About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 184.

What is Wu Moxie going to do? Wu Moxie's face was cute, but Qin Lan was also pretty ah, if Qin Lan wasn't pretty, this time Wu Moxie could be completely stunning when she lifted her bangs up. But... facing Qin Lan, this was not an advantage at all.

In terms of what aspect to think about, Wu Moxie didn't have an advantage ah. Then why would Wu Moxie need to participate? Not even one vote after participating, this was a complete humiliation ah, this was a humiliation of being rubbed on the ground by Qin Lan. Moreover, Qin Lan didn't take this matter seriously at all, and this kind of confidence, in itself, was a kind of contempt for Wu Mo Xi, and confidence in herself.

"What do you think Wu Moxie should do if he wants to win?"

The president opened the drawer and took out the ear digs, I turned over and looked at the president's belly and said.

The president gently flipped my ears for me and said, "Huh? It's not impossible for Wu Mo Xi to win, but it will take time, probably, a few months? Or, at the earliest, a month, and that month can't be a vacation. At the very least, it has to be to keep Wu Moxie active in the eyes of everyone."

"Do you think it's a presidential campaign? It takes so long, are you trying to completely change everyone's opinion of her?"

"There's no way, then, how can you ask me to trust someone who hasn't been on the scene at all in such a short period of time? It's like when you're reading a novel and everyone was fine, and suddenly a woman falls from the sky with a man, can you accept that?"

I rolled over, looked toward the TV, and said, "Not that I can't."


The president smacked his lips and said, "It's completely impossible or possible for Wu Moxie to win this time, but that's still possible if you're being reasonable. However, do you think your class will be reasonable? Even if Wu Moxie kept running around for a month, Qin Lan wouldn't be far behind when everyone finally voted. Do you believe it? This time the class leader must be Qin Lan, no need to think about it, there's no questioning it."

"Why do I get the feeling you're milking Qin Lan like crazy?"

"I'm not a toxic milk, and I'm not setting up a flag, I'm just saying something that would totally happen."

I sighed and said, "Yeah, I feel the same way, and I think Qin Lan is also completely successful. Wu Moxie doesn't stand a chance of winning at all."

"Are you going to tell Wu Moxie about this?"

With my ear digging in my ear and shaking it gently, the chairman's hand was very gentle and I looked at the green football field on the TV, sighed and said, "I don't know, what do you think?"

"I think? What do I feel? It's your business, brother."

The Chairman must have been wearing a bad smile at this point, I felt like the Chairman always had this mysterious look whenever he was involved in this kind of thing, and while I couldn't say I was angry, I was still upset.

"I think you should still tell me, at the very least, what you think."

"It's only useful if you'll listen to what I have to say, right, do you think you'll accept my opinion if I tell you what I have to say?"

"It doesn't matter, you're saying it's an opinion in itself and not an order, so it can't even hurt to say something, right?"

"I'm not going to give you an opinion on such matters, maybe then you'll dump the blame on me if something happens to you."

The councilor gently pushed my head and I sat up, rubbing my eyes, I was just too comfortable making me a little sleepy. The president blew his thighs, then stood up and shook, saying, "The opinions of others in this matter can only interfere with you, if this matter was just about you, as a sister I would definitely have to give you my opinion, but this matter also involves Qin Lan and Wu Mo Xi, how can I dictate from the side?"

Well, to say the least, it's the same thing...the Chairman is just my sister, and really doesn't have much say when it comes to participating in the Qin Lan and Wu Mo Xi matters. The chairman has always looked at such things very clearly, and perhaps that's why the chairman has been able to be like a fish in his interpersonal relationships over the years.

"So, this matter is entirely up to your brother. You can't do anything wrong, you can tell Wu Moxie that there's no chance of winning this matter, or you can let Wu Moxie continue even though you know it's impossible. In short, this matter, all the choice is yours. Whether it's this matter, or what comes next."

"What else is going to happen?"

I looked at her and said.

The president laughed and said, "There's nothing to it, or rather, it's you who knows nothing about this matter that can make the best choice. In any case, I will never get involved in this matter, after all, it's just a small class president election."

The president stepped aside, pulled open the door to his room and walked in, and I stared dumbly at the TV, slowly turning the green field, pondering.

There were things that I was able to make choices about immediately.

However, I had to, to worry about what would happen after the choice was made.

Chapter 128 about my painful choice (III)

Whenever it's time for school to start at the end of a vacation, it always leaves you with a feeling of confusion. Is that a feeling of not knowing what you are supposed to do, or is it a nostalgic feeling of going to say goodbye to the past holidays with a look of reluctance, and then looking at the class in confusion, not knowing what you are supposed to do.

In fact, nothing interesting happened during the holidays, and all we did during the holidays was just muddle through the days, which are not really memorable, but maybe it's because they don't come back that we miss them. When school first started, I always miss the leisurely idleness of doing nothing.

The days feel so short during the holidays, and a session of school feels so long.

I stood there in the living room, looking at the calendar. The TV and computer on in the back gave me a strange feeling of sadness. Well, this feeling was quite refreshing, because I never had any memories of holidays, and to say that this holiday left me with the most vivid impression was probably Wu Mo Xi that night. I don't know why I would start to miss holidays, I don't think there's any nostalgic meaning to things like holidays.

It's funny that I would actually start to feel that way. No, it's not because I didn't finish my holiday homework, I'm sure I'll be able to finish my holiday homework, well, otherwise I don't think I'd be so laid back.

To say the least, I might not feel anything after school starts, but the chairman should feel something. After all, it won't be long before Chairman will be taking his entrance exams, and it will only be a hundred days or so. At this last moment, maybe the chairman will get nervous? But why do I think the chairman will never get nervous?

Casually tore up the day, crumpled it up and threw it in the trash, went back to the couch and turned off the TV and computer. Carried the computer back to the bedroom and put it on the computer desk. Sighed and fell on my back on the bed. After a three-second pause, I got back up and went to the door, locking it with a click.

Well, I wouldn't allow the same mistake to be made on me several times.

The next day I got up a little early, maybe because I missed this whole starting school thing, and it made me a little nervous. After I ate, I didn't know what I should do, so I went to school with the president. The president yawned several times on the way, and it looked like even the student body president was out of his element at this time.

"It would be interesting if you yawned after meeting your classmates in person."

I said as I reached the school gate, where the president was going to the doorman to get ready, and I looked at the president who turned to leave.

The president stared at me for a moment, then smiled and said, "I won't get sleepy if you kiss me, brother. A kiss from my brother is worth a case of Red Bull!"

"Then you're stuck."

I shrugged and turned around to walk through. Again, the door to the main building wasn't open yet, so I had to take the side door. I wasn't in any hurry to walk very slowly. As I slowly made my way along the pine pit to the side door, there was that familiar and nostalgic sound I knew and missed again, the rhythmic sound of a tennis ball hitting the wall.

At this time I was actually somewhat happy to be able to see someone I knew after all. However, thinking about what had happened between Song Yixin and me before made me a little afraid of the awkwardness after our next meeting.

I walked over, turned the corner, and saw Song Yixin, who was waving her camera. Song Yixin's ponytail was flapping energetically in the air, and a green tennis ball was flying back and forth in the air. The rubbing sound made by the tennis shoes against the ground was short and powerful, and Song Yixin danced back and forth in the sunlight, like a dazzling butterfly.

"Ah, um...good morning."

I noticed Song Yixin's eyes glancing at me, so I nodded in an awkward greeting.

Song Yixin's body stopped, and the green tennis ball bounced in the air one last time and was grabbed by Song Yixin's outstretched hand. Then, she gasped slightly and turned around to look at me, as if her body was still hot. I had the feeling that ninety-five percent of the way she was looking at me now was contempt, plus three percent anger and two percent dislike.

"Ah Qin Feng, good morning, how come there aren't a few girls around this time? Is it because you're tired of playing so you want to go back to being your harmless self? Or do you plan to have a nice hunt while school is in session? Which girl do you see this time?"

Hey, hey, hey, that's a little unkind, isn't it? I haven't done anything yet and you're slapping me? And I don't think I've done anything wrong to make Song Yixin so angry. Besides, it's been so long and Song Yixin hasn't forgotten.

"No, I never had any thoughts about that... Well, Song Yixin is the one you misunderstood."

"So you're holding hands with Qin Lan while being ambiguous with Wu Moxi, is that how you treat Wu Moxi? Do you think this state makes you very happy? Do you think that allows you to go back and forth between the two girls?" Song Yixin looked at me with a somewhat angry expression on her face as she threw her hands back on her backpack and then turned to walk upstairs.

I think it's better not to walk with Song Yixin at this time, because I'm not happy at this time either. I don't have any thoughts in that direction, not even for a second. Song Yixin you don't even understand how I'm feeling right now, if I could I definitely wouldn't be like this, Song Yixin is completely judging me from her own point of view.

Don't care at all about how I am.

Well, if this was a complete break in friendship with Song Yixin, there was nothing I could do about it. Song Yixin's anger was completely unjustified and, moreover, there was no consideration for me at all. How can I apologize if I'm not willing to go and apologize? I'm sorry I won't be swaying between Wu Mo Xi and Qin Lan in the future. This has nothing to do with Song Yixin at all, so why should I apologize for something that has nothing to do with her?

I had no choice but to walk up the stairs to my class. The class was already open, maybe someone like me woke up early on the first day of school.

I pushed open the door and was surprised to find Qin Lan already there, sitting in her seat, her posture upright and elegant, just like usual. To be honest, I had been looking at Qin Lan's lazy appearance, and this appearance actually made me very nostalgic. I raised my hand, reflexively wanting to say hello, but suddenly remembered my relationship with Qin Lan in class and took my hand back.

She closed her eyes, with a smile like the Virgin Mary, her hand gently placed on the table, the early morning sunlight shining on the dust, also gently caressed her face, making her beautiful cheeks shine in the class, like an angel, with a soft and beautiful halo. Perhaps she was closing her eyes. I think that any boy who opens the door and sees this scene should be shocked by this beauty in place and stay there for two seconds.

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