About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 137.

Even if it's family, you have to think about the other person, and you can't make them give without limit just because it's family.

Wu Moxie seemed to be worried that I would go back on my word, and after saying goodbye, she walked out of the hospital room. I sighed and reached for a towel to silently wipe my body. Because I had just finished wiping Wu Mo Xi's face, and now I felt that the towel still had a faint fragrance on it, I couldn't help but put it on my face and take a few deep breaths....

Hey, hey, hey! Isn't that just a perversion?!

In my mind's eye a pervert holding my clothes and breathing...hey right my pajamas and stuff are still at home that dead pervert won't be holding or wearing them to bed tonight! Well, I'll have to wash my pajamas properly when I get back...never mind not washing them I'll buy new ones!

I threw the towel in the water and wrung it out and started to wipe myself off, I don't remember much from today but I woke up with a layer of sweat on my body, I wiped my upper body off and put my hospital gown back on.

I smiled bitterly, I don't think I have no after-effects as the doctor said, my after-effects are horrible that I've become stupid. I simply took off my coat, and then my pants. Well, I can't take a shower now anyway, so I'll just have to scrub myself properly.

There won't be anyone else coming, at this time of day. I took a look at the time, and it's almost 10:30 at this time. If there's anyone else at this time, then this person probably won't be able to go back. I rubbed myself and recalled today's events.

Lin Yiran was by my side from the start.

The president of the meeting was just a little bit late.

Then there's Song Yixin who came to deliver food.

And finally, Wu Mo Xi.

I was mentally disappointed, although I didn't care who would come to visit me, I felt that I didn't have many friends... No, I can't say that, I should say that in these busier times, people don't have to come to see a patient with a less serious condition. I'm busy with club stuff and preparing for final exams. Even if no one comes, I'm not complaining about anything.

Or rather, such things as visiting the sick, no matter if the condition is good or bad or when, it's up to the person visiting the sick to decide. It's up to others to choose such things, and not because of how the patient is doing, and I understand that, so I'm not really looking forward to having someone come to visit me.

But, for some reason, I'm still expecting someone to come visit me. But that person, I don't think, will come today.

It's okay, reasonable, there should be a text message or a message, too.

Pick up the phone....

Well, it's so clean, my phone is very good. Definitely doesn't drive OCD to death because phone messages penguin all perfect nothing hahahahahahahaha nothing....

I tossed my phone aside with some irritation and wiped my hair. Lately, I've been feeling a little strange about myself. Have I experienced the joy of socializing with other people? I feel like the kind of nothing I longed for when I started school won't happen, and that my stable high school life has been torn to shreds a little bit by my own hands.

However, I didn't feel regret.


Huh? Who turned off the lights?

Ten minutes ago.

"Don't bother Lin Yiran, I'll just go back by myself, it's okay Qin Feng, I'll be fine, I'll just take a taxi back if I'm really scared. I'll give you a text message when I get home, okay."

Wu Moxi gently closed the door, carrying her backpack over her chest and sighed softly, she stood in the doorway and looked at her palm. Thinking about the clear touch behind the boy, and the familiar mint fragrance of the boy's body, for the first time, she was still so close to him.

At the thought, the girl couldn't help but sneak a smile and turned around.

"Finished playing?"

In the corner, a figure gently stood up, patted his own buttocks, and looked at her.

Wu Moxie was shocked, she didn't even notice that there was a person sitting by the wall. She was startled, and under the light of the hospital corridor, Qin Lan was looking at her with a familiar smile.

"Ah... Lan Lan, you're also here to visit Qin Feng, right."

Wu Moxie looked at Lan Lan, actually feeling a little weak and scared inside herself. But she didn't know why, and if it came down to it, she didn't have anything to be afraid of.

"You know what? I've been out there since you started rubbing your back."

Qin Lan smiled and gently walked away from Wu Mo Xi, Wu Mo Xi stayed where he was, almost feeling that there was nothing friendly about the current Qin Lan.

"You know what? I've been very tolerant without pushing the door in and interrupting you. Moxie, you know what? Your relationship with Qin Feng is not particularly good yet, so I still hope that, as a girl, you can have some self-respect."

Qin Lan stood in the doorway, not looking at Wu Moxie, but using a voice that was no different than usual, not humble. Ah, no, this idiom was a bit inappropriate to use on Qin Lan now, but if it was Wu Moxi, it would fit the idiom.


Wu Mo Xi turned his back to Qin Lan and asked.

"Because, forget it, there's no need for me to hide it anymore, and you should be able to tell that I like Qin Feng. So, I don't want you to have too much contact with Qin Feng. Seeing the boy you like with another girl would make anyone unhappy, right?"

Qin Lan took a deep breath, turned her head, looked at Wu Mo Xi, laughed softly and continued, "Well, Mo Xi, we're also good friends now, do this favor, don't go near Qin Feng anymore, give me a little chance isn't it good? We're all friends already, right, so help me out best friend."

Wu Moxie took a deep breath, and the girl's fists clenched tightly.

Yes, Wu Mo Xi also knew that she was a person with little courage. Qin Lan was and is the kind of shining girl she dreamed of becoming, Qin Lan was a distant existence in her eyes. Her own idol, that perfect girl, had also sort of begged herself for something, and she, herself, should have been the one to agree to it, and to remember her humiliation as glory.

But right now, there was a flame of anger burning inside of myself. It was a flame that burned down your veins, in your brain, in your heart, on every inch of your skin, and could not be extinguished at all.


Wu Moxie turned back and looked at Qin Lan without being humble, the young girl had already cut off her bangs, and at this time, two pairs of black eyes clashed deadly with each other. Qin Lan was stunned, must not have thought that this young girl, at this time, so tough.

"I... I like Qin Feng too! So, I won't let it!"

Wu Mo Xi looked at Qin Lan, took a deep breath and said firmly.

Chapter 96 on my ill-fated club (End)

I don't like night attacks. No matter who the other person is, I'm a person with a very large wake-up problem, if it comes to that. And a night attack will inevitably wake me up, especially if some pervert is so well developed that sleeping with my head in my hands was very reassuring when I was little, but now it just makes me breathless and suffocates me awake.

So every time I woke up because I couldn't breathe, I abhorred this cleanser that a lot of guys expected, in fact, I wouldn't have resisted so much if it would have been long for her to lay on her side or not to bury my head in it, not that I expected it, of course, just that I could accept it.

Huh? There seems to be something wrong with what I'm saying about all the night raids I've hated, not just the passive or active ones. The President's night attack was fine, the most painful and scary as the Resident Evil 7 demo I've experienced so far was probably the Qin Lan's night attack.

But now, I'd also like to say that even though it's dark and I can't see anything, a man jumped on me and I knew it!

"Not...who?! What are you doing? Whew!"

One hand fiercely covered my eyes and the other grabbed both of my hands and pressed them to the bed in a death grip. I didn't realize the strength of my visitor was so strong, pressing my hands to the bed in a death grip. Or rather, I thought I recovered, but after all, I was a little weaker when I fainted and woke up again.

Then the towel that was supposed to be in my hand was slammed into my mouth and my mind went blank, what was happening? No way. Someone's trying to kidnap me? I don't know what's so important about me that I deserve to be kidnapped by a man, and if you want money for that, then I'm sorry you kidnapped the wrong man!

Hey, hey, hey, Maiden, what are you doing? You're breaking the law now you know that! And I'm not sure where you got the strength to do that! Let go of me, please! Let go of me, okay? Let's talk about this, okay?

No, no, no! Young lady, get your hands off my panties! Now this is my last barrier! No! Don't do that!

The young woman's violent breathing was right in my ears, and my eyes adjusted to the darkness to see the scattered hair hanging down as Sadako came out to pounce. I couldn't see her face, but I could feel the manic heat of Qin Lan's exhale flowing over my face, as if Qin Lan's face was only centimeters from mine.

With one hand pressed firmly against mine, the other was working back and forth against the masculine defenses of my human dignity and chastity. My body struggled desperately to avoid it, but this became instead a crime of helping Chinashi, and, even though I was fighting desperately now, my instincts as a healthy male couldn't stop me, I could feel it....

My muscles are gradually gathering.


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