About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 141.

Footsteps came softly from beside her, and the president turned around to see the serious face of the vice president. She smiled, then said, "I'm sorry ah, I was late this morning, and I couldn't come."

"It's nothing, I thought the chairman was sick too. And worried a bit."

The vice chairman walked over to the president, then leaned against the railing, looked down at the jogging crowd, and said, "The president might still be late these days."

"Hmm? Why, don't look at me like that, I still know how not to be late as much as possible!"

The President smiled and patted his friend on the shoulder, and the Vice President looked at the President, stared, and then said, "Is it possible that you can handle your life without your brother's words?"


The president stared dumbly at the vice-chairman's face and opened his mouth, but nothing came out. His own throat seemed to be blocked by something, and there were countless words he wanted to say in his brain, but he couldn't say a single word. So humiliating, it was clear that I was going to fight back, but yet, I found myself fighting back, so weak and feeble.


The would-be president spoke softly, smiling.

It was the end of first period in the morning, and after getting up in a panic and starting to wash up, there was no one else in the house, and naturally there would be no breakfast, nor would there be time for breakfast.

Your own life, after not having your brother, was a mess from the beginning, it wasn't supposed to be like this, it wasn't supposed to be like this, didn't you live the same way when your brother was young? Why can't you live now?

Obviously, I thought my brother was only a support for me, but now I find that he actually constitutes my life. The sharpness of one's own original strength has been worn away by the gentleness of one's brother, leaving one already dependent on his brother's care. Without my brother, I could do nothing.

Originally, the idea was that my brother couldn't live without me, and I was supposed to worry about what my brother would do after I left, but now it seemed that all I had to worry about was, at all, what I would do without my brother.

"I can't do without my brother."

The President looked at the Vice President and smiled.


I sneezed hard at the infusion I was on, I frowned and pulled out a tissue to wipe my hands and mouth, then thought about how to untangle the opposite field next. Counting the damage on my hand, I was most likely going to get killed if I didn't have a line break and god draw next turn.

Firestorm plus Fireball dot dot dot.

Ah, no unraveling.

I clicked surrender and started matching up for the next game. I looked out the window, I couldn't see much of the sky from my place, but maybe it was kind of warm today? After all, the sky was still quite blue, not as cold as if it was frozen.

After sending Qin Lan away, I caught up on some sleep and was quite comfortable. When I woke up, the sister nurse came over to tie up the needles and infuse the fluids, so I'll probably be staying in bed this morning.

Pulling my eyes back, I glance at the remaining fluids, less than a third left, not bad, it's going much faster than I thought it would. I looked at my phone and started my next game. It was actually quite like playing a game of a certain Pioneer, except that I now had one hand that wasn't very mobile.

There really isn't much to do with my life right now, if that makes sense. It's not that I'm thinking about being lazy, but I really don't have anything to do. But it's giving me an uneasy feeling. Probably the kind of feeling that people who are usually very busy all the time and suddenly have nothing to do, the huge contrast would be hard to bear.

Usually I've been complaining about when I can have a good rest and never have to work, but when this kind of life really comes, it's a bit unbearable. Humans are really contradictory organisms, or rather, the things that humans complain about are actually things that they can't give up.

The shaman we encountered this time wasn't very good at playing, and he quickly blew him away. He won three games and got gold coins, just enough to buy a pack of cards. Well, with my African bloodline it was bound to be a crush of rare equal to none. I casually clicked on the packs of cards and flipped them open one by one, and sure enough, there were no orange cards.

I've been playing for so long it seems I've only opened one orange card....

I sighed and looked at the game, not really wanting to keep playing it. Turned off the game and pulled one side of the computer over. The nice thing about computer games is that not all of them require two hands, there are plenty of games that can be played with one hand.

A quick glance at the sling and it was already going to the bottom. I called the nurse and then cowered under the covers and turned on Geometry Dash.

Looking at the very simple geometric squares on the screen, I was a little dazed for some reason. I felt a sense of boredom and helplessness emanating directly from within my body, I had said I could stay in bed for a full ten days but now I felt like I couldn't possibly, I was now feeling very bored even one morning. If it were a normal day, I should be doing nothing in class at this time, but even doing nothing in class is actually better than looking at my computer and holding my phone to pass the time, this feeling, it's really a torture.

The reason I'm so idle is because I don't have anyone else to take care of. The Chairman should be fine, after all, it was the Chairman who was taking care of me before. There shouldn't be any problem, I guess... there won't be....

I'm not sure that I can take care of myself now that I've been taking care of the president. Like I said, with something like codependency, both sides are to blame. And when something goes wrong on the codependent side, the codependent side has to take the blame as well.

If the chairman was late today because I wasn't there, then it's partly my fault. If you look at it that way, I've abandoned my responsibility and found a good reason to be lazy that the chairman can't refuse. The president is now facing the entrance exams and she is under a lot of pressure...right....

Well, I don't think I can get pressure from a pervert who shouts "brother brother brother brother brother" and comes at me.

However, I still feel something strange inside.

Looking at the time, I think someone will be here soon to serve food.

I don't know how the chairman is going to eat.

Picking up my phone, I looked at the few numbers in my address book and dialed.

"Hey, brother, what's up? Is it because you haven't seen your dear sister for half a day so you miss her and want to be pampered ah."

The voice over there was still quite normal, I was relieved, but this dead pervert was still so unsettled, I sighed and said, "I was worried that you would starve to death, so I made a phone call to ask."

"Ah, there's no problem with me, how could there be any problem with someone as big as me (suck), right right, even if I'm stupid, I can still eat (suck)."

Well, I do believe that, but what I'm very worried about now is why the breathing from the other side....

"What are you doing?"

I think it's better to ask, though I've gotten that little bit of an idea. I hope this is never true, and if it is, then I'm going to get out of bed right now and go over there and cut that pervert down.

"Me? I...I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything!"

The voices over there suddenly panicked, suspicious, very suspicious! Very, very, very suspicious. I really should start getting ready to get dressed if my thoughts come true.

"What are you doing, you turn on facetime right now and if I see a single thread in the camera that belongs to my clothes I'm coming over there right now to kill you."

"I...I...I'm not sucking on my brother's pajamas (suck)! Ah...ah...the taste of my brother..."

"You better enjoy the last few days of your life, you're going to be in here when I get out, and you're probably never going to get out!"

I viciously hung up the phone and threw it aside.

"Ta-ta... Qin Feng, Qin Feng, I'm coming in ah."

A very polite knock sounded at the door, and Song Yixin's voice came in from outside the door.

"Ah, hmm."

The door was gently pushed open, and Song Yixin walked in with a smile on her face, holding my familiar large lunch box, and said, "Well, it's good that I'm not late, right? I prepared some lighter ones for lunch today, no problem right Qin Feng."

"Mm, no problem. Thank you Song Yixin!"

I looked at Song Yixin's face and said gratefully.

Song Yixin smiled and waved her hand and said, "It's fine, no need to thank me, if it's so troublesome if you have to be polite every time I come over, I'll go and heat it up for you, you wait a bit."

Song Yixin brought out the food and rice, I looked a little gluttonous, actually I think as long as this kind of thing is already cooked, even if it's cold, it doesn't matter right, but for Chinese food, the temperature does affect the taste of the food, this is a very important thing ah.

"By the way Qin Feng, did something very happy happen to you just now?"

Song Yixin walked to the door, suddenly turned back, looked at me and asked.

"Huh? There's nothing particularly happy about it, rather something very unpleasant has just happened to me."

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