About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 148.

Lin Yiran clutched her hands together nervously and lowered her head without looking at me, I tried to look at Lin Yiran's eyes but couldn't.

"Well... well... how can I put it... Lin Yiran is a wonderful girl... . both in appearance, and in ability."

I looked at my uncle, deliberating over my words. Actually, I think this deliberation is completely meaningless, because I still don't think what I said is happy. However, I felt this way from the bottom of my heart, and didn't consider what Lin Yiran thought.

"How can I understand the word outstanding?"

My uncle touched his jaw, then looked at me and said, "So you think Lin Yiran is a good woman, don't you, and do you know any better women by comparison?"

The better ones certainly have....

But can't talk about it here.

I shook my head.

"So, do you have a favorite girl?"

"Uncle... this is early love..."

"So, in other words, you don't have any favorite females, or any more outstanding candidates."

My uncle looked at me, then reached out, gently handed me Lin Yiran's hand, looked at me, and said seriously, "So, you and Lin Yiran can settle things."


Lin Yiran's hands were trembling, she lowered her head, it looked like she was going to be more nervous than me. I looked at my uncle in puzzlement, the huge amount of information that hit me was too much for me to process, my uncle looked at me and seemed to know that the possibility of me accepting it immediately was basically non-existent, he frowned and said, "Qin Feng, you also need to know that we don't have more time for you to engage in any ambiguous play Korean drama, you also need to know that life itself is not romantic, you've been lucky to have such an excellent Lin Yiran! Girls go like that, I hope you don't have any overly high expectations for the future, with all due respect, the girl who can suit you better than Lin Yiran will basically never be found again."

"Ah... um... I know..."

I know, I understand, the future isn't romantic, or life just isn't romantic, and I have no higher expectations for the future. Could there be a better girl for me in the future than Lin Yiran? I don't think so, I think.

"Do you know how busy Lin Yiran has been these past few days? In order to write that reading note of yours, Lin Yiran almost stayed up all night last night. Don't you think you should return the favor when you can have a girl like this do it for you? Do you think such a thing as love really exists? Rather, it's because you want to love each other so you have love. You'll gradually fall in love with Lin Yiran as long as you're with him, don't worry."

My uncle looked at me and didn't even give me a chance to retort. Or rather, the matter itself was already set in stone. I didn't think that anything I said would be useful, I had long since stopped thinking that there could be any point in resisting such things, and the sooner I lost faith in life, the less I would be hurt by it.

Lin Yiran's hand trembled in front of me, and if I held it at this point, what life would follow? I didn't know how much of a shock this one might have on my life. In the past, the identity of the two of us wasn't fully established, but if I just held on to it, my next future would be completely locked up.

"Qin Yun didn't object to it either, as your sister chose to accept it for your happiness, so don't disappoint your sister either."

Uncle looked at me, then said, "So, let's just settle this matter, during winter break, I'll call the people who should be here, and you'll formally establish your relationship. How about it, Lin Yiran, is it okay."

Lin Yiran trembled and raised her head, the redness on her face all the way to the back of her ears, she looked at my face and gently, nodded her head.

"I... I'm fine..."

Lin Yiran's voice was small, but, firm.

Everyone's eyes were on me.

What should I do?

I looked over to my sister's side.

My sister, however, had her back to me.

My uncle's eyes were locked dead on me, and I wanted to argue, but there was no way I could argue, my uncle's words completely blocked my retreat, and I had no reason to argue at all.


As I said, I don't care about the life that others have designed for me. Even if it's unreasonable, even if it's somewhat irrational, I know that there's no point in resisting it.

So I choose to accept it.

I reach out my hand... gently.


That trembling hand....

Chapter 103 About My Incorrigible Ex-Girlfriend (I)

"So, the matter with Qin Feng is settled then, Yiran?"

Uncle Lin looked ahead, gently toggled the steering wheel, looked at his daughter in the back seat, who was staring against the glass of the car, and asked.

Lin Yiran looked out the window at the flowing scenery with a hint of a smile on his face. However, there was more tiredness, or rather, doubt, in the eyes.

Being with Qin Feng, this one thing had been on his mind for more than a full decade.

Now, this dream was closest to him.

However, he wasn't very happy, or, just felt tired.

"So with you and Qin Feng's matter confirmed, I'm going to start preparing, if this matter, do you have any of your school friends to invite to the banquet? And if there's a ring, it's definitely too late to order it at this time, so let's buy one first, and we'll end up replacing it anyway."

Uncle Lin didn't care about his daughter's silence, rather he knew why, it really wasn't that kind of cheerfulness after that ideal was realized, more, just silence and tiredness.

"Then, congratulations, Yiran, for being able to marry the person you love."

After a silence, Uncle Lin said gently.

The young girl in the back seat moved gently, her eyes returning to the car from in front of her, looking at her father who was driving in the front row, sighed and smiled bitterly, gently raising her own right hand, carefully examining her ivory-like beautiful hand, her own hand, which had just been taken by her favorite boy, promising her future.

"What's the matter, what's on your mind? Your mother didn't come, but if you have any thoughts, you can talk to dad. If you don't like Qin Feng, at this time, it's fine to let dad go and refuse."

Uncle Lin moved somewhat uncomfortably, hesitantly saying that he still understood his own daughter. For his own daughter, this expression and manifestation was definitely not some kind of happy or momentary sadness, but downright unhappy and irritated. Could it be that her own daughter simply didn't like Qin Feng? Was everything before just an illusion manifested for its own sake?

"No dad, I was able to get engaged to Qin Feng, this thing, it's simply happiness unreal."

The words happiness were spoken, but Lin Yiran still sighed heavily, she looked at her father and continued, "Dad, I truly love Qin Feng, I've always loved the only gentle one in this ungentle world, and to be able to be with him, I feel like my life has no purpose anymore."

"Then you should be happier, we still have to go have a nice party and invite all of your friends over. After all, it's something everyone should be happy about."

"No, dad."

Lin Yiran looked in her father's direction and smiled helplessly, she picked up her phone, her own address book was very simple, it might as well have been Qin Feng's address book. However, the owners of these rare phone numbers were her friends.

"You see father, my friend, won't feel happy about this matter with me."

Lin Yiran gently pressed out the phone, none of her own friends would feel happy about this kind of thing, right? Whether it was Wu Moxie or Song Yixin, or, for that matter, Qin Lan.

Discovering your best friend's cosmetics in the home of the boy you liked, this was simply an indelible memory. Although he had forgiven Qin Feng, he simply couldn't forget it.

Uncle Lin moved awkwardly and gently stopped the car, waiting for the red light ahead. It was obviously a short distance, but now Lin Yiran felt like he had literally gone through another journey from the United States to China, and was tired of being a few hours above that earth.

But at that time, he still had the ability to see Qin Feng, a pillar of the soul in, although tired, but he was still with a smile, his brain can not help but imagine all kinds of Qin Feng, but, when he saw the real Qin Feng, only to find that this Qin Feng is the most delightful.

But now, the current self was not happy in the slightest.

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