About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 125.

"Yeah, yeah, it's really a surprising love."

She said somewhat helplessly, then sighed, ruffled her hair, and said, "Qin Feng, you go cook."

"Ah... ah... oh... okay. "

I some completely do not understand the state of the scene nodded my head, reasonably I also want to find a place without people to calm down a bit. I want to quickly kneel down and apologize to Lin Yiran, now in my eyes Lin Yiran is simply shining like an angel of gentle and fraternal light, compared to me is simply a disgusting man who betrayed his wife's fidelity and love to have sex outside.......

Ah...this powerful guilt, even though I kept telling myself that there was no engagement between me and Lin Yiran, I still felt heavy pain.

I felt a heavy torment from a conscience I might not have.

"Well?! Honey let me help!"

I looked at Lin Yiran in surprise and asked, "Do you know how to cook?"

You reasonably live in America, can you have experience cooking? Or can you have experience cooking Chinese food? Uncle Lin would do I believe, but... Lin Yiran is not the girl Song Yixin looks like no matter what.


Don't answer so matter-of-factly!

"Then wait, can't and only make a mess."

Qin Lan pulled Lin Yiran, and Lin Yiran looked at me lovingly. Well, it's also true, for me, it seems that the last person who disturbed me while I was cooking was Qin Lan, right!

I approached the kitchen, and well, Chin-Lan's refrigerator is still very clean, but there are still some dishes. I told Qin Lan to buy the food on Friday and put it in the fridge, and I'll come and make it for the weekend. But Lan Qin looks like she has absolutely no experience in life, I guess grocery shopping is just relying on the recommendations the lady gave her.

But that's okay, cooking is all about turning all kinds of common vegetables into delicious food anyway. Looking at these things... Hey hey hey what's with the beef! It's beef that's about to expire, what are you buying this for, I'm looking at the potatoes and the carrots....

Okay, okay, I'll just make the beef stew.

Look at the time, well, it's still in time.

The two girls are sitting on the edge of the couch and seem to be talking about something I can't hear and I need a moment of peace and quiet right now. Besides drinking milk, the time for me to think is when I scrape potato skins.

But to say that I don't have anything to think about, what can I do now that I'm not thinking about anything anymore, or how can I change this now? Lin Yiran's penetration made my otherwise stable life completely explode, and I couldn't leave Lin Yiran behind because I needed Lin Yiran, so what else could I do?

The most important thing now is to help Wu Moxie stabilize the club first, and let the other things go for a while.

It's true that the boat of my life is facing a storm, but as long as it doesn't sink, I still have to continue with my life.

Everyone is changing, everyone around me is changing, whether it's Qin Lan, or Wu Mo Xi, or my sister or Lin Yiran who just came back.

The world around me was changing, and facing the change was like a rainy day where everyone was running as fast as they could to find shelter from the rain without getting wet, and I was the only one standing still. I don't want to run, I'd rather get wet than run. For me, running would get me wet anyway, so why would I want to run at all.

The crowd of people running all around me and me remained the same.

But can I stay like this until dawn?

Will someone put an umbrella over my head?

I cut the potatoes into small pieces, then put them in a small pot, looked up, looked over the sofa, the two girls still with a smile, chatting with each other, I do not know what they are talking about, but as long as the state is okay, well, Qin Lan is not Wu Mo Xi, for human interaction does not need me to worry about it.

Mechanical to get everything ready, I don't have any idea what to pack everything up and put it in the pressure cooker.

Soon, the aroma of beef spread. I sat on the side, playing with my phone in my hand, and if I played civilization for a while, the time would soon pass. Or rather, watch a few episodes of anime, and time will pass.

"Mmmm...that smells good...what's honey doing?"

Lin Yiran sniffed, smiled, and walked into the kitchen, asking.

"Ah... just beef stew..."

I stood up, looked at Lin Yiran, and said.


With his hands behind his back, Lin Yiran ran and jumped briskly to my side, bent down and took a deep breath, then looked me straight in the eyes, smiled and said, "I can eat all the dishes with a little breeze of love."

"Be reasonable, I cook with a calm heart."

There could only be my grudge in this!


Lin Yiran suddenly leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"Oh... Qin Lan, I didn't see it..."

Chapter 88 on my troubled heart.

I don't really like the atmosphere of the street, and just because I have to relate to the street every day of my life doesn't mean that I have to crave it. The street is a place where stories happen, but it's also a place where stories pass, and thousands of people walk down the street with their stories, but the street is still cheap asphalt.

I kept my head down and walked silently down the street, controlling the distance between me and Lin Yiran with my afterglow. Lin Yiran was humming music I didn't really listen to, jumping along beside me with his hands behind his back.

On the way back, I was not at peace. Lin Yiran kissed me in Qin Lan's house and I was shocked. However, Lin Yiran doesn't seem to care about this, or maybe it's just an oath of sovereignty in front of Qin Lan.

Lin Yiran's place wasn't far from Qin Lan's house, just two streets away by foot, but it wasn't close to mine.

The distance of two streets is as long as the way Lin Yiran and I used to walk home hand in hand. The quaint road we walked hand in hand on when we were young has become an eight-lane street, and the once dense banyan trees have been cut down and replaced with willows that don't last long. My memories of the past are like the shadows of the once dappled trees, and I don't remember much of the past, but after Lin Yiran came back, one thing at a time, it came back again.

"Nah, Lin Yiran."

The traffic light stopped us in front of us, and we didn't speak on the way, Lin Yiran wasn't the kind of girl who would chatter and pester me, if I acted silent, then Lin Yiran would hum a song herself with a smile, and if I said I would speak, Lin Yiran would happily take over.

It seems that for her, just being by my side is enough, for me, there is nothing extravagant.

I looked at the stream of traffic and softly called out to the girl beside me.

"Hm? What is it dear?"

Lin Yiran looked at me sideways with a smile and asked.

"That, the matter of the club, I hope you can reconsider it. If Wu Moxie can re-invite you into the club, I hope you can forget about what happened before."

I turned my head to look into Lin Yiran's eyes and said.

Lin Yiran's blue eyes shook lightly, smiled, and said, "No, I won't be angry, after all, it's a club with Little Wind, and I'm looking forward to it. Although I don't know why Wu Moxie is angry, but Wu Moxie I know is a girl who doesn't mean any harm."

"Well... Wu Mohei, is a very nice girl."

I said with a slight upturn of my lips.

Lin Yiran puffed out a laugh, suddenly reached out, rubbed my face hard and said, "Ahhhhh, you really don't understand girls' hearts, dear, don't mention another girl in front of one girl ah. Especially, the girl in front of you still likes you ah."

I watched Lin Yiran's smile carefully. I don't know what kind of girl Lin Yiran is right now, among the girls I've met so far, if they're really sad, there's really a hint of pain showing in their eyes, it's something that can't be suppressed, right, or is Lin Yiran the kind of scary girl who's already able to keep her true feelings from showing?

If not, Lin Yiran seems like I haven't even been gentle with her since she came back. First she was rejected by Wu Mo Xi, and then she saw what Qin Lan left at home, but she still hasn't gotten angry and still looks at me with this smile, I used to still have a slight doubt about her feelings, but now I feel ashamed for the doubt I used to have.

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