About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 155.


I ended up taking my final exams. That's right, which means that my initial plan to go straight through winter break didn't work out, and what I find most incredible about this decision is that I decided on my own that I should take the final exams, so I went with little to no preparation.

Probably because I felt like there was something missing from the vacation that I was ushering in without exams.

Since I ran home, I went back to check out quickly, and then, since I felt fine, I went to class as usual and then took my final exams. I didn't care much about the grades, which meant I was in an idle, or rather, I was feeling idle because so many things were going on at the end of this final period that caused me to come in for winter break.

I sat on the bed, silently looking at the chairman, who looked sweetly asleep beside me, breathing slowly, her whole body shrouded in the blanket, her carelessly exposed shoulders and collarbone could be seen, she seemed to be wearing nothing. She reached out and gently wrapped her arms around me, her face dead against my arms, the flow of her breath washing over my every pore and making me tingle.

I sat on the bed, silently thinking.

I'm thinking about why this is happening.

Reasonably, I had locked the door last night, and with the key one hundred percent on my side, if I hadn't allowed the chairman to come in, the only way for him to get in would have been to pick the lock or break the door. If it was a lock-picker, I would have admired her and beaten her so much that she swore she would never pick my door again and I would have thought of adding another lock later.

Hmm? Ah, don't worry, nothing happened, nothing really, because of what's in me....

Where are my pajamas?

Wait...it seems like I was out of my pajamas last night.

I'm relieved that, well, I'm done thinking about all the things I need to think about, I woke up again today from suffocation, and I'm very upset that my first day of winter break gave me this hand. I was hoping for a natural awakening that I've been wide awake for a long time, not a day where I was woken up by being suffocated alive.

"How did you get in here you dead pervert you give me a good explanation including why you're all...ugh?"

I was about to kick this pervert down when I unexpectedly touched the feel of the fabric, a fabric that seemed like a bathing suit?

The president's eyes lit up with a bad smile for a moment, and I wondered if the dead pervert hadn't fallen asleep at all. She looked at me and slammed the covers off, the president's perfect body and faint scent overwhelming me for a second. I'd been blinded by the white reflections all morning.

I saw that I was wearing a bathing suit, but it was so small that it felt like it would burst open if I moved a little. It was so taut that I felt it was no longer covering my flesh. The club president struck a sexy pose, enchantingly looked at me, and said, "How about it, did you think at first that your dear sister was wearing nothing? I remember boys carrying this urge with them in the morning, and I kept looking forward to when my brother was going to put me straight..."

"Positive shit, now get me changed and explain how you got in here."

I looked at the Chairman's swimsuit, I had no inner turmoil and even wanted to laugh, I wasn't interested in the flesh, after all it was my sister and it wasn't like I'd never seen it before... I picked up one side of my pajamas, I wouldn't be out all day today so I would sleep wherever I walked in them.

"Well...aren't you in the hospital, brother? I found the key right in your room~"

"Now hand over the keys including your matching then get the hell out of here and change."

I sighed and put on my pajama pants saying that I was in a good mood at this point and I didn't want to hit anyone yet. But there was a limit to my patience and if it wasn't over before my patience wore out, I was going to hit someone.

"Come on, first day of winter break, I'm going to be stuck with my brother all day."

The would-be president pounced on me, rubbing against my neck tightly....


I felt the person behind me stiffen and cling to my back in a death grip that wouldn't let go. I felt that amazing touch dead against me, but instead of feeling happy at this time I felt gloomy. If I turned around at this point, I could probably see a face that looked like death.

"Get fat."

After a few seconds of silence, I said calmly.

"No, it's developed."

The person in the back hugged me hard, trying desperately to show that I was just developing and not getting fat. Well, if the person's bottom shouldn't have changed much because development can fall apart, but it was obvious to see that the bottom lacing of the Chairman's swimsuit could barely make it up.

"It's okay, admit that you're fat, there's no shame in such things."

I whispered in a comforting, childlike tone.

"Well, I was fat..."

"Well, that's fine...but tell me, please, why are you wearing a bathing suit?"

I turned back and looked at the Chairman who was holding his chest tightly with a shy face... Why are you pretending at this time, don't you usually want to take a bath with me? I lowered my head, and, well, sure enough, the band was on.

"Because, because uncle said that we're going to go to Hainan for the winter together in a few days, after all, it's a family gathering, and there will be juniors our age who will want us to get to know each other. Well, you can bring your friends, so I called Lan Lan, Yiran, and Wu Moxi and Song Yixin. Since I'm going to Hainan, I thought I had to have a swimsuit, so I turned up and tried it on."

"No go."

Okay, okay, I think that the most annoying thing in life, or in my life, is traveling, bar none. Travel is a thing that makes absolutely no sense, and can you tell me why I should go out in the first place? What to look for in a tour? Why do you want to see it? What's the point of watching it? To be reasonable, tourism isn't even that artsy and nice, so to speak, it's about wasting a lot of money and then squeezing through the crowds to see things that will always be over there, and so what if you see them? Does it really add to your life experience? Don't you think it's just to show off in front of others that you've been there? Ah, I don't have anyone to show off to, so I'm not going to.

Traveling can only cost money to suffer.

"Is it really a good idea to reject uncle twice in a row? Besides, this time it's an internal family matter, so you can't be unruly when you're not a kid anymore, brother."

"I really don't want to be told by you."

I sighed and ruffled my hair, I already knew this, I knew it was impossible to refuse.

"Can I request to bring Xiang Chul with me, can I not be surrounded by a bunch of girls."

Can you please not ignore Xiang Chul! Although it's true that I don't have a lot of interaction with Xiang Chul, but he's my only male friend at the moment, and although it's true that we don't interact very often as friends, and Xiang Chul doesn't seem to have any interaction with the Chairman until now, I still think very highly of Xiang Chul. I can vaguely feel that it's really unsafe if I'm living in a room by myself, and I strongly urge Xiang Chul to live with me.

"Ah, who is Xiang Chul?"

The president froze, looked at me and asked.

"My friend, that's my table."

"Yes, yes, no problem, just add a plane ticket, it doesn't matter."

The president nodded, then said, "Brother brother brother brother, let's go buy a swimsuit today, it just so happens that brother you never had a swimsuit, why don't we go together this time."

"I can buy it with you, but I'm never going to get in the water."


The president looked at me with a puzzled tilt of his head and asked.

It's true that I don't know how to swim, and I don't have any intention of learning. In fact, if you think about it, there is such a place as the seaside in our city, although it is in the north, but the seaside is also a seaside, and in the summertime, the chairman will go to the seaside, but I won't go because I don't know how to swim, and I haven't bought a single thing that has anything to do with swimming.

Come to think of it, if you want to swim, it must be in the summertime, because the water is colder in the spring and autumn, and it's busier then. In summer, the beach is just like dumpling soup, and it's like making dumplings, I hate crowded places. And in the winter, only professional winter swimmers choose to go to the beach in the middle of a northern winter, and it's nice to have someone like me out there in the middle of winter.

I've never seen my side of the city flooded before.

So, I don't think there's any need for me to learn how to swim at all. As for going to Hainan this time, it's not really something that only happens this year, rather it's something that my uncle's family does every winter, but it was all excused by me and the chairman before, after all, plus the cost of two people is not low.

But this time, we had to go.

It's winter! It's winter anyways! It's not even as warm as summer over there! Why am I in the water in the middle of winter!!!! I'll freeze to death, I'll freeze to death, I'll freeze to death! I'm not going in the water, if you guys want to go in I don't care, I'll just watch from the shore as you play with the water like crazy people.

"No why, it's just that I don't want to touch the water, and it's annoying to change and all that."

I stood up and buttoned up my pajamas, then opened the door and said, "I'm going to make breakfast, do you have anything in particular you'd like to eat? Just say it, I wouldn't be prepared anyway."


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