Absolute Great Teacher

Chapter 63: Master Sun, I am very optimistic about you!

   After the intern teachers went out, the lecture hall immediately became empty.

   Lianzheng originally planned to let the four Gu Xiuxun sit in the front row to make it easier to talk, but when he saw that all four of them looked like a stranger, he gave up.

   Between proud geniuses, it is like two beasts that cannot coexist in a hunting ground, they are always hostile to each other.

  ‘That’s good, if there is hostility, you will not accept defeat, and you will want to stabilize the opponent in various places. This is also an incentive and spur. ’

   Lianzheng is very satisfied with the state of these four people, he thinks competition will make people improve.

   The school leaders are also looking at the four people. Needless to say, Gao Ben, Zhang Lan, and Gu Xiuxun are definitely accustomed to the market. The expression is calm and understandable. What the **** is this venomous Sun Mo? Why can you sit there with the old gods?

  The point is that Zhang Hanfu hasn't left, and he hasn't been angry yet.

Since the old principal failed to be promoted to a saint, no one has suppressed Zhang Hanfu. His power has become more and more heavier. The entire Zhongzhou Academy has been scolded and cried by teachers and students. I don’t know how many teachers and students have been scolded by him. Is the first one.

   "Either it is a big heart, extremely high endurance, or it is stupid!"

   Feng Zewen muttered.

   "Principal Ann, would you like to speak up?"

   Clean government inquiry.

   "Let's let Vice Principal Zhang come!"

   An Xin Hui Qiang.


   Zhang Hanfu didn’t want to speak, because he was afraid of speaking, he couldn’t help spraying Sun Mo, but he would not give An Xinhui a chance to express: "Zewen, come on!"

   "Ahem, then I will do it for you."

   Feng Zewen did not back down, and cleared his throat: "First of all, congratulations to the four of you for joining Zhongzhou Academy and becoming one of us!"

   Feng Zewen applauded, and the school leaders naturally clapped their hands politely, but Zhang Hanfu was an exception.

   "The quality is very good!"

   Lianzheng gave a secret compliment.

   In this scene in previous years, the intern teachers would show joy even if they were not excited after hearing the congratulations of ‘joining the job’, but these four were still calm, as if they were taking it for granted.

   Indeed, with the exception of Sun Mo, joining Gu Xiuxun is a matter of course.

   "After you become a formal teacher, you can substitute for lessons. Because it is the first year, in order for you to adapt gradually, your teaching tasks are relatively simple."

"In addition to the professor guiding your own disciples, each of you will have two public classes every day, a total of two hours. As for the content of the lectures, you can decide on your own, such as spiritual patterns, herbalism, alchemy, etc., whatever you like. Any door is fine. Report to me in a week and I will arrange the timetable and classroom for you."

   Feng Zewen paused, and after the four new teachers digested it, he continued: "Although it is a free choice, but for these two courses, I suggest you choose what you are best at."

"When you first started teaching, there were definitely few students attending the class, so we did not make any demands. But after half a year, the number of students in class will be used as a reference standard. If the standard is not met after one year, your public classes will be Cut it off."

   At this point, Feng Zewen's tone became serious.

   A huge pressure immediately hit the four of them.

   In all the countries of Kyushu, the teaching of public courses is the mainstream.

   Not only teachers have the right to choose their majors and give lectures, students also have the right to freely choose which teacher to listen to.

   If the teacher speaks well, there will naturally be more students who come to attend the class. If it is not good, it will certainly be a catch. If the number of students attending the class drops to the bottom line set by the school, then this public class will be cut off.

   Teachers who want to become famous teachers are killed out of this cruel competition. If you want to go to class every day, you will receive a salary and live comfortably. That is absolutely impossible.

   It is precisely because of this mechanism that teachers have done their best to improve the quality of teaching, attracting students, and thus greatly improving the students.

   As long as students listen to the class with their heart, they definitely don’t have to worry about teachers grinding foreign workers, or their teaching ability is too rubbish, because such teachers have been eliminated.

   "Awesome, my Dazhongzhou!"

   Sun Mo curled his lips, not to mention that he was a teacher in the No. 2 Middle School of the city. He was doing modern education, but he somewhat appreciated this teaching method.

   Whether the teacher has the strength and whether the job title can be evaluated, it is not the school, the education bureau, and your family background that has the final say, but the students have the final say. This is fair!

   "Speaking of the system, aren't An Xinhui and I both childhood sweethearts? Why is the favorability calculated from neutral?"

   Sun Mo has a small question.

   "Because that deity is a sweet childhood sweetheart, you are not."

   System explanation.

   The deity is dead. Standing here is Sun Mo from another world, so the system has to recalculate the favorability score.

   When the host has feelings of affection, closeness, admiration, and admiration to the target due to his behavior towards the target, he will get a good impression.

   In addition to representing the changes in the relationship between two people, the ``favorable degree'' is more importantly used as a currency to purchase items from the mall.

   Therefore, Sun Mo and An Xinhui’s favorability must be calculated from neutral to 0.

   Gu Xiuxun raised his hand.

   "Master Gu, please speak!"

   Feng Zewen is always tolerant to beautiful women.

   "Master Feng, a major. We felt inappropriate during the course of the talk. Can I change it?"

   Gu Xiuxun asked.


Feng Zewen looked at this beautiful school flower, and secretly compared it with An Xinhui: "But I must remind you that the reputation of a teacher and students accumulate slowly. If you change the teaching major easily, you will lose what you accumulate. Popularity."

   "Thank you, Master Feng!"

   With Gu Xiuxun’s mind, she had thought of this a long time ago and asked questions, but she wanted to call her "Master Feng" on formal occasions, and then be called "Master Gu" by other teachers.

   This kind of peer-to-peer relationship with colleagues, this kind of cool appellation, is awesome, from now on, I am also a teacher!

   Gu Xiuxun's right hand was under the table, and he clenched his fist excitedly. The first step was achieved. The next step is to become the leader among the teachers who have not won the title.

   The so-called untitled refers to teachers who have not obtained the title of one-star master teacher for whatever reason.

"Then, our Zhongzhou Academy still has a custom that has been passed down for thousands of years." Feng Zewen laughed: "Every teacher who just started, the first public class is self-expression, your teaching philosophy, your life goal , Your good at, etc., you can say anything,"

   Gu Xiuxun and the four were originally indifferent, but with Feng Zewen's next introduction, their faces were no longer calm.

"This public class will be held in an amphitheater. We will inform all teachers and students of the school. It is almost certain that such a large classroom of 300 people will be crowded, but the biggest test is the questioning session. Any student or teacher has the right to ask you questions. If you can’t answer, or if you’re too bad to respond, you’ll be embarrassed.”

   The school leaders subconsciously glanced at Sun Mo. Except for Gao Ben who was still sitting in distress, Gu Xiuxun and Zhang Lan couldn't help but look at Sun Mo.

   In their view, no matter what method Sun Mo uses to recruit five students, it doesn't matter. On the stage, that is the real battlefield.

  Is there any real materials?

   "Master Sun, I am very optimistic about you!"

   Feng Zewen seemed to admire him, but seeing that he belongs to the teacher of Zhang Hanfu's department, he knew that his words were even more ironic.

   Zhang Hanfu sneered. Sun Mo is An Xinhui's fiancé. With this status, there will be many teachers watching.

   Those teachers who hate you because of An Xinhui, it's strange not to pick thorns and make trouble.

   "Master Feng, in that case, you must prepare a few questions at that time. If you don't ask me down, how about you invite me to eat for three months?"

   Sun Mo said.


   Sun Mo suddenly responded, shocking everyone, no one thought that he would pick up, and he was still so tough.

   Aren’t you going to watch a good show?

   Then come, I'll take it!

   An Xin Hui's beautiful eyes lit up, as if he didn't know this childhood sweetheart anymore, regardless of his strength, this momentum is really amazing.


   +1 from An Xinhui.

   The prestige relationship with An Xinhui, neutral (2/100).

   Feng Zewen was taken aback for a moment, his smile stiffened, and he was a little upset, how old are you, and you deserve to provoke me? But on this occasion, he is not easy to have a seizure, after all, he said it first, so he didn't smile.

   "Okay, I will definitely prepare a few big meals for you at that time. If you can't answer, you don't need to invite me to dinner. Just buy me three altars of stuffed grapes from Ruyifang."

   "Master Feng, Ruyifang’s grape vinegar costs several thousand taels of silver. Sun Mo has just joined the job. How can I buy it for you?"

   An Xinhui interjected.

   "It's fine if you win?"

   Zhang Hanfu interrupted Feng Wenzhi.

   Feng Zewen was depressed. Even if Sun Mo didn't stubbornly beat Zhang Hanfu at the meeting today, the vice principal would make trouble for him, but now it's his turn to do the drudgery.

   I am also a one-star master teacher anyway, let me roll up my sleeves and play in person, Zhang Hanfu, are you embarrassed?

   Feng Zewen didn't dare to offend An Xinhui, but felt that he had been devalued, and a one-star master teacher treated the new Sun Mo?

   is really a dragon knife for killing chickens!

   "In this case ~www.readwn.com~ the gambling game is established, but if Master Feng loses, he will also send Master Sun to the three big altars of grapes to be made."

   Gu Xiuxun interrupted, she didn't mean stage fright at all, she decided that she must be there on the day Sun Mo went to public class.

   At that time, Sun Mo was asked and he came out to save the field by himself. He would definitely give a wave of presence and let all the teachers and students know how good Gu Xiuxun is.

   Feng Zewen hadn’t expressed his opinion, so Sun Mo answered: “That’s it, Master Feng won’t be afraid?”

   Sun Mo has never suffered a temper. He was thinking about how to raise his bet. Gu Xiuxun helped, but the trembling of the purse chest must have an impure motive.

   The two people's eyes met in the air.

  ‘I’m sorry, you can become a pedal! ’

   Gu Xiuxun imagined a bright future, but she also admitted that Sun Mo dared to provoke a one-star master teacher and his courage was indeed commendable.


   +1 from Gu Xiuxun.

  'S reputation relationship with Gu Xiuxun, neutral (2/100).

   Listening to the prompt, Sun Mo looked at Zhang Lan and Gao Ben. Sure enough, the two of them didn't respond, and they didn't bother him at all.


   "The task is released, please in the first public class, perfectly cope with the difficulties from the students and teachers, get a beautiful debut, and give rewards depending on the result."

   "Note, if you perform too badly, you will be punished!"

   "There is still punishment?"

   Sun Mo is speechless. He can imagine that those male teachers will do their best to make things difficult for themselves and prove that they are **** and not worthy of An Xinhui.

   It can be said that the test I face is several times larger than that of Gu Xiuxun's trio.

   Sun Mo was still wandering, and the voice of the system rang again.

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