About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 191.

So let me analyze why she's like that. Maybe there was something going on that day, like a student council meeting or something. So it's definitely not a business matter, so it's only possible that it's a private matter.

If it was a private matter, then the president might have to go out with friends, like with that vice-president of the student council, right, or a fellow classmate. She'll see less of her classmates after her senior year is over, and it's normal for everyone to go hang out together on the weekends right. I'm a very reasonable person, and I have no reason to stop the president if it's a night out right?

Well, then if it was a night out, she couldn't have gone out with the Vice President, because I've never seen them go out together. Looks like the Vice President had a very busy weekend. So, it's the same class? There must be a man in the president's class, right? How can this be? Hanging out with a bunch of boys on the weekend? It's totally unacceptable right, why am I so unconvinced that they're discussing poetry and philosophy with the president? What can happen when you go out with a bunch of boys? Do we have to stop for a meal? And then you're not sure what happened after the meal and the drinks?

I seem to be able to see the book plot already....

I can't allow this kind of thing, even though the parents are gone, but there is still a need to have a family education. I'm not saying to stop you from having normal interactions with boys, you see I'm just a boy how you harass me on a daily basis I don't have any reaction right, but the boys outside are different ah, you must understand that you still want to go out with them? President I see you have a dangerous mind....

Wait, maybe that's not it either, if the class is going out together, we shouldn't be able to get enough people together. As I deduced earlier, there should be more than half of the people who have things they can't go to, and class activities shouldn't be organized....


So that means....

Is the chairman going out with a boy?

Maybe it wasn't even a memo she was reading but a chat, maybe she and a guy were going to go see a movie or go to an amusement park together that day, that's like a date! That must be it! That's the only thing that could make her dump me!

I looked at her bored face resting on her knee and it turned out it wasn't bored with this TV show at all, it was bored with me! She's tired of me, isn't she? Want to start a new life of your own?

This is totally intolerable!

No no no don't look at me like that, I'm not a sister control, I'm not angry because she has a boyfriend or something, I actually have no animosity towards that boy, on the contrary I admire him for putting up with this dead pervert, I'm also very grateful that he can return me a piece of pure land, so we simply should have a meal together right, I personally cook for him...............

No no, I really wasn't mad about it, well I was mad that she hadn't told me.

I took a deep breath and put the milk glass down, pushing as hard as I could so I couldn't grab it violently so that maybe later I wouldn't beat the chairman violently with it. I looked at the chairman and tried to say as calmly as I could in my normal voice, "How long has it been?"

"Huh? How long for what?"

The president looked at me over his shoulder, like he didn't understand at all.

You still want to pretend with me? I'm telling you I just had my brain spinning faster than Sherlock Holmes, if I were a computer I could just run it at a rate that would burn up. I slammed the coffee table, two cups popped up spilling some milk like a splash of blood. The president jumped, really startled almost jumped off the couch, she looked at me dumbfounded and asked, "What's wrong brother, it looks like you have a scary look in your eyes...yelp ahhhh!!!"

I lunged at her and reached out and jammed my hand around her neck and pushed her down hard on the couch, my other hand quickly grabbing her hands as she tried to struggle. The president screamed and struggled in vain, but she couldn't fight me in strength, I had a death grip on her neck and yelled, "How long have you had a boyfriend? Ah! How long has it been! Give me his contact information! Is it your class? What did you do with him? Did you hold hands? Did you hug? Did you kiss? Tell me all about it!"

"I...I...what...boyfriend...no ...No!"

"You're still pretending! Then why didn't you spend the weekend with me? Why! It's not about what else is going on with the boyfriend!"

"That's the day I can't exercise vigorously during my period!"

Hey yeah....

So the Chairman was looking at his calendar to tell the time... Maybe the Chairman had already planned the time, but he still had to check... Well... That's right... The reason why he didn't come with me didn't mean that he was going out, right?

The president is a girl...well, this thing...this thing...well...it's embarrassing....

I let go of my hand and took two steps back, not knowing what to apologize for, as the chairman covered his neck and coughed violently... I was dumbfounded...

I...why did I suddenly start going crazy....

No, no...this is unreasonable, this thing is unreasonable in the first place, you say you have no problem refusing this, but you have to say the reason, right, just like taking a leave of absence you have to say the reason. You can't say a sentence to not go on the end is not it, this will let others think of the right, the responsibility of this matter.......

Well it's really my responsibility to do it without getting it right...but it's her fault for not making things clear, right....

Can't shake it off...it's completely and utterly my fault....

"That...that...sister...I'm sorry..."

The president slowed down, more Gwendolyn paralyzed on the couch, palpitating over her neck, her eyes blindly looking at the ceiling slightly gasping for breath. I reached out and gently took her hand in mine, and with a strong apology, said.


"Sister...I'm really sorry...I...I really didn't mean it..."

Well I just did it on purpose....

"No...no...I'm, rather, not very angry. Rather, almost scared to death..."

The chairman looked at me with a weary smile. I would have felt better if the chairman had stood up in a thunderstorm at this time and beaten me or scolded me bitterly. However, if the chairman did that, it would only make me feel even more guilty. To say the least, it used to be that whenever I made a mistake I thought my sister would hit me, but no matter what the mistake was, she never hit me. Maybe it was because, I hadn't made any essential mistakes.

However, my sister was so tolerant of me every time, and I hurt her again.

This time, though, it was physical.

"Seeing my brother afraid of me having a boyfriend really satisfies my brother-controlled heart, even though I'm hurting physically, I'm actually cheering inside..."

The would-be president's eyes immediately turned nasty, and she fiercely reached out and grabbed my head and forcefully washed it, rubbing her chin in my hair and shouting, "Whahahahahahaha, sure enough, my brother is in love with me! Just because I'm so angry because I think I have a boyfriend, my brother really does love me. Come on come on brother don't be shy ah, you're always welcome if you want to be your sister's boyfriend... I don't care what ethics and morals it even if I have a child I'll raise it... Woo ah!"

I reached out a hand and gagged her, pushing it away from her face. Stay away from me you ethics crusher you sick fuck. You stay away from me I'm mad because you have a boyfriend and didn't tell me about it not mad because you have a boyfriend okay! You need to distinguish between the two!

And you're getting ridiculous!

I don't care if you have a boyfriend!

I broke free hard, and any sympathy and guilt I had left was instantly gone, and sure enough, this dead pervert didn't need sympathy. Because she would be in heat at any moment, literally pouncing on it as well as an animal without a brain, ah!

Well, but this matter is settled...the chairman looks like he can't go because of his health, so I'll have to go by myself.

I seem to be facing Qin Lan Lin Yiran Wu Mo Xi Song Yixin this time it's everyone on the opposite side ah, who else can help me with reinforcements on my side other than the chairman? I'm not really in need of help, I just need someone to give me some courage.

[Do you want to play tennis this weekend?

I turned on my phone and sent a message to Xiang Chul regardless of the chairman who was shouting that he had to kiss to stand up. It's actually very late now, and I wonder if Xiang Chul....

I'm not going.

It's a second call, but that's not what I want.

Come with me. Four girls.]

Oh, congratulations.

Congratulations, my ass! Do you think these girls are easy to deal with? I might be able to handle it if they come one by one, but I'm a little scared if they're all here!

What happened to you that day? Nothing. Help!

I'm on my own. Something happened to me that day.

Did you see it? Have you seen it? This is a friend, a friend will never send charcoal in snow ah, this kind of critical moment this kid directly scattered legs to run completely regardless of whether I live or die, and he played big brother I play auxiliary position, see the opposite side of a few head like a tiger to pounce when he ran faster than anyone else.

But that at any rate there is strategic significance but this time you run what use are not and this time I am a big brother you are auxiliary ah!

It's over. I'm all alone now. The world doesn't even love me I might as well find a rooftop. No no no the finding a rooftop thing can be put on hold for a while now what I need to prepare for is going to play tennis, and it's not about getting ready to play tennis because I'm not very good at it at all. I just need to think of several things that could happen and make contingency plans.

But, as the chairman said, life is perfect because of its unpredictable dishes.

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