About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 131.

"How could it be."

I gently raised my hand, which was held in my sister's hand and pressed against her face. The unprecedented feeling of reassurance made me a little drowsy, perhaps because the past two days had made me very tired, and I lay on my sister's lap. There won't be many.

There's no rush, there's no rush, it can be finished, it can be written.

Wu Moxie's face flashed in my mind without shaking a ripple. My consciousness grew fuzzy and I lay on my sister's lap, slowly falling asleep.

I rarely dream, it's said that a perfect sleep is one that doesn't dream, if you dream, it means your brain is still working, this time often means your sleep isn't very good, if I start dreaming, it often means I'm going to wake up, or I just forgot to lock the door then a pervert crawled into my bed and forced me to wash my face.

The surrounding area seems to be where I used to live, no, it should be where I still live, but some of the details are changing. At that time, the room my sister lives in now was not available, because I lived in the same room as her. Well, it was probably a long time ago, but I can't tell when it was.

I rarely dream, but this dream I could perfectly judge that I was dreaming, and looking around, I actually dreamed from a third person perspective, but unfortunately, I couldn't move.


The young cry came from one side of the couch, and I didn't even notice that there was actually someone there. I looked over at the couch, and it wasn't the current couch. At that time, the chairman was still a junior high school student, wearing a junior high school uniform and hugging the young me tightly. Hmm? Was I this short when I was little?

I feel like I'm being held by my sister.

I'm actually crying? Why am I crying and what time is this? How come I don't have that memory? Or why did I forget this memory and when was this?

"Sister...sister...Yiran she's gone ah...why...why...why...ah..."

The younger me hadn't changed my voice and clung tightly to my sister's neck and cried out loudly. My sister hugged me tightly and patted me gently on the back. I was stunned, well, this seemed to be the time when Lin Yiran left the country, I had said that Lin Yiran didn't tell me when he left, so I didn't even know.

So I reacted so strongly at that time.

"Why... does Yiran she hate me anymore? Did I do something to annoy her?"

"No, brother, no, you're doing fine, you're not doing anything wrong."

My sister patted me gently on the back and whispered comfortingly in my ear. I silently onlooked at these two people, I really felt so ashamed.

"Mom and Dad...first Mom and Dad..."

My choked voice was almost masked by the sound of crying, but I could already guess what I would say next. Mom and Dad left me, and then Lin Yiran left again without a word. At that time, the loss of my parents was still a painful thing for me.

It was almost too much to bear.

My sister's hand patting my back paused and a line of tears softly ran down my sister's cheeks. I was really stupid at that time, my sister was also the child of my parents, not only I lost my parents, my sister also lost her parents, this is also a painful memory for my sister, and even more painful for my sensible sister, but I actually pampered my sister because of this, I, I didn't even consider my sister's feelings.

I really wanted to walk over there and slap the past me.

"It's okay, it's okay, brother."

My sister took a deep breath and reached up to wipe away the tears from her face, her inhaled lips were trembling, her voice was shaking, she was pushing back against her desire to cry, she was hardening herself. Just so her stupid brother wouldn't be sad, she was forcing herself not to be sad.

"Sister won't leave you, sister won't leave you."


My sister, really, has never left me.

No matter what time it was, my sister never left me, not so much that she never left me, but that I was always, trying to get rid of her.

Why would I think that? Just for my pathetic self-esteem as a male, or a little silly impulse in my rebellious phase? I looked at my sister who was holding me close and holding back her own tears of sadness, I looked at her face and I felt my own long extinguished conscience tugging at my appearance. I think of things too simple, my sister has never left me, my sister is always there for me, but I don't come home and don't answer my phone because of a random other girl, I may have no problem, but for my sister, this is the feeling of betrayal.

I hated being betrayed and yet, I hadn't considered my sister.

Wanted to apologize, really wanted to apologize.

Not today kind of apology, not an apology to my sister for forgiving me, not an apology to satisfy my personal feelings, not an apology to my sister for any club not for any time. I just want to apologize to my sister, to her for worrying about me and for taking care of me.

I'm sorry, sister.

Open your eyes.

My sister's head was down, her eyes closed, breathing steadily.

My sister's hand was still on my body, my sister's leg was still resting under my head, and the dark but somewhat cloudy sky around me told me that this was the time I was usually supposed to be up. The TV was turned off and my sister was sitting on the couch, her head down, breathing steadily. She still had a smile on her lips and looked, very happy.

Sister, just like that, did you fall asleep sitting on the couch?

Ah, I seem to have forgotten that I'm no longer the same person who could be held by my sister whole, I'm now taller and stronger than my sister, and now it's not quite possible for my sister to pick me up, right?

So, at this time, my sister, in order not to wake me up, was on the couch, sitting and sleeping all night.

Does my head hurt a little because I didn't rest well from dreaming? It shouldn't matter though, my sister's neck is probably going to be even more sore by this time, and her thighs should be numb by now. We all have to go to school today, but Sis isn't thinking about her spirit.

I really am still, I've been causing trouble for my sister.

I gently reached out, stroked my sister's smooth, petite face, looked into her sleeping eyes that were smiling steadily, froze, and gently, lifted my head up, looking at my sister's forehead.

"Sister...really, I'm sorry..."

I gently lifted my head and whispered in my sister's ear.

My sister hmmed softly, not sure if she heard me. But that was enough for me.


I sat up and suddenly realized my sister's phone was underneath her, I curiously picked it up and scratched the lock screen....

"Qin Yun you get up!!!! Last night you actually...you actually...you actually recorded it!!!"

Chapter 92 on my ill-fated club (4)

"Qin Feng...Qin Feng...Qin Feng..."

I opened my eyes slowly, the experience of being shaken awake in my sleep by someone else is not something that happens often for me. Because either I was up early or...there wouldn't be anyone to wake me up. Especially when I'm in the classroom catching up on sleep, which is when I'm supposed to be downstairs running errands, but I escape.

The reason was simple, I had a headache.

I thought it was a headache caused by lack of rest, but I've been in a state of lethargy since this morning, but my headache hasn't eased a bit and has a tendency to get worse. I can't even shake my head, I feel like if I do, all the fluid in my brain will bang, bang, bang against my fragile skull and spill out.

This is very bad, if the pain continues I may not be able to sleep. I thought it was just a small cold, but now it doesn't look like it is at all.


I turned my head sideways and grunted carefully, fighting not to let my head move in any way, or it would really, really hurt, really hurt.

Wu Moxie stood to one side of me, reaching out and gently squeezing the shirt of my arm. Well, thankfully it was Wu Mo Xi, if it was Lin Yiran or something, I guess I would have died of a headache by this time.

"That... let me... let me ask..."

Wu Moxie looked into my eyes and asked carefully, her hand that was squeezing my cuff gently loosened, stepped back, lowered her head, looked at me worriedly, and said, "Qin Feng... are you, not feeling too well."

"Um... some headache."

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