About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 146.

Wu Moxie looked at me with nervousness and anxiety on her face and asked me shakily.

"Well, it's true, I don't have to lie to you. If I don't like eating you, then I'll just eat Song Yixin's share."

I looked at Wu Moxie, reached out and touched her head, and said, "It's really delicious, really."

"It is... is it?!"

Wu Moxi raised her head, and a beautiful smile bloomed on her face, the kind of smile that was brilliant, brighter than the warm red sun in winter. I looked stunned for a few seconds, Wu Moxie happily stood up, reached out and pressed her hand to her face, actually hummed a song I was not familiar with, she lightly picked her way to the door and walked out.

Hey hey hey maiden what's wrong with you?

I helplessly looked at Wu Mo Xi's back, and I saw Song Yixin's and my expressions were similar.

Song Yixin sighed, sat down both, looked at me with her face propped up, and said, "It looks like Wu Mo Xi is going out to cool off, I didn't see that Qin Feng you're also quite good at provoking girls."

"But I'm telling the truth, although I've brought some lies with me. However, isn't there a time in this world when it's all about lies?"

I ate the tomatoes and scrambled eggs in front of me, and to be reasonable, this dish was really well made, which I wasn't lying to Wu Mo Xi, I was really picky about this aspect of food, and if it really wasn't good, then I really wouldn't eat a bite of it.

"So, Song Yixin, thank you."

I ate the tomatoes and scrambled eggs, then said.

"Huh? Thank me, for what?"

Song Yixin was stunned and looked at me, puzzled.

"It's obvious that you taught Wu Moxie how to cook, how could that idiot Wu Moxie suddenly learn to cook. No need to explain, I can tell that this dish has your taste in it."

I turned my head and looked at the stunned Song Yixin, then said, "You really have a lot of heart, you even made another serving so as not to expose it, you've taken such good care of me and Wu Mo Xi, thank you so much, Song Yixin. The food you cooked is really delicious. I can feel the taste of your food with you in it."

Song Yixin stared at me blankly for two seconds, and then I seemed to be able to see the redness that was spreading a little on her face. She fiercely stretched out her hand to cover her face and jumped up, running out of the hospital room with the speed of a runner.

I was stunned at the sight of her, hmm, why did she suddenly run out as well, did Song Yixin also need to calm down? What happened, Song Yixin's words, I guess there's no need to be shy for such a thank you.

I silently finished the tomatoes and scrambled eggs in front of me, then put them to the side and stretched my back. Well, it must be a good habit to take a nap lately!

"Nah...brother...don't do that...ahhh...brother..."

"It's okay, Sister, let me do it. It's okay, Sis..."

"Ouch! Ah... brother... brother..."

"Sister...from now on, you're mine..."

I yuck!

I sat up sharply, gasping for air, my back already damp with sweat. What was that just now! What was that? Why am I having these dreams? Why am I having these dreams! What does this dream mean!

Calm down, calm down, and go remember....

I yuck! How else to remember such dreams! Isn't that a spring dream? But I've never had this dream before...well okay actually I have before...but the lady of the house is definitely not my sister! How can the lady of the house be my sister? Why is it her?

No, no, no, this kind of dream isn't a spring dream if the heroine is the sister, it's a nightmare! I woke up scared! Such dreams can't exist! Have I said before that dreams are something that is either experienced or desired to be experienced, something that I must not have experienced...don't look at me like that I really haven't experienced it! Really really never experienced it!

So, that means that my subconscious actually yearns to do this with my sister! Why is this, why is this? Let's think about it, first of all, I'm a normal guy, so it's not like it's not okay for me to have these dreams, it's normal for me to desire this kind of thing, then the next thing we have to deal with is the main character, I have no problem with the male lead, well, for the female lead, I have a lot of options okay!

I also said yesterday that I like Lin Yiran's body, even if it's not Lin Yiran, what about Qin Lan, what about Wu Mo Xi, what about Song Yixin? I have so many options, I think I'm the only one who wouldn't think that way about my sister!

But now, I'm having this dream.

And I would never have dreamt about my sister before, but why, is it because my sister and I have had a cold relationship lately? Or can't you see your sister? Hey hey hey can't be, I'm not a sister control and I feel like life is so much more wonderful without that pervert.

Why? Why is this happening?

I sighed as my frenzied heartbeat calmed down and gradually returned to its original speed, the sweat on my back disappearing and I felt a bit more refreshed. For a dream, did I feel like I was overreacting a bit? But, just because of this dream, maybe I can find some bad omens!

You can't be too careful with this kind of thing!

I looked to my side and froze.

Beside me, black hair spread out on the edge of the bed like black seaweed. A furry head was by my leg. I froze, and the dead pervert was on his knees, lying on the edge of my bed, resting gently on his arm, sleeping peacefully.

I froze, was this dead pervert really my sister's dead pervert? Why, I was sleeping at this time completely defenseless, normally this dead pervert would have rolled over and gotten under the covers and given me a chest burying kill, then I would have had a nightmare like the one I just had because I couldn't breathe...and then I would have been kicked down the stairs, that's it.

I look at her puzzled, why is this dead pervert suddenly so much like a sister? Are you just going to stare at me? And then you fell asleep on the edge of the bed like that?

"Fuck off, you better see how different you are from the sister in there before you want that kind of drama to happen. If you can do that sister look, I might have a forbidden love affair with you."

I gently reached out my hand and touched my sister's furry head, sighing softly.

Don't be like that....

In that case, wouldn't you not be...my sister at all?

I want my sister, not someone else's sister. Even if she was perverted and liked to harass me, that was my irreplaceable sister.

I got off the bed and walked over to my sister and gently picked up my kneeling sister.

My sister's soft sleeping face was beside me, I looked at her sleeping face and froze, I had never seen such soft sleeping face of my sister before, this sleeping face was really so feminine, so cute, so defenseless. I just realized that my sister, in fact, is a girl, too.

Her weight, surprisingly, was so light. Almost, no weight at all.

She was my sister, the last of my family, but she was also, ah, a girl.

I gently put my sister on the bed, and I stared at her face, at her soft, red lips, at her fair, smooth skin, and I inhaled deeply....

Bend over....

Gently, bend over....

Chapter 102 About My Unbreakable Fiancée (End)

Well, it's a weekend.

A weekend, a short break after a five-day work week, is what mankind looks forward to. What should human beings be looking forward to? Perhaps what human beings are looking forward to is not two days of rest, but two days of rebellion after five days of being bound by rules. If every day is a break, such a two-day holiday does not make people feel happy in the least. It was because of those five days of working days that the weekend was precious to humans.

I sat dumbly on my bed, looking out at the serene sky, a day that is early morning in the summer, but at this time, it was already eight o'clock.

But eight o'clock is a rather strange time for me, because usually at this time of the weekend I am completely awake, while at eight o'clock I am usually dazed. However, today is also a rest day for me, although I've been resting lately, but the weekend wouldn't be so boring.

However, the fact that I actually woke up in the middle of a weekend day so early as 8:00 a.m. means that today is a very strange day. No, to put it in perspective, the twenty-four hours of every day are the same, not that they are different, but the things humans give to make the exact same time different.

Well, today, I'm going to see my uncle.

Normally, maybe it's a visit between family members and I don't need to be so nervous, but for some reason I've been having a bout of panic since last night. I've seriously thought about why I'm so nervous, and I haven't pondered the results of drinking two cartons of milk, and this nervousness is something completely irrational but real.

Was it...was it because of the self-imposed vibe of my uncle, a no-nonsense man?

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