About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 129.

What exactly should teamwork look like as a fit? Or what should a team look like in human society?

If we look at the social nature of humans alone, then we work collectively to compensate for individual disadvantages. Humans do not have any advantage over other creatures, so they must live in groups to survive in a world that started with bloodshed. Even now, it is still true that when humans are faced with difficult situations, they always think about whether they will have companions, which shows that the instinct of humans is to live in groups.

Humans only work in clusters in order to increase their efficiency, and in the very beginning of the human race, in the very first wars, the spelling was the number of people over there, country to country, tribe to tribe, and population has always been a very important indicator, to this day.

In other words, is teamwork going to be better suited to the situation in the world than individuals?

The productivity of a team is much higher than that of an individual. However, the overall efficiency of the team is also the efficiency of the individuals added together and then enhanced, and if the efficiency of the individuals in the team is low, teamwork will not only not increase efficiency, but it will also decrease efficiency.

Especially with assembly line work, one individual's low productivity can drag down the entire team. You can trust yourself to work to the best of your ability, but the person next to you is cutting corners. This reduces productivity, which is very unpleasant but there's no way to avoid it.

The society of ants is a big pile of worker ants, and God has given humans brains and made them egotistical. And ants are not human brains so ants are much more social, no, that can't be social, it's only a sign of low IQ... well, it should be.

How can a team work together as a colony of ants? Then there would be a need for a lower class of working people with an IQ similar to that of worker ants and an intelligent leader. And, for a selfish animal like humans, a much more powerful external enemy is a much more important thing.

The dumber the lower level people are, the more productivity goes up.

That's why I hate teamwork, because I can only guarantee that I'm working, but I can't guarantee anyone else. If it's just me working alone, I do it slowly, but I can make sure I'm serious about doing it all the way to the end. Teamwork doesn't have much point in existing if it is instead less efficient. So it's not just a bunch of random people that can be called a team, like...the four people I met in single row...this is when I need to modify it, when one person is stupid and it will drag down the whole team. Because at this time, everyone was facing an external enemy.


I poked the dazed Qin Lan beside me, and I bobbed my head, noticing here that not a word of the manuscript paper on the table in front of me was cleaner than my face.

At the door, stood Wu Moxie and Lin Yiran, Lin Yiran saw me and smiled and waved.

"That...Lin Yiran will be a member of our literary club from now on, um...although there was some misunderstanding at the beginning, but now Lin Yiran is also a member of us. And, um...we're going to start writing our book reports, and we don't have much time left, so I hope you guys can cheer up."

Wu Moxie looked at us and whispered.

I don't know how Wu Mo Xie apologized, but I believe Lin Yiran is not embarrassed by Wu Mo Xie. Well, Lin Yiran isn't the kind of person who's a jawbreaker.

"Well, we'll be friends in the same club from now on, although I don't really understand how to write a book report, I'll definitely help."

Lin Yiran smiled and bowed, then took a look at the club. Well, at this time, my seat was perfect, with Qin Lan on my left and Xiang Zhe on my right. Lin Yiran couldn't be next to me, otherwise my productivity would be reduced at a rapid rate... Even though it was already zero, it couldn't be reduced any further.

Lin Yiran looked over at Qin Lan, who was smiling slightly as she bowed her head and wrote in the familiar and unfamiliar timeless font that I was familiar with, seemingly not even noticing what was going on outside, her body sitting upright in her chair without making any movement. Lin Yiran's mouth moved, but said nothing, pulling out the outermost chair and sitting down, looking at Wu Mo Xi.

Wu Moxie looked at everyone looking at her, a little afraid to step back and shrink, well... this is already a reflex can not deal with it. Wu Moxie scanned the circle of the only four members of the group she currently had, then coughed, walked over to the whiteboard and wrote down the number forty.

"Um...so...each...um...should be eight articles. "

Wu Moxie's voice was shaky, but she still looked at us and drew a heavy circle on the forty. We looked at the number and heaved a sigh of relief in unison. I looked around me and suddenly noticed that the computer on the table had disappeared, oi oi! How is that possible! How is that possible! Xiang Chul actually took out a manuscript paper?

Wait I need to calm down, well I need to calm down. First of all, I need to make sure I didn't cross over, right? I didn't have anything happen to me, I didn't commit suicide, I didn't get hit by a car, I didn't experience death, I came here after class without incident. And now the words crossed generally even gender is not guaranteed ah.......I looked around Qin Lan, Wu Mo Xi, Lin Yiran.......Well, the female did not have much, good good.......

I'm not going through what's going on here! This world I'm in, Xiang Zhe actually put away the computer!

"Don't look at me like that, I don't know what you're thinking but it must not be good."

Xiang Zhe noticed that I was staring at him and he held his chest and shrank back a bit. Hey hey hey can you not be so feminine whole I'm like a pervert, if I want to play a hooligan then everyone here except for my breasts are bigger than yours and I'm confident that they won't refuse okay....

Okay actually I don't have the confidence....

"How much time do we have?"

She raised her hand and asked.

"Well, the last day of final exams on the eighteenth, and then we'll be on winter break, so...well, another week at most...if Qin Feng can talk to the President..."

"No way, the President is mad at me lately."

I said with a lazy hand up and a sigh.

"What? Sister Qin Yun is actually mad at you. I don't believe it."

Lin Yiran laughed, shifted against the back of his chair, and said.


I don't really believe it either...but it happened, it did happen, and now the chairman is really mad that he's ignoring me.

"Well...so that means we really have to write it in a week...uh, no, not a week, only four days, because we still need to have it marked by the language teacher to get it done, and the teacher doesn't work on the weekends, so we have to send it to the language teacher on Friday. "

Wu Moxie sighed, looked at us, bowed apologetically, and said, "I'm really very sorry for dragging this out until this moment, but if it's two articles a day, I'd like you all to cheer up, thank you."

It's not good to say anything else if you say it like that. I turned my head to look at it, and Qin Lan happened to turn her head to look at me, her eyes turned and showed a hint of helplessness, but a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth again, nodded, turned her head to look at Wu Moxie, stretched a lazy waist to put down her pen, and said, "Then there's no way around it, it won't take long if we all finish together."

"Well, in that case, the more people who write, the less time we'll have to finish ahead of us as well."

Lin Yiran said, cupping his chin.

Xiang Zhe nodded, then looked at Wu Moxie and said, "It would be good if we could get a few more people to come and write, if we can get eight people together, we'll only need five articles each."

Wu Moxie nodded, and then, looked at me....

Don't look at me! Don't look at me! Don't you know about my interpersonal relationships? Where am I going to find you someone? I'm telling you that you should go to Qin Lan at a time like this... Ah forget it Qin Lan isn't reliable, Qin Lan didn't even mean to bring her friend to the literary club. I don't know why.

However, if you're reasonable, the tennis club should be fine, and the gold and silver medals from the city tournament can be handed in as results, and that's very good. Because of her studies, Li Siqi doesn't plan to enter the provincial tournament, and the school can't argue with that.

Why don't we get Li Siqi and Song Yixin to help us out.

"Why don't we get Li Siqi and Song Yixin from the tennis club to help us out."

I looked at Wu Moxie and said.

Wu Mo Xi thought for a bit, then nodded and said, "Well, that's good, these two should be fine, the literary club and the tennis club have a good relationship. I'll go talk to them."

"Question, who are these two people?"

Raising his hand to Tetsu at my side, he asked.

"The tennis club's big horned bug."

I replied lazily, "Well, it's normal that you don't know this person, you weren't even around when we had dealings with the tennis club.

I believe that if my answer is "data2", Xiang Zhe will definitely pester me to find them and exchange ideas.

I looked at the time, then sighed and closed the book in front of me, stood up and began to pack up my bag. Wu Moxie looked at me and said, "Is it time for the upcoming late study session?"

"Well, soon, but I have to go back a little early, and I have to go back to apologize if I'm angry with the chairman."

Make something that the chairman likes to eat and apologize, I looked at the time, I'll be able to prepare earlier if I go back at this time. Also, I don't know why, but my body isn't feeling too well today, I feel so tired from doing everything.

And a bit of a headache, isn't it because I've been too tired lately, as the saying goes, three women are one drama, but please don't involve me as the lead in the drama okay, I just want to hold a bucket of popcorn on the side and watch, just because these girls have made me a bit mentally depressed lately.

"Well...okay then, but Qin Feng you have to make sure you can finish your share of the story."

Wu Moxie said with a gentle pull on my corner.

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