About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 165.

"Qin Feng you're just too lazy."

Xiang Zhe complained behind me, and I looked back at him fiercely and said, "I'm the only one who doesn't want to be told okay by you! You're obviously lazier than I am, but I don't know why you're suddenly so positive this time."

"I'm also a big fan of travel, though it may not look it on the outside, so what are you going to do now?"

To Chul scratched his head and asked me with a smile. I sighed, then said, "I don't know what I'm going to do, I guess I'll play on the computer and go to sleep. I probably won't know when I'll get up, and I don't need to be called for food, I'm not going to die of hunger."

"Okay, okay."

The three of us had our rooms linked together, but mine was at the bottom. The single and double rooms were separated by a floor, but there was a safe exit across from my room door. I could easily run to the girls' floor, but I wasn't in the mood. Or rather, I didn't even bother going.

I opened my room, turned on the lights after plugging in my card, closed the door, and plopped my head on the bed. This hotel's bed is still quite soft, rubbing against the white sheets, I sat up and took a look at the room. The room is a very simple single room, there is a not so big TV hanging opposite the bed, the air conditioning is also there, everything is very simple but very practical. I went to the window and opened it, a characteristic not cold air drifted in, I remembered the air before, it was still cold to breathe a little. But the air here was still very warm.

Sitting in bed, I don't know what I'm going to do, rather, I don't know what I'm going to do for a few days. I'm just feeling as tired as if I'm scattered all over, what happened today was too much and too tiring, sleep on the plane is not so much sleep as a means of escaping the boredom of life, there's no relief from fatigue at all.

I wasn't prepared at all for this trip, no, not physically, but mentally. I hadn't heard that I would be going on a tour, but rather very suddenly, informing me that my uncle had decided to take you on a tour. But traveling was not to be a part of my daily life.

I hate when my daily life is disrupted, especially so drastically. Please give me some time to get used to it, but when I'm so used to living here, I should have to go back. That's why I hate change, especially the kind of change that you can get used to and despair over.

I took off my shoes, got out my own toiletries and dragged my tired body towards the washroom, I was never going to go straight to bed without washing up, I wouldn't be able to sleep at all that way. I hadn't eaten hardly anything all day, but now I didn't want to eat at all either.

Tiredness can overpower hunger.

Go back, fall into bed, close my eyes, pull the covers up, and sleep.

Well, my first day is over. I didn't even turn on my computer, I just slept through it, and I felt like, I didn't even need to drink, I was completely dreamless and quality sleep if I was tired enough.

By the time I woke up the next day, I had no concept of time. The room was pitch black, giving me the impression that I hadn't just gone to sleep last night and woken up. Of course, I don't think that's possible; the impression that I slept through yesterday is still there. Pulling over to one side of the phone, I looked and saw that there were two missed calls, from the chairman, probably asking me to go out to dinner. Looking at the time, it's noon, well, eleven o'clock, I guess I can go out for a meal.

Sitting up, rubbing my head, I'm still a little dizzy, I'm not very used to these feather pillows. It's better to have a harder pillow, and I also feel hungry, which means I've pretty much gotten rid of the debuff of fatigue, and now I'm into the debuff of hunger.

I got up and went to the washroom and started washing up. Getting ready to go out for lunch, I don't know what to eat, but I can always find it if I look for it.


There was a light knock on the door, ah, tidying up the room? Shouldn't you be here at noon...ah shucks, it's almost noon now, right?

"Qin Feng, are you awake?"

There was a timid voice at the door, I froze, it was Wu Mo Xi's voice, what was she doing here at this time. I dressed a bit and then opened the door.

Wu Moxi held a tray, looked at me with a smile, and said, "Ah, Qin Feng, you're awake, yesterday, you must be exhausted. That's why I said I'll do my own luggage well..."

"Nothing, it's not that tired. What's the matter?"

Well, I've actually seen it, there's some food on top of the tray, but there's smoked chicken? Where did these come from? What did you guys buy last night! No, is it still edible after it's been left out overnight!

"Ah...no...no...no...this, this is something I brought out of the eating place..."

Wu Mo Xi seemed to notice my wary eyes and quickly explained.

"Ah, ah, so and so, I'll just go eat by myself, there's no need to bother sending it up."

"Um... Sister said that too, but, I think, Qin Feng you were all so tired yesterday... so... so..."

Wu Moxie's face got redder and redder, making me a little confused. But I turned sideways and said, "Well, thank you very much then, come in?"

Wu Moxie was stunned, looking at the room inside, as overwhelmed as if she was looking at a new world: "Can I... can I come in?"

"Yes, come in if you want, wait a minute, I'll open a bottle of water for you."

I turned and walked into the room, opened the mineral water, and looked back, watching Wu Moxie walk in very carefully, eyes spinning fast, as if trying to look at everything and remember it all. Well, it's a small room, what do you want to remember?

Wu Moxie put the food down, then wrung her hands and said, "Then... then I'll leave, that... that... that... Qin Feng, you... you... you're... feeling... now..."

She lowered her head and muttered under her breath.

Was that still a little self-conscious?

"I'm fine now, it's nothing."

At my answer, Wu Moxie immediately raised her head, her eyes filled with hope and happiness, and she leaned forward sharply to look into my eyes, excitedly asking, "Then, then, then you'll come... tonight... with me . how was the night market?"

I was a little overwhelmed by the girl's energy and leaned back a bit, looking into her excited eyes, not sure what I should say, was going to the night market with me such an exciting thing to do?

"Yes...just come to me when you can..."

"Yes! That's great! Thank you, Qin Feng! I...I'll go back and get ready!"

Wu Moxie's smile blossomed for a moment, the sunlight of her smile covering her face as she turned around and ran briskly out of the room. Leaving me dumbfounded and at a loss for words as I watched her back.

What was she so happy about?

Chapter 114 on my weary journey (II)

"Is that why you called us here, because of these things?"

Sitting on the bed with a sarcastic look at me, Xiang Zhe asked.

"To say that we came back we also came back after eating."

Xiang Chul sat on the chair and looked at me with an embarrassed smile.

I stood to the side and pushed the piles of food in front of them with a blank expression and said, "Please help me eat some of it, thank you. I really can't eat all of it."

"That's nice, just shrink in your room and someone will bring you food." Xiang Zhe sighed, then with a fearless expression, he picked up a chicken wing and looked at it with the realization that he was going to be righteous. Hey hey hey it's just a chicken wing are you so much? I didn't say you guys had to eat it either, so if you don't want to....

You can totally throw up once and come back.

"Although I'm grateful to them, but can every single one of them come and send it to me ah. After Wu Moxi sent it to me before, why do Qin Lan and the others have to send it too."

I sighed helplessly, after Wu Mo Xi brought me food, I finished eating it with joy. Just after swallowing the last bite, there was another knock on the door, and Qin Lan brought over a bag of food, then forced me to finish it. I swallowed the last bite with an expression of almost dying, and after watching Qin Lan go out with a satisfied look in her eyes, Lin Yiran came right after me, it's a good thing Lin Yiran didn't force me to finish it, or I would have had to go to the toilet and vomit once more before coming out.

After Lin Yiran left, Song Yixin came up again, and then, so did that pervert of the chairman, and then the cousin....

So, there is absolutely no shortage of food in my room right now. But a lot of it probably won't fit, and I can't just throw it away, even if I don't want to eat it, it's still someone's idea of food. Didn't they decide who would deliver the food before they delivered it? What's the point of doing such a pointless thing! Why don't you guys just name one person? No more?

Xiang Zhe nibbled on a chicken wing and slurred his words, saying, "To lock (say) up, this is not tied (is) well tied (thing)? Everyone is patient (loving) you."

"How about choosing one to do for talking and eating?"

I looked at him, a friendly reminder.

Xiang Zhe desperately swallowed the food in his mouth, like a snake swallowing the entire contents of his mouth, but he was not a snake after all, choking face turned red, he grabbed the side of the mineral water and gulped down a few gulps, then coughed violently. Qin Zhe on the side worriedly patted him on the back and looked at him, that look, looking at me a little wanting the two of them together.

"Cough...cough...I say...it's a good thing... Ah, it shows that everyone loves you."

Xiang Chul was finally able to speak, wiping his mouth as he did so. I sighed, this love was too heavy for me to hold on to, and I wished that the way these people expressed their love would be easier.

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