About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 153.

Qin Lan didn't mind the smile, she looked at Lin Yiran and continued, "Yes, I lost once before, but now, I'm not willing to lose again. I've also liked Qin Feng for as long as you have, and I've liked him as much as you have, I was with Qin Feng until now I know every detail about him, with all due respect, Yiran, now, for us, you're a later."

Lin Yiran's hand clenched and didn't reply.

"I won't give up on Qin Feng because of anything, I made a mistake before, I overly cared about my feelings for you, now, no matter what happens, I won't give up on my feelings for Qin Feng, even if you come back again, even if you and Qin Feng are engaged and married, I will always stay by Qin Feng's side."

Qin Lan looked at Lin Yiran, smiled, and said, "But it looks like my initial worry was unnecessary, Lin Yiran, you're not that important in Qin Feng's heart at all now, or is it because Qin Feng dated you before that you think you can have no fears? Want to skip Qin Yun and go straight to Qin Feng? You're too naive to think about it, if that's the kind of opponent you are, I don't think you're worth a damn!"


"Nonsense, Yiran, I care about my feelings for you, but if this conflicts with Qin Feng's feelings, I don't care in the slightest."

Sitting upright, she looked at Lin Yiran, who had anger on his face across the room, raised a smile and said, "I didn't call you here this time to comfort you, rather, I came to declare war on you and see your defeated dog-like expression. Isn't that right, defeated dog?"


Lin Yiran's angry look was no longer going to be suppressed, she fiercely copied up the table, her own still steaming glass of milk, and looked at Qin Lan furiously.

Qin Lan didn't even move, but looked at Lin Yiran, who had raised her glass of milk, closed her eyes and sneered, "Spill it, and after that, I'll take it that you've accepted me..."


A glass of hot milk, solidly slapped in the young girl's face.

The neighborhood was quiet for a moment, watching in amazement as two beautiful girls suddenly struck, one of them splashing milk at the girl across the street.

"You don't have to tell me I'll spill it."

Lin Yiran stood and looked at Qin Lan, who was across the street with milk running down her face. Without crying out in pain or wiping, she just quietly let the milk run down her face, as if she could still watch the steam float. With a sneer, Lin Yiran continued, "Qin Lan, no matter what, you've got one thing wrong, I don't just like the Qin Feng of the past, I also like this Qin Feng of the present, and even now, Qin Feng is still the only gentle point in this ungentle world. Qin Lan, you don't really think that you'll be able to use it as a weight just because you've been with me for a few more years, in such matters, time and space are not a problem, since you want this, let's do this, and return your words to you, no matter what, I won't give up on Qin Feng."

Lin Yiran dashingly turned back and turned around to leave, but suddenly his own shoulder was grabbed hard and Lin Yiran was tugged back to meet a glass of orange juice.

"So then, let's, let's duel. How about it, ex-girlfriend?"

The white milk splattered as she tossed her hair. She looked at Lin Yiran, who had orange juice running down his face, and smirked.

"Ah, as you wish! How about I'm Qin Feng's incorrigible ex-girlfriend?"

Lin Yiran tossed her hair, and the two girls, smirking, looked at each other.

"Yeah, actually, I've also, always liked Qin Feng."

Song Yixin smiled bitterly, then said, "If you can't hide it, you can't hide it. If you want to hit me now, it doesn't matter."

Wu Mo Xi looked at Song Yixin, then smiled bitterly, gently walked to Song Yixin's side, stretched out his hand, and hugged her.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... for taking so long... making you pay so much for me and Qin Feng... I'm sorry... Yixin..."

"It's okay..."

Song Yixin was stunned, her nose was sore, and with a trembling voice, she gently, rubbed against Wu Moxie's face and said, "It's okay, it's okay, you're my good friend. No matter what it is..."

"Well...no matter what, it's always a good friend..."



What's life like for a girl with a brother? Or what kind of life is it like to have another person in one's life, a child called "Sister", in addition to one's parents?

What does it mean for a girl to be a "sister"? Or, for a two or three year old girl, she wouldn't even understand the whole being a sister thing, I guess. The meaning of something like a younger brother, for a girl, is changing over time.

Then, when Wu Moxie, who was small, saw her newborn brother, her feelings should be the same as Qin Yun looking at her own brother, right? No, there shouldn't be many sisters who could crawl to their brother's side like Qin Yun and then fall asleep with their brother in their arms peacefully, right?

The actual reason for this is because of the fact that it's a very important thing that you should be able to do. Just like when humans first landed in Australia, looking at those creatures that they have never seen before, they don't know whether they are harmful or beneficial, for this sleeping little life, Wu Moxi doesn't know what kind of existence this creature is for her.

Was it harmful, or did it have no effect?

For human society, the importance of something like blood ties has been said before, something like blood ties have been an important part of human society since ancient times, no, it would be better to say that human society was made up of something like blood ties to begin with. What exactly should be decided by something caused by blood ties, what exactly should be decided by this blood tie for a sister who was just born?

Is it favorable?

Such a long period of time, from muddle to understanding, should not be the same length of time, in fact, if we speak of it. However, if you take a person's mind as a reference system, within the event of muddle-headedness, there is comparatively much less thinking, then this means that time will be very. The more you think, the slower time will be, which is a very idealistic theory, but this theory, used in the case of Wu Moxie in this long time, what did the brother, in this muddled, thoughtless time, do.

Let's think about what a muddle-headed child should be like in this situation. The befuddled human being, then, is essentially indistinguishable from an animal, so in this way the world is a wilderness for the befuddled human being. In this wilderness, the resources are certain, and if there is another human being in this wilderness, the distribution of resources will be lesser part. For an animal, then, such a thing is unacceptable.

The virtue of sharing and forbearance is a virtue that only humans have.

Whether it's food, clothing, even parental attention. Being divided.

If it's okay to be divided, then, as we all know, humans are not a simple binary creature, and for humans fairness is instead something to pursue, but humans are not guaranteed to be fair. Even in the family can not guarantee, but this can not say anything, after all, human beings are also an animal, the distribution of more resources to the better individual, this is the law of nature.

However, the cruelty of human society is that it will not let the weak just perish according to the laws of nature, humans will give them the desperate right to live, but have to watch their resources being taken without any way to fight for it. This is the law of mankind.

You will watch what is yours being divided up, whatever it is.

But there is nothing you can do about it.

"Mom, Mom, look at that, I got another hundred percent!"

Wu Moxi took the test paper he was holding and excitedly pushed open the door of his house, looking at his mother who was sitting beside his brother's bed, only for a child, a perfect score was something to brag about. Wu Moxi was not a very smart child, and to get a perfect score for once was a time to celebrate.

Mom gave a hasty glance at Wu Moxi's test paper, but her head turned to the other side, looking at the child who was asleep with a fever and said, "Ummm, yeah, Moxi is great, but, right now your brother is still sick. That's all."

Wu Mo Xi stayed looking at his mother and his brother lying on the bed, his hand gradually hard, the young girl's slim, thin fingers, penetrating the thin paper.

"I bought the medicine back, has the fever gone down?"

The father somewhat rudely pushed away Wu Moxie who was standing in the doorway and flung himself onto his own son's bed, looking at him with his father's expression and with the dust running outside. Wu Moxie's thin body hit one side of the door, but no one looked this way.

For parents, a boy's value was higher than a girl's.

This was probably what was called a good offspring.

That's the point of something like a brother. He'll part with everything you have, and then he'll also look at you with an innocent face, and you can't do anything but just stare at him smiling at you. You don't even have the right to be angry, that's the bloodline, that's the rule of humans.

Just because you're still the Houyi of their bloodline, they didn't abandon you and gave you a place to rest a place to eat, it's just doing their part as parents, the other parts, completely, won't be given to you. For them, because you're a sister, because you're a girl, so, whatever you do, it's the right thing to do.

No matter what you do, it's not right for you.

No matter what you say, it's wrong of you.

No matter how unreasonable your brother's demands are, you have to go and help him achieve them.

Everything is because, you are the sister.

To Wu Moxie, a creature like a younger brother, complete and total, is a disaster. The title of sister was a complete iron curse that made you suffer.

"Sister! Sister! Will you go with me to get a snack? Why don't you go get some snacks with me? Go go go!"

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