About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 174.

"Have to pick one."

My sister's grip on my hand was suddenly hard, as if she wasn't going to let go if I was confused.

"You you you, okay. Let go of me."

"That's not a sincere answer, think about the answer!"

I sighed in frustration and looked behind me at my sister, whose smile was still the same, but, in her eyes, she was serious.

Do I have to answer seriously?

I looked at my sister and hesitated.

My brain, fresh, recalled a few girls in bathing suits.

"I think..."

Chapter 120 on my weary journey (VIII)

"Brother, I really admire you, there are so many girls why are you still participating in this activity of ours, you can't just choose one from inside."

The brother at the registration desk looked at me with admiration, as if a monkey was looking at the Monkey King left and right. But the Monkey King wasn't happy and was in great pain. I beg you little brother you do not say, I do not know that this group of people will secretly all register, and why the men all write my name, you with my consent?

Chairman Lin Yiran Song Yixin and a guilt-stricken Wu Mo Xi stood behind me, looking at the crowd bustling around me, talking excitedly, or of course, excited because they were going to an event. I was supposed to come out with Wu Moxie today, but I found everyone standing in front of me as soon as I left the house.

"I'm sorry Qin Feng... I... I said it all... so... so... they all signed up... and... and... it's all written with your name..."

Wu Moxie looked at me and said with an apology.

I was looking at the four girls with bad smiles behind her, and I resisted the urge to slam the door back and walk here. Actually I wasn't holding back, but I couldn't even slam the door to go back, it seemed like the chairman had already seen what I wanted to do and went ahead and closed my door before forcing me to come here.

I don't know what they wanted to do, I didn't even say anything about this, did Wu Mo Xi say it, but why did Wu Mo Xi say it? Or did they ask Wu Moxie to speak up?

I looked up at the stars, maybe so tears wouldn't fall, now this situation I guess it's the first time I've ever encountered organizing such an event, I really felt very ashamed and said, "Please hurry up and confirm it for me."


The little brother seemed to hold a smile, took away the registration form in my hand, then tore off a part of it, gave me the by-roll, and said, "Please wait over there at the start line, there will be hints for activities along the way, please follow the race route, and finally, good luck to you and your favorite girls......they finish the race. "

The word us is redundant.

"Girls please follow me, you will be waiting at the end."

Little Brother looked at the girls and said. Wu Moxie took one last look at me and kept staring at me leaving with some concern. I took a deep breath and looked around at the crowd. I had thought that this event was kind of like one of those senior citizen blind date type events where there shouldn't be many people, but I found that there were quite a few people around me, and although some of them had come to join in the fun, there were still quite a few guys here at the starting point.

I feel like I am the youngest here.

The guys were talking excitedly to each other, and seemed to be talking about their girlfriends, well at this time of the day, single dogs please do not approach, this group of people are all here to show love. But, if it comes down to it, I'm a single dog too. Even if I'm surrounded by girls, I'm still a happy single dog.

In fact, I've become a little confused as to whether this event is a blind date, or if I'm here to help increase my relationship. Or is it a bit of both? If you have a crush on any girl, try inviting her, and maybe it will work out in the end, or do you just end up grabbing one if you can't? Well, I seem to recall that one can also sign up alone, and this is the kind of person who comes on a blind date, right?

So what's the point of me attending this event?

Ah, I know, I didn't participate in this event for the sake of it, the only reason I participated was because Oh Mohee signed up for it and then those idiots were going to participate as well.

"Boys, are you ready? Our event is about to begin, and this race isn't very difficult, as long as you guys get through three hurdles. At the end, you'll have to pick your girl out of all the girls and head to the finish line together to be questioned, boys, are you ready?"

The host's voice suddenly exploded over the raucous crowd, and the boys fell silent before erupting into a laughing, "Ready!" Hey, hey, hey, you guys are ready. I'm not ready yet. What do you mean, choose your own girl out of all the girls, what about me? What about me? I have to pick out all five of them? And, all that said, it means that in the end it must not be chosen by eye, but by other means, and I'm not confident that all five of them will be chosen.

And terrain-wise, I'm not familiar with it, but it looks like I can just keep running along the streets. Of course, I wasn't looking for speed, so running fast or slow made no difference to me. I just need to be able to pick out these girls at the end.

"Ready! 1, 2, 3! start!"

As soon as the gun went off, the boys around me started running at high speed as if they had been shot, hey hey hey are you guys serious? Are you guys really serious? What could be serious about this kind of activity! I stumbled forward as I dodged the body hitting me from behind, caught in the crowd, and the laughter and breathing of the crowd of onlookers on the side of the road made me so sick, I didn't want to be in the middle of the crowd, and I didn't want to be rounded up as an animal.

But I felt that if I started walking at this point instead I would be more likely to be watched, and I had to keep my distance as much as possible and find a spot in the crowd to run down.

"Alright alright lads here comes our first level, through the fire, you're going to complete the obstacle run under the impact of the high pressure water cannons! Hit it, ponies!"

The last line was shouted by that Thorpe instructor in Hero Company when he was training recruits to run, but unfortunately it's somewhat impractical here. There was a lone log ahead, and to get over it, there were five lone logs, and the participating boys were immediately divided into five groups. It would have been fine if it was just a lone log, but there was a high-pressure water gun in front of us.

At this point I really admired the guy at the front. I quickly looked around me and ducked behind a boy who looked like he could block me solidly. I'm sorry, but this is the time for you to have a fearless revolutionary sacrifice, we're going forward and backward, so I'm sorry you'll be the one to jump forward a bit.

This high-pressure water gun is really a real high-pressure water gun, directly into the face of the first person. On the one hand, you have to stabilize your balance, and on the other hand, you have to stand against the water, and you have to see the direction of the water all over your face, which is not all about the first level, but the obstacle run. The first person is washed down the log and has to go back and start over, and then the person behind him becomes the first one to stand against the current. Even if the back doesn't get hit by the current, as long as the pace isn't right, maybe several people fall off.

What's more, the lone tree is very slippery after being washed by the water, so you have to be careful with every step.

I topped the boy in front of me, man thank you so much. Halfway down the road, I suddenly realized that there were only a handful of people left in front of me, and soon I would be rushing the guy in front of me. I looked ahead with nearly half the road to go and prayed desperately that it would never reach me.

Four, three, two, big brother, big brother you hang on! We're just a few steps away. Hang in there, brother! I'm going, I'm going. Don't move! Don't shake it!

The brother in front of me couldn't keep his eyes open as the water washed over him, his hands were no longer used to maintain his balance but to hold back the current. And so his body was wobbling from the water, I looked at his wobbling body and sighed, this guy can't be trusted anymore, so don't get in front of me.

I took a look ahead, only a few steps to the place. I thought about it, then quietly reached out and poked the big brother in front of me in the waist.

Big brother, I'm sorry.

The moment my big brother fell, I crouched down low, and the water dragon swept over my head and right into the face of the guy behind me, who obviously didn't react and stumbled several steps as the water dragon hit him, and the whole group fell east and west.

"Hahaha, you're bad enough for this lad, but very resourceful! Let's look at the next obstacle."

The people around me erupted in laughter, and I quickly crouched forward a few steps to jump off the balance beam, sorry. There are times when the mind is a little more useful.

The next obstacle is the hoop, to jump up in the air and grab the hoop to advance, and there are high-pressure water jets coming at you, who designed this ballsy! Who! Tell me who it is! This is much more difficult, even if it's not high, that's unbearable, if you punch the face you can't even see the top hoop, how do you go.

Sorry, is it too late for me to abstain now?

I took a deep breath and jumped up to grab it, and a sudden burst of water came straight at me. I was hit hard in the face by the stream of water, and the power of the high-pressure water gun was as unpleasant as if someone had put a stick up against me. I couldn't even breathe, and the current even managed to tear open my closed mouth. I couldn't see anything in front of me.

But I didn't stop either. The reason is that what I was holding on to was not the ring at all, but the rod on top of the ring, so there was no question of me being unable to hold on to the ring, as long as I held on to the rod and moved forward. Also, on top of the rod is the cloth bag that holds the hoop in place, so the coefficient of friction is higher, so I don't have to take off my hand. My physical fitness is average, but with only a short meter and a half to go, I was able to do it.

When I finally got to the place, I coughed heavily, spat out all the water in my throat and mouth, wiped my eyes and kept running. I did think this race was pointless at first, but why was I getting motivated at this point? It's because I see myself as a participant in this race, I guess.

It's because I'm being attacked.

The first level has finally come over. The echelon is now split into two, the echelon I'm in that passed the first level, and the echelon that made it through behind me. But in reality these two echelons weren't significantly separated, because in reality, the first level wasn't that hard.

"Ahhh, our boys have come to the second level, the quiz. Here the contestants need to answer the questions, grab a successful quiz lads and move on, guys, get ready."

Hey hey hey, isn't the name of the second level a bit too simple, the first level is no matter what is an idiom you what is the meaning of this direct quiz, have given up to think of the name is it?

"So, first question, who is the author of the Russian literary work Fat and Thin!"

I'll be damned. This question is a little off. Fat and skinny, what the hell is this? It seems that the boys around him also do not know why, cross-earing questions, there are people who took out their phones and began to baidu. Hey hey hey you guys this out of the question is not authentic ah, how is such a cold work ah, I hear all.......



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