About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 163.

"Ah... it's nothing..."

I'll be honest, I really don't have any thoughts of physical contact with Wu Moxie, I look at Wu Moxie how shall I say, well, I should look at it as an object I need to protect. If this was Lin Yiran, I guess I might sneak in a kiss, but Wu Mo Xi, I really didn't have such thoughts.

"Then why are you getting close, what do you want to do to Wu Mo Xie?"

Letting go of her hand, she gritted her teeth from the back of the chair and asked me.

"Didn't really want to do anything."

"Really?" The look in her eyes sharpened, like a dagger piercing me.

"Really." I'm not afraid of shadows, I really don't have any excessive thoughts.

After looking into my eyes, after looking at each other, Qin Lan sighed, rubbed her face, and when she opened the glasses again, her expression was much softer. She looked at me and said, "Really, you're really a lefty, you've got Wu Mo Xi on your left and your sister on your right."

Huh? And the chairman? I turned my head to see the chairman asleep on my shoulder as well. It's no wonder both my arms are heavy as hell, I sighed in frustration and said, "I can't help it, who knew it would be like this."

"Get over it, maybe you're still secretly happy about it."

She reached out and touched my head, then leaned forward, put her nose in my hair, sniffed it hard, and said.

Hey hey maiden this is really perverted you know? You're violating the copyright of this pervert next to me like this, and what are you smelling, this is perverted ah.

"Oh, Qin Feng's smell."

"It's not my smell, it's my shampoo's smell."

I was a little creeped out and tried to shrink a little, but my escape failed as Qin Lan grabbed my hair. She laughed and then said, "It's okay, as long as it smells like Qin Feng, it's Qin Feng's. Not sitting next to Qin Feng makes me unhappy ah, why does Wu Mo Xi get to sit here. Qin Feng, do you know why?"

"I don't know, I didn't buy the ticket either." Qin Lan's expression was a bit strange, but I really can't be blamed for this, I'm not biased in favor of Wu Mo Xi, Wu Mo Xi's boarding pass is the seat next to mine, there's really no way around this.

"Then, you tell me, Qin Feng, have you noticed anything different about me? If you're a Qin Feng, you must be able to feel it."

She looked at me, tossed her ponytail lightly, and asked me with a smile.

Why, why do I feel like I'd really die if I said I answered wrong. I looked at the way Qin Lan looked at me and I felt my sweat hairs stand up. This weird look in Qin Lan's eyes is really very scary ah, where is Lin Yiran, where is Lin Yiran? Can you give me a hint, oi oi! Why is Lin Yiran asleep too?


Besides, there's no wiggle room for this kind of question, or rather, I feel like at this point Qin Lan can only accept the answer, and if I try to change the subject or stall for time, I don't think I'll live through this winter break.

"Well... that..."

All right, all right, stewardess, do you have any milk? Please add a spoonful of cookies for me and let me think about this, okay, okay, let me think about this kind of thing, let's break up the combination for a bit, what can happen to Qin Lan? Generally speaking, most questions of this kind are asked about changes in appearance, so where would the changes in appearance be concentrated?

First of all, Qin Lan's face, I measured Qin Lan's face, still white and flawless blowing face, wearing a light makeup, and usually there is no difference, very beautiful, many boys will take a closer look at it. No, there was no particular change, of course if you changed any makeup....

Then I have absolutely no idea, okay! I have absolutely no idea, asking such questions really GG, I can't help it. I don't think QIN Lan, as the questioner, would ever do that.

So, what else has changed? Dressing style? It's the same ah, nothing has changed, no little decorations or anything, really nothing....

"That, changing the shampoo?"

All I could think of, in the end, was this. The only thing I had more contact with was Qin Lan's hair, the long ponytail was always in front of me, I hadn't paid attention to the smell of Qin Lan's hair before, because every time I had some contact with Qin Lan I was often in danger of life or chastity crisis, at that time I didn't have the leisure to smell her hair.

Qin Lan was stunned, then reached out and gently stroked her long ponytail, smiled, and said, "Well, not bad for Qin Feng, rightly so. I got a new shampoo, it's the same as the one you have at home oh."

Ah, so that's it, no wonder I felt this familiar smell so strong all of a sudden, I thought it was because the chairman was around me, but it turned out that Qin Lan had also changed to the same shampoo. I don't quite understand why, rather, I don't think it's good to be the same as the Chairman.

"Ah, what are you guys talking about?"

Lin Yiran's head suddenly stuck between us, I was shocked, turned my head to look at Lin Yiran, Lin Yiran with a smile gently nudged my forehead and said: "Dear left embrace happiness? Would it be better if the left and right sides were replaced by me and Barbra? Why would it be Wu Moxie, I don't understand how the world is random."

It's all random how else would you know reason.

And do you have a problem with Wu Mohee sitting next to me?

"Well, it's, actually, pretty heavy,"

I whispered, looking at the two girls next to me.


Lin Yiran pursed his lips and laughed at people, then looked at me and Qin Lan and said, "What were you guys talking about? It looks like it was fun."

No, it wasn't interesting, rather I survived another life crisis.

"It wasn't much of a chat, just some gossip."

She looked at Lin Yiran, laughed softly, then looked at me, nodded, and said, "Right, Qin Feng."

"Ah, hmm."

"What? This feeling of excluding people from the world. Aren't we good friends, let's talk about it."

Lin Yiran looked at us and said with a smile. I'm a little embarrassed, at this time, Lin Yiran seems to have adjusted his mentality over, and didn't bite on the fact that she's my fiancée, rather, at this time, Lin Yiran, no longer thinks that we directly have a marriage contract. Obviously this matter is my own fault, but she generously accepted my mistake, perhaps, she said respect my choice, not a polite remark.

I'm sorry, Lin Yiran.

I really want to say that to her.

"It's nothing, just mentioning something about the shampoo."

She shook her head and said to Lin Yiran with a tone that appeased a small child. Lin Yiran smiled and stretched out his hand to gently stroke his hair. Lin Yiran's mother was American, but she seemed to have inherited only her figure and eyes from her mother, and her hair was still dark and shiny. I was looking forward to seeing a different natural hair color, but I imagined, perhaps, that it would still look best with black hair.

"I changed my shampoo too, to the same one as my sister, I think it smells really good."

Hey hey hey you all changed to the same shampoo what are you trying to do, I didn't have the idea to advertise this shampoo ah, and my shampoo is also this, although I said I try everything to differentiate from this pervert, but I really haven't been meticulous about it, our shampoo is a big bottle bought at the supermarket on sale.

Of course, it will be more expensive. But it's normal for girls.

But hopefully you'll keep your hair from getting tangled in the drain next time, I'm going to have to take in the view every time I put my hand there after a while and I want to die.

"Oh, but this shampoo is really cheap, shouldn't Yatran take care of such nice hair?"

She looked at Lin Yiran's hair and smiled.

"I don't really care about it, but I do it occasionally when I'm cutting my hair. Long hair is also a pretty annoying problem, and I do like the simple ponytail you have, Lan Lan. It shouldn't be much trouble."

"Who said that, a ponytail is also quite annoying, even if this kind of hair style is simpler."

Mashiro touched her ponytail and said. I honestly didn't see what's so difficult about this kind of hairstyle, but it's normal that I'm a boy who can't appreciate it.

"Yeah? I'd love to change my ponytail, what do you think, dear?"

Lin Yiran pondered holding his hair into a ponytail for me to see. I looked at it and I felt out of place. I felt that Lin Yiran might not be very suitable for a ponytail, a ponytail I thought was a bit youthful, but Lin Yiran was one of those elite level white collar workers who carried a notebook around to do the math, I thought, it's better to be long and straight black.

"I think that Lin Yiran looks good right now."

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