About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling Control Sister Chapter 158

Wu Moxi said warily, then looked at me with a red face and said, "No...not fat...really."

It's no use saying it to me, I don't care if you're fat or not, rather I think it would be better if you were fatter, Wu Mo Xi your body is too weak... Well, I, who just got sick, am not in a position to say that other people's health is bad, but I'm indefensible!

I trailed off, then stood up and said, "Well, we'll be leaving then Mohee, come to our house first in a few days and then leave together, don't be late."

I said to Wu Mohee, then I turned around and headed outside.

"Bye bye, Mohee."

The president waved his hand graciously, then turned around and planned to leave with me.

Suddenly, I felt a very familiar sensation, and a small hand gently pulled my sleeve. This action was completely exclusive to Wu Mo Xi. It often meant that I would have another difficult thing to deal with to care about next. I sighed, then turned back to see Wu Moxie bowing her head and shakily gripping my sleeve.

"Go ahead, what is it."

I asked.


Wu Moxie's voice was a little shaky, and she raised her head in a trembling voice, her eyes a little lost in panic, and an unnatural redness on her face. Her hand tightly gripped the corner of my coat, not knowing what to do.

"That, go ahead, I'll try to help."

I've given up thinking about the meaning of the Wu Moxie thing, rather, helping Wu Moxie has all become the meaning of my life. I looked at her face and sighed. I don't think there's anything hard to solve with Wu Mohee, rather, I think, there won't be anymore.

"That... that... that... that... Qin Feng... Qin Feng... I wish... I wish... I wish... you could... you could... help me pick out... a swimsuit..."

Wu Moxie's left hand gripped his coat, his voice trembling so much that it was almost inaudible, and my brain translated for half a day before I realized what Wu Moxie was trying to say.

"Pick a swimsuit ah..."

I nodded, well, even though I don't like this kind of thing, there's still no problem with Wu Moxie helping out a bit. However, I have a problem ah, the purpose of the swimsuit is to show others, right. The president wants to show it to me, so my opinion is important, and if Wu Moxie wants me to pick it....

Wu Mo Xi wants to show me?

"Ah ah ah, so ah so, misunderstood just now, misunderstood. Little brother, you still need to see what your girlfriend chooses to do ah, I'd recommend this kind if I see little brother's girlfriend like this..."

Well, do I have to explain again that she's not my girlfriend!!!!

Chapter 109 on my somewhat strange relatives.

What kind of creature are humans?

Humans are creatures who like to satisfy themselves.

Both materially and spiritually, this feeling of liking to satisfy oneself has been called greed. I don't think there is anything wrong with this kind of feeling, after all, all creatures have this kind of thinking, humans, no matter how much we are animals, are not destined to get rid of this kind of feeling.

There is nothing wrong with greed itself, or with wanting to satisfy one's needs, but not in the wrong way. Man invented laws for this purpose.

You, for example, meet relatives who haven't met at all, and it's not something that makes sense, because if it made sense to meet at all, then you would have met before. And isn't meeting now, in general, just so the family can meet and then go squeeze some value out of it? This idea of satisfying myself spiritually and materially, I don't think it's useful at all.

After I finished shopping with the chairman, I got a call, but I didn't expect those relatives I didn't meet to be at home at this time, so even though it was quite late, I didn't eat out, but went back...well well actually it wasn't late, just because it was dark at four o'clock.

As for Wu Moxie's swimsuit...don't worry, it's bound to be worn anyway, right, I think, Wu Moxie especially fits this one! Perfect!

Well, take back the new, although the figure of Wu Mo Xi is okay, but it's not Wu Mo Xi I'm facing now.

My uncle sat at the table and I sat on the sofa, looking across the coffee table, a combination of a man and a woman, which honestly surprised me a bit, after all, I thought it would be a lot to have two people, but I didn't expect it to be three. The boy was sitting on the couch with a girl squeezed in next to him and a slightly older girl standing behind him, looking over here.

The president's hand was resting lightly on my shoulder, and I guess he was also looking across. Although we are both of Chin's bloodline and relatives, we really haven't seen each other since. I took a look at the other side, the boy was very ordinary, the two girls to still pretty good looking, but the girl next to the boy was young, similar to my cousin who was crowded next to me, but very pretty, holding his brother's arm, wary of us... ah no, I think less wary of me, mostly of the cousin and the The sister is more wary.

The girl in the back is a little older, same age as the Chairman, I guess, but, well, I think it's not as good looking as the Chairman.

"Qin Feng, this is your...um...how should I put it, you two should be about the same age if you compare your ages, this is your cousin, Qin Zhe. The one beside him is his sister, your cousin, Qin Yang. The one behind you is also your cousin, Chen Kexin, you haven't met before, you don't live together after all, but this time, take this opportunity for you to meet."

My uncle looked at me and then said to me.

It's a Qin family tradition to give a child a one-word name, right?

I nodded, and the boy across from me looked at me with a friendly smile and said, "Qin Feng, right, um, I've heard a lot about you."

"I don't have any stories. If you heard any, it's probably all about this guy behind me."

"Ah, ah, Sister Qin Yun, it's been a long time coming, after all, no matter where you are, you know that Sister Qin Yun is a very perfect person. It's just that she's often compared too."

The boy really took his eyes off me and said to the chairman behind me, who gave a kind smile and then said, "Well, I don't have anything special, and I'm just an ordinary student, we've never met before, but we're still relatives after all, so get along well."


Qin Zhe smiled and lowered his head. Chen Kexin looked at the president from behind, smiled, and said, "Qin Yun is also the president of the student council, right, so what a coincidence, I'm here too."

"Yes? That's really hard work, both student council presidents, I understand." The president laughed bitterly, as if he really felt sympathetic, then said, "I don't know what your school is like, but in our school, the student council is really a tired and unpleasant job ah."

"It's the same all the same, what right can a high school student council have, it's not the same working for the school."

The two successful women exchanged pleasantly with each other, and Qin Zhe and I bowed our heads to drink tea. The two sister-level girls looked at each other, and then my cousin hugged me hard.


I looked over my shoulder at my cousin, who looked up, looked at me, and then said, "Cousins are brothers too, right!"

"Well, if you want to put it that way, sort of."


My cousin looked across and grunted.

Across the street, Chin-Dang never said a word, but just looked at us, wary of the chairman and his cousin, especially the cousin, who was deadly serious. Hugging his brother's arm even harder.

Hey hey hey this kind of thing you do not need to fight it, you two sisters level on this kind of thing do not fight, and I follow Ben does not know what you are fighting ah, what is the need to fight ah.

"Qin Zhe is also just starting high school this year, right?"

The president turned his eyes to Qin Zhe, looking at him and smiling, he asked.

"Well, yes, I'm in a high school with my cousin."

Qin Zhe's hand trembled and almost spilled the water, so he looked up awkwardly, looked at the chairman and smiled, and answered.

The chairman didn't care, but nodded and said, "How is high school life? Are you used to it? Qin Feng has just entered high school as well, so I feel like his high school is boring."

"Ah, yes... that's right, actually... my high school was pretty boring too, probably, all the same."

Qin Zhe smiled, then looked at me, and I saw the same kind of light in his eyes, he also looked like the kind of person who wasn't very popular... Ah, no, I shouldn't use me as a standard to guess others, I don't think I'm anything to compare to at all, the only one so unpopular is myself, I guess.

For now, though, my high school was more interesting.

The chairman nodded his head, looking like he wanted to ask something else, but he didn't open his mouth yet, suddenly, Qin Yang, who was holding Qin Zhe's arm, raised his head and looked at the chairman with a very vicious look, opening his mouth, "Shut up, you, why are you asking so many questions, what does it have to do with you? Don't talk to my brother!"

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