on her face, looking at the cute girl in the mirror.

"Sis, you're already cute, really."

Wu Moxie's brother turned his head embarrassed and scratched his chin.

Wu Moxie was stunned, smiled slightly, blushed slightly in embarrassment, went to the bedside, sat beside her brother, and reached out to touch her brother's head. The younger brother didn't resist and tilted his head slightly, allowing his sister to touch his head. Wu Moxie smiled softly as she watched her brother's hair spin, and couldn't help but reach out, hugging him.


The younger brother fell down on his sister's lap and smiled at her smile.

"Brother...indeed, so cute..."

"Ah... don't treat me like a child ah sister!"

My younger brother flipped over and sat up, touched his head, and said, "Tomorrow, sis, you'll just look normal to meet Qin Feng. For someone like Qin Feng, even if you're carefully dressed up, you won't be able to tell, right?"

Wu Moxie looked at her brother, smiled slightly, and nodded her head.

Wu Moxie watched her brother get up and leave the room, gently locking the door. She lay on her back on the bed and sighed with fatigue. The young girl gently rolled over and closed her eyes as she looked at the scattered clothes in the room. This whole thing of going out with a boy she liked was a first for herself.

Whether it was going out with a boy she liked.

Still, there was a boy that you liked, all for the first time for yourself.

But that boy has been around so many girls again and again, and all of them are so good girls. Himself had a seizure on the spot a few days before.

That time of anger, but myself didn't have it, the feeling of regret.

Yourself was so ordinary, whether compared to Qin Lan or Lin Yiran. It was like being Song Yixin in front of Li Siqi, ordinary, common.

However, I believe in myself, as long as I work hard, ordinary people can also, achieve their dreams.

So looking forward to, what about tomorrow....

The young woman sat up in bed, reached out, and turned off the light.

I sat silently in my seat, stirring the hot cookie milk in front of me.

January 1st, a new year begins. It's the Gregorian New Year, and as they say, you have to leave the past annoyances of the past year behind. Or, a new year is about to have a fresh start, where the past is to be ignored and everything is to be reset in the new year, and the pleasant or sad things that happened in the last 365 days are to become a memory.

But now, I am running for the past.

I'm doing it for the past year's events to be summed up.

What the chairman said yesterday seemed to make some sense to me. I often say that I hate people who are empty-headed but have little ability, but, it seems, I am one of those people. However, there are times when there is no reason or solution to some problems. I can only fumble with my personal thoughts.

First of all, I'm going to get Wu Moxie's side of the problem solved.

And then secondly, I'll deal with the angry Lin Yiran from yesterday.

I took a look at my phone, I haven't gotten much response to the calls and texts I've sent to Lin Yiran since yesterday, so let her be angry for a day. Don't go over there to fill oil when a girl is angry, that's my philosophy.

"That... Qin Feng..."

Behind me, a small hand lightly patted my shoulder, and I turned back to see a slightly breathless, slightly red nose, Wu Moxie. She was wearing a milk-white coat... Hey, hey, you girls like coats that much, don't you?... But there wasn't a scarf, and she was wearing a square hat that you could put your ears in, reminding me of a combination of Ilia and Madam.

It's about nine o'clock, it's now eight fifty-four, and it's okay to be okay, and this is something that I really like about Wu Moxie.

"I...I'm not late, am I."

Wu Moxie asked, looking at me a little worried. And with a slight gasp, it was a rush to get here after getting off the bus, right? I shook my head and pointed to the seat across from me, then ordered her a hot coffee.

"Ah...no...let's just go."

Instead of sitting down, Wu Moxie tugged at my clothes with some urgency.

"What's next for you?"

I asked. "No."

She looked at me puzzled.

"Then there's no rush, sit down and warm up before you go. Have you had breakfast yet?"

"Eat up."

"Well, have a hot drink then."

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