About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling Control Sister Chapter 187

When I get to nervous, I always like to think about things and, in general, the more I think about dating unreliable.

So the next step was the need to see who was going to be first.

She tossed her ponytail, looked to her left and right to see that no one was there, and stood up gracefully. Well, I was also guessing that Wu Moxie wouldn't have the courage, but Qin Lan would definitely be like that. Qin Lan has the courage to be the first, and she has lived this way. So there's a reason why I don't think there's any hope for Wu Moxie.

Qin Lan's mentality is to dare to be the first, and she is a very strong girl who was born to be a leader. But Wu Moxie and I are both just ordinary people who are just an east-beater.

Lan gracefully walked up to the podium, hardened on this inferior floor tiles out of the red carpet feeling. She looked around at everyone with an elegant smile on her face as if she had won an Oscar as an actress. Everyone's polite applause stopped, and Qin Lan gently moved her lips and began her speech.

Her speech was very simple, rather very middle of the road, exactly the words suitable for a running for class president to say. Nothing was promised, nothing was going to change, just saying that she would serve you all well and assist the teachers. To put it another way, that's all a class president is good for, and there's nothing remarkable about Qin Lan's speech, but it's the most disciplined kind. Maybe there were times when it wasn't necessary to be different, and it was good not to make mistakes.

Rather, no one cared about their speeches at all, because everyone being class president wouldn't be different, only that they would be a little different on individual issues. Such an opinion has nothing to do with themselves, even if they say something, it will only get an "oh" in return, so the only useful thing about this election is the connections they have accumulated on a regular basis, and their appearance.

With a slight bow, she ended her speech with a bright smile, and walked off the stage to the polite applause of everyone and sat back down in her seat.

The next to take the stage was the class president, well, the current class president, stepping down after this class, no need to hand over anything, just step down, no need to think or argue about anything. If it wasn't after this election, presumably, it never would be.

The class president went up with what was still a mild smile. Talking about all the things he had done for the class, and that he had some ways and means of working in the past, he was grateful that the students could give him a chance to serve and wanted to continue to do so.

Well, is that a sentimental card? To say that this kind of sentimental card is quite meaningful, after all, if two people, Qin Lan and the class president, were to compete, part of them would support Qin Lan and part of them would support the current class president, then those people who didn't have any clear voters would vote for the current ruler. If a new person is allowed to rule, it might not be as good as the current one, which should belong to the people who don't want to change it.

So, once power is in the hands, it's hard for others to take it away.

Wu Moxie is the one that belongs to the rather pitiful category....

As the class president's speech went on, Wu Moxi squeezed the button on her chest and stood up with trepidation, and there was silence all around. The first thing that you need to do is to look at the bottom of your eyes and see if you've got a good idea of what you're looking at. I felt that if one person stood up at this time, Wu Mo Xi would sit down as if she was amused.

Well, it doesn't matter if I stand up at this time, I'm perfectly fine with standing up and walking to the front and going down with a few random words. I looked at Wu Moxie's appearance, looking at her head almost shrinking into the ground, I think there is a possibility that I really want to do so. Like a mushroom in direct sunlight, Wu Moxie is probably going to go up in smoke soon.

Just as I was about to stand up, Wu Moxi gently took a step, lowered her head, shrank down, and walked to the podium in front of everyone's eyes.

Despite being wishy-washy, despite looking ridiculous, despite saying that everyone's smiles were a little unkind. But still, Wu Moxi was, standing on the podium.

I looked at Wu Mo Xi in surprise, I didn't think Wu Mo Xi was really serious this time! She's really serious about this! She didn't even need me to help her save the day, she was really, standing up there.

Everyone sparse applause rang out, I reckon many people will be stunned to think: "hey who is this person" this question. After all, Wu Moxi really, there is no human vote.

Wu Moxie stood on top, took a deep breath, she took out a hair clip from her pocket with a shiver, lowered her head, gently had to arrange her bangs, fixed to the side.

Then she lifted her head.

I felt that the boy in front of me sucked in a breath of cold air, I was a little shocked, but I wasn't shocked by Wu Moxie's cuteness, I was shocked by Wu Moxie's courage and determination. Let me amend my words, Qin Lan is a person who had the courage to be the first. In fact, Wu Mo Xi is also a strong person, it's just that she needs a reason, and if given a reason, Wu Mo Xi can also step on thorns to advance.

Even if her feet were stained with blood, she would grit her teeth and tremble until the end.

Wu Moxi, also a, strong girl ah, looks like she is weak, but, she also has her own persistence.

Her appearance probably shocked all the boys a bit, I've always said that, Wu Mo Xi is actually a very cute girl. It's just that she hides her face, and if Wu Mo Xi learns how to make up again, she'll probably be even more stunning. At this time, the boys in the class would probably be confused as to why they didn't notice that there was such a cute girl in their own class.

"I...I...I'm Wu Mo Xi...umm...umm, I'm ...I want to run for class president."

She trembled and whispered. But still, she faced everyone and didn't bow her head. She didn't bow this time, not at all, she looked at us all the time, though her voice was quieter, though she stumbled a bit, but she still looked at everyone, and didn't bow, didn't flinch, and, like the first two, she finished her words.

When she finished, she curtsied gently, then, returned to her seat.

Obviously, I could see that she was weak on her feet, and if she tripped her at this point, she probably wouldn't be able to stand up. She slumped down in her seat, not even caring anymore about the applause. I think that just rushing one thing is enough for Wu Mo Xi to blow for the rest of her life.

Only these three people, in the end, voted.

I gently handed the paper I wrote down my name on to the person receiving the note, then sat down on my seat and looked at the three names written on the blackboard in front of me. Next, it's time to write the orthography under Qin Lan and Wu Mo Xi's name.

It's all because of you guys I'm getting filthy!

The person who sang the ballot was the class president, and the person who wrote the orthography was a boy whose name I don't know. I really don't know his name, for reasons I told you a long, long time ago.

All the slips of paper were collected, and the class president opened them, paused, and shouted.

"Qin Lan."

"Qin Lan."

"Qin Lan."

"Qin Lan."

"Qin Lan."

The votes in the class president's hand slowly diminished, in exchange for a single positive character on the blackboard, Qin Lan unsurprisingly took up almost half of the rest.

Only Wu Moxi's name was underneath, empty, nothing, not even the dust of chalk. The class boys were probably just amazed, but simply, they didn't vote. I silently looked over there, Wu Mo Xi still lying on the table did not get up, this for her, class president's every voice, is like a spear piercing her body bar.

I just hope that it will be over soon.

"Wu Moxie."

The last ticket slipped from the class president's hand.

"Finally, um, the class president from now on is Qin Lan."

The class president looked at the blackboard and said. Under Qin Lan's name, almost three quarters of the class was accounted for, and the class president, held the other quarter. Under Wu Moxi's name, there was only a lone horizontal, only this horizontal, as if to mock Wu Moxi's one big mouth. I looked at the blackboard silently, not speaking.

Wu Moxi raised his head, looked at the blackboard, and didn't speak. I can't see Wu Mo Xi's face, I don't know what her expression is now, this ending, she should be prepared for it.

But why, I would feel, so hard? Restless and very irritable, I can't wait to get up and walk to the front, but even if I did, what could I do? What else could I do? Wu Moxie himself didn't say anything, so why am I so grumpy?

Also, Wu Mohee chose an impossible thing to do as a dream, then have to suffer the consequences of that. Wu Moxie should have known that this thing of hers was impossible to achieve, and I told her so, I just didn't try to stop her. So, a dream is something that doesn't have any meaning of existence, you summon up all your courage and use all your abilities, but in the end, you can only get, in return, that humble one cross of ridicule.

If Wu Moxie cries, there's nothing you can do about it, right? I can't help her, there's really nothing I can do about this. I, on the other hand, can't comfort people.

The class teacher said a few more words and reached out to erase all the words on the blackboard, as if, erasing this matter, from the class, as it were.

The bell rang for the end of the school day, the frenzied footsteps sounded again, and the class swarmed outside, I pushed past Xiang Zhe and walked over to Wu Mo Xi's side. Wu Moxie had just stood up when I walked up to her and looked at her.

She tilted her head in puzzlement, and I looked at her face, her eyes, which weren't red and swollen, and her appearance was considered normal. This made me, instead, not know what to say.

"Qin Feng, what's the matter? Aren't you going to the club?"

Wu Moxie looked at me, puzzled.

"Ah...um...yeah, to the club."

What was I supposed to say? I'm supposed to comfort her? Or should I? I don't know, I really don't know, if Wu Moxie is trying to be strong, should I poke her at this point? Or should I just watch her stay strong? I don't know, I can only, go along with what she says.

Wu Mo Xi bypassed me and went outside.

"Ah, right, Qin Feng."

She seemed to remember something, turned back, trotted back to me, looked at me, and said.

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