About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 133.

"Oh, Yiran handles things with a Lin's face too, worthy of being Lin's daughter."

The driver laughed. Lin Yiran laughed softly, gently stroked Qin Feng's head and said, "No way, it's, after all, Qin Feng's business."

Wu Mo Xi stumbled around the school building, from the first school building to the second school building only one overpass on the third floor was a shortcut. In order to avoid the first and second year of high school from interfering with the third year of high school, the third year was all in the second teaching building.

"Wu Mo Xi?"

Song Yixin reached the door of the classroom and was surprised to see Wu Moxie stumbling and running towards the footbridge, she sighed heavily, not knowing what was wrong with Wu Moxie this time, but based on her experience last time, it shouldn't be a good thing this time either. It's better to catch up.

Song Yixin spoke to her friends and ran towards Wu Mo Xi with the legs of a tennis player exercised, this time easily grabbing Wu Mo Xi's hand and pulling him down on the runway.

"Let go!"

Wu Moxie gasped and shouted, desperately trying to pull her hand out of Song Yixin's grasp.

"Is it Qin Feng again this time?"

Song Yixin sighed heavily, didn't let go and asked.

"No! It's not that kind of thing! Qin Feng fainted, I have to go tell my sister before I do! So Song Yixin, let go of me first! I'm fine, I'm really fine!"

"Ah... oh..."

Song Yixin was shocked, hearing about Qin Feng fainting, her hand loosened like a reflex, and Wu Mo Xi was shaken, stumbling and running as fast as she could.

"Which hospital did Qin Feng go to?"

Song Yixin stood there and yelled.


Wu Moxie's throat barely managed to squeeze out two words.


Song Yixin stood there, staring at Wu Moxie's back and sighed. At this time, it was okay not to be in a hurry, after all, there was no class yet. But if it was Qin Feng, it was also true that... hmm... what kind of excuse to take some time off to go out? Song Yixin turned back and looked in the direction of the class president's office, pondering.

"Well, President, there's already a group of clubs that have given us their grades, but some of them are more specialized, you know, like some of the art clubs, like painting ah, clay sculpting ah that kind of club. Many of us don't have much knowledge about them...and don't know if they can be used as grades..."

"Well, it's true, it's not a good thing to say anything if we don't understand it...or criticize it...I think, for the time being, we can ask them to explain what's the point of what they're handing in, and if it's done with care, it can be written. "

The President and Vice President walked slowly up the stairs to the classroom, and the President looked at the Vice President beside him and smiled.


"Ah, hello."

"Hello, President."

"Uh-huh you too."

"The President looks beautiful today too!"

"Oh you too."

The president smiled and greeted each of the students passing by, then, walked up the last step.

"Sister Sister!!!"


The Vice-President frowned and looked back at a young girl gripping the handrail, breathing heavily, her hair clinging to her forehead, looking like she'd run as hard as she could.

"Don't run in the hallway,"

The Vice-President said with a frown.

The president tilted his head back, puzzled, and said, "Huh? What do you want from me, Wu Mo Xi?"

"Qin Feng... Qin Feng... Qin Feng... he fainted!"


"President! President!!! Don't run in the hallway!!!"

Chapter 93 on my ill-fated club (V)

I think on that day, everyone who saw that scene would have been shocked. And yes, this scene would have gone on for years if it had been seen by many people.

The alloy gate, nearly a man high. The kind of gate that a lot of schools have, and I'm sure a lot of people hated this gate because it concerned us. But to be fair, it wasn't the door or the wall that held us back, it was the "rules" that were ingrained in our minds. Because if we really wanted to leave, a door that was one person high wouldn't even be able to stop a girl.

The student body president, who darted out of the building at breakneck speed, barely paused, seemingly not even bothering to give a note or talk to an older man, leapt out with one hand.

A man-high door, right over the top. Well, it doesn't matter, it's winter, the maiden isn't wearing a skirt, nothing will show...aww yuck! What am I worried about!

Well, don't think about it. The penalty will be paid.

Oh? What are you thinking?

Well, let me guess. Do you guys think I'm dying of some kind of terminal illness? Or is this the development of Korean drama my head has something wrong with forgetting everyone?


Memory is something that, how to say, humans haven't fully studied and understood. That's why Korean dramas keep using this kind of thing as a synopsis. Because it's okay for me to say that memory loss is a problem, you can't find anything wrong with it anyway, humans just like to imagine randomly on such uncertain things that have already been modularly defined, instead of having little room to play with.

Ahhh, I've said all that already, that should tell you that there's nothing wrong with me, right. In fact I didn't pass out for long, I woke up when I got to the hospital.

After the tests, it was encephalitis. Well, it's not a very serious encephalitis, and it will heal quickly. It will probably only take ten days to heal, and although I strongly urged to go home, Lin Yiran forcefully sent me to the hospital room.

I asked for a bottle of painkillers, otherwise it really hurt.

"So, can you let go now?"

I looked at the chairman who was holding on tightly to my hand and shaking on top of me and put down my glass of water. The few painkillers from before were starting to take effect, at least that's how I felt, it wasn't so painful anymore after all, and in this moment I felt the beauty of life and the power of human technology.


The chairman, with a crying voice, knelt on the floor and lay on my body and kept shaking. I sighed, reached out and gently stroked the president's head and said, "I'm fine, what can I do, so don't be afraid well sister."

My sister trembled under my hand, she gripped my hand harder and cried out.

I could understand, I could understand my sister at this point. It wasn't an overreaction or moaning, my sister and I were the same, we were both extremely sensitive to each other's needs because of what had happened before. For my sister, if anything were to happen to me, my sister's world would completely fall apart.

It looked like our worlds were fixed, but we both had only one pillar.

"I told you I won't leave you, sister, don't worry, I won't leave you."

I gently stroked my sister's head, reassuring her.

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