About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 135.

Lin Yiran and the two of them walked out of the hospital's gates, the icy air hit them, making the chairman who ran out without a jacket shiver, Lin Yiran looked at the chairman, smiled and said, "Sister, I've asked my driver to pick me up, so if you don't mind, I'll take you home."

"Ah, well, that's very kind of you."

The would-be president stared at her for a moment, then gently stroked his hair on his forehead, smiling and nodding.

The two of them walked towards the parking lot, Lin Yi Ran still smiling his usual bright smile. The president didn't say anything and followed Lin Yiran, the two girls were very harmonious but said nothing, but neither of them felt awkward. The two people's temperament is very similar, with a strong queen's temperament, if these two people are wearing high heels workplace clothes, they will probably be taken as the CEO of the two companies.

"Sister be careful."

Lin Yiran walked to the car door and pulled it open, blocking the top edge with his hand. The president smiled and got into the car, then Lin Yiran followed suit and sat in the back row. One left, one right, two very pretty girls with their legs almost crossed in the exact same motion, leaning against the car window and looking out.

"Uncle Wang trouble to take my sister home."

Lin Yiran said. "Good."

Uncle Wang nodded his head and started the car.

The vehicle drove at an even speed on the road, and as a veteran driver, Uncle Wang's driving skills were very good. Along the way, the two girls were looking at me outside with smiles, the dim light of the street lamp moved regularly on the two girls' faces, the girls' faces were sometimes clear and sometimes gray, they sat together, but nothing was heard inside the car.

"Yiran ah, how is Breeze?"

Uncle Wang, perhaps feeling that the atmosphere in the car was too quiet, coughed and asked with a smile.

"Ah, it's nothing, it's just encephalitis, it's not serious, nothing wrong, I guess I'll be discharged soon."

Lin Yiran said with a smile.

Uncle Wang laughed and said, "It's good to be fine, it's good to be fine, I told you, how could young Little Feng be fine, right, and after all, he still wants to marry Yiran and embrace his beauty, such a good life, he will definitely be fine."


Lin Yiran smiled and nodded, not sure if he was feeling shy from the bottom of his heart, or if he was just smiling politely.

The quiet returned inside the car, and this time Uncle Wang didn't know what to say, the chairman still looked out the window with a smile and said nothing.

The car turned a corner, in front of the chairman's house, the chairman looked outside and said, "Just stop here, I'll walk back by myself, don't drive in, it's quite troublesome to get in and out."

"Okay, Uncle Wang, stop."

The vehicle slowed to a stop, the chairman opened the door, then, turning back, suddenly reached out, and hugged Lin Yiran.

"Ah, sister..."

"Thank you, thank you, for today, and Qin Feng."

The chairman patted Lin Yiran's back and said softly in her ear. Lin Yiran was stunned, then, smiling, she put her hand on the president's back and patted it, saying, "It's nothing, it's all what I should do, after all, I love Little Feng just as much as my sister."

The chairman paused, then pushed Lin Yiran away, with a bad smile, and said, "Which kind of love are you talking about? Or is that something I come to think about?"

"Sister, you can think for yourself about that."

Lin Yiran smiled and looked into the chairman's eyes, blue eyes with a wry light. Sister looked into her eyes, smiled, reached out and flicked Lin Yiran's forehead, and said, "You have a bad enough personality."

"Hmph, isn't my sister too, we're each other la. Didn't someone say before that we've always looked alike? Maybe I'm the one who is Qin Yun and you are Lin Yiran oh."

"Haha, Lin Yiran you're such a funny kid."

The president laughed and rubbed Lin Yiran's face hard, then closed the door and watched the car speed up and leave. The would-be president sighed softly, then wrapped his clothes tightly and ran towards home.

Well, what am I doing at this point, you ask? Well, this is rather awkward to say, although Lin Yiran had planned it very well, there was still one thing that he hadn't taken into consideration, and that was, although Lin Yiran had arranged for hospital food to be delivered to me, it was very important....

It's... it's....


The.... East...


I could starve to death and jump from here, and I wouldn't eat a single ration from this hospital!

"It smells good."

I said with my lunchbox, taking a big bite of the food inside. Mmm, it's really delicious...eh? Don't look at me like that, I really didn't eat anything from the hospital, the hospital food was still sitting untouched on my bedside table. Song Yixin smiled and sat to the side, watching me eat.

"Don't worry, I also brought soup, so don't eat too much if you're not feeling well."

After finishing Song Yixin's food, I looked at Song Yixin with some intention, Song Yixin smiled and took out another box of egg soup from the large lunch box on the side. Song Yixin smiled and took another carton of egg soup out of the large lunch box. I took the lunch box, which was not hot, but warm. Song Yixin came in with the lunch box just as I was about to die of hunger, and saw Song Yixin as if she had seen God, but Song Yixin was really God.

The food she cooked smelled so good that I was about to collapse at my own cooking skills.

On Song Yixin's lunch box, I noticed that there was no water mist on the lid when she took it out at first, that is to say, Song Yixin waited until the food had cooled down before putting the lid on. Maybe it's because Song Yixin didn't think it was good or good for her health to have the plastic warmed up, but in the end she had to heat it up in the microwave... Although it seems a bit redundant, Song Yixin's thoughtfulness is evident.

After receiving Song Yixin's soup and taking a sip, the faint fragrance made me very comfortable. I looked at Song Yixin and said, "Thank you very much, Song Yixin, your cooking is really very delicious, ah ah, if I can eat it every day, then I'm really happy."

"Sh... sh... what... you... me... that... this... this... early... early..."

Song Yixin's face suddenly flushed, and under the light could see that even her ears were instantly red, she lowered her head, her fingers desperately stirring together, her toes kicking the stool, not knowing what else to say.

"Well... even if it's only ten days, it's good, I wish I could be taken care of by someone else for a few days. It would be great if I could still eat Song Yixin's food for ten days."

I put down the lunch box I had finished and said with satisfaction. These ten days then are absolutely perfect for me, because after all, I finally have my real vacation, I don't have to do anything for these ten days, I just need to stay in bed. It's not like I'm someone who necessarily needs to be active, and for me, it's perfectly fine to stay in bed for a day.

I don't need to think about anything during these ten days, I'm going to be an invalid in peace. Well, I'm already almost an invalid wind, so you guys have to take good care of me.

"That... that... if you don't mind, for these ten days, I'll cook for you..."

Song Yixin clamped her legs tightly between her legs, lowered her head, and whispered.

"Ah, that's really appreciated, but the final exams are soon, and Song Yixin you're also very busy, do you have time?"

But Song Yixin is different from me, she reckons that she only needs to cook for one person, but I'm cooking for Qin Lan by the way to make my share and the chairman's share. So Song Yixin...forget about it I won't need to make this kind of excuse to appease my somewhat embarrassed heart, eat all this time some worry about Song Yixin is also too late, cooking this kind of thing, no matter how many people, is basically the same time and effort consuming.

"No problem, I don't have anything to do during dinner time, I'll send you over at lunch and dinner, it's not very far. I took off from studying late today, so I just happened to go back and cook a bit, so if I'm not here tonight, I guess you'll be starving to death, Qin Feng. But I'll be happy if you let me cook for you in the future, after all, it's not often that I get this kind of opportunity to be praised by others ah." Song Yixin looked at me and said with a smile, "Maiden this is a bit wrong, why do you look so happy when I need your help ah, well... Throwing that away, I'm still very happy.

After all, come to think of it, the chairman can't cook, Qin Lan can't cook, Wu Mo Xi can't cook, and although Lin Yiran can have his family cook and bring it over, I don't think it really may be as good as Song Yixin's cooking. Song Yixin silently cleaned up the wreckage, then looked at me and said, "It looks like you've recovered, Qin Feng."

"Well... other than a headache that still hurts a bit, there's nothing wrong with me. I really don't think it's necessarily necessary to stay here for ten days, but since the doctor said so, I'd rather stay like this."

"It's not as comfortable as living at home this way, and it's expensive, isn't it."

Song Yixin looked at my single-person hospital room and said.

Damn it! I had really forgotten about this, and to be reasonable, this kind of ward must be very expensive, but Lin Yiran hadn't said anything about it at all, so I didn't think about it. However, a portion of the money Lin Yiran spent should also belong to me in itself, although it was later....

I'll be sure to thank Lin Yiran after I'm discharged from the hospital this time.

I nodded, and then said, "Well, that's what I thought too, but, well, the doctor said that, so maybe he had his considerations in mind. I don't understand it either, and since we don't understand it, we shouldn't question people's professionals."

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