Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 1038: I'm quite vigilant

Although he didn't answer his question out loud, something in the well moved, and the parrot Qian San had just thrown in was thrown out intact and hit the ground.

 The parrot was soaked all over, its feathers clung to its body, and it was completely smaller.

Its neck was tilted exaggeratedly, and its head was obviously decapitated. However, its black eyes were still open, and it screamed: "I'm dead again, I'm dead again!"

“…” Qian San ignored the noisy bird and only stared at the hairtop in the well suspiciously.

He threw the parrot, which was already a corpse, just to test it. He knew the temperament of the thing in the well. He hated the well water being polluted and would always return everything that accidentally entered the well.

Looking at this reaction, it seems right?

 But why didn’t it come up and talk to him?

 And the hair looks a bit strange, and there is always a strange feeling.

 Because it was too dark, Qian San couldn't make out anything.

You could only see that after throwing the parrot, another pale hand stretched out from the well, with a frightening and sinister aura, and rushed straight to Qian San's face.

The ghosts in Fengtou Town are inherently more frightening than other places. This terrifying aura that hits your face is indeed a powerful ghost!

And it’s impossible for Lianxiang’s cheap hoof to defeat the ghost in the well and pretend to be here, because one arm of Lianxiang is sewn together with the old woman, so there is no way to make this action.

Except for the sound of a little turbulence in the water, the surroundings were completely silent. He moved his ears, but did not hear any movement in the flower stems underground.

 The formation he set up was well preserved and not disturbed at all.

But he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that the surroundings were darker than before, as if he was shrouded in the shadow of an unknown existence.

"What's going on...could it be that the well ghost made the noise himself, and no one came to my yard?" Qian San muttered, hesitantly walking towards the well, one hand behind his back very elegantly, and the other hand on his back. In front of the abdomen, pacing vividly.

Zhao Yijiu, who blended into the shadow of the courtyard wall, showed a disgusted expression. He really rarely saw people who pretended like this in the deduction. In terms of image, they were not as elegant as Zhao Mou.

 As for strength…

As soon as Qian Sanyi approached the edge of the well, he drew out the dagger he carried on his back and stabbed the bricks at the wellhead without any delay.

 It seemed that he was no longer worried about why the ghost in the well didn't answer his words.

Rather, in just ten seconds, he determined that the uninvited guest in his courtyard was in the well at the moment, waiting for him!

His dagger was just heading towards the bricks, without any killing intent. Naturally, it made people notice it a moment later. Zhao Yijiu's shadow had just risen from the ground and wrapped around Qian San's arm. The tip of the dagger had already stabbed him. Into the cracks of the bricks.

 This well is the center of the array.

The state of the array heart changed, and the entire array was artificially touched. Zhao Yijiu took a closer look, and saw that several potted plants not far ahead began to ooze blood.

Not only those few plants, but all the plants in the courtyard became depressed and twisted. The lush and healthy leaves began to curl and wither, while the flowers bloomed more and more delicately.

 The rich fragrance floats into the air, almost creating a substantial mist.

Not only that, the ground shook silently. Zhao Yijiu, who was attached to the courtyard wall, could also feel the plant roots under the foundation swimming like snakes.

 One after another, whether they are hallucinations or reality, began to appear in disorder. If you identify them carefully, they seem to be saying:

 “I want to bloom…”

 “I want to bloom…”

"I want to bloom, I want to bloom, I want to bloom, bloom, bloom, bloom!!" The sudden burst of mental pollution penetrated from the eardrums into the brain. Zhao Yijiu felt in a trance that he was a flower that was about to bloom, and now it was time to bloom. .

He really wants to bloom. To bloom, he wants to bloom the round flower bones from above. The petals snap together and spread out in different directions -

 In just one second, Zhao Yijie forced himself to wake up.

His head hurt, as if it was about to split. He accidentally glanced at the parrot corpse on the ground, only to see that the parrot's head had disappeared and was replaced by a blooming flower.

 The blooming brain flower.

The small flowers bloom delicately and cleverly blend into the atmosphere of other flowers in the yard.

Zhao Yijiu has an expressionless face and has developed the habit of calmly analyzing everything he encounters—

 These babbles...cannot be listened to.

 It is a kind of curse!

If you lose yourself and are brainwashed by the flowers in the yard, your head will bloom like a flower.

 Did Qian San actively trigger the attack mode of his formation? It seems that he still has some strength, at least vigilant enough and decisive enough.

Zhao Yijiu, who was in the shadow, looked at his non-existent face with a cold face, raised his non-existent hand, and touched the top of his non-existent head.

 Not cracked.

 He is naturally resistant to such a curse while in the shadow state, because he has no body and is less likely to be affected by the body parts targeted by brainwashing.

On the other hand, Yu Xing wanted to be a monster in the well. I wonder if he would be affected more deeply?

Just now Yu Xing said that he had some ideas, so he jumped directly from the wall into the well. After that, the well became quiet, and Zhao Yijiu had no idea what Yu Xing was doing inside.

He could infer that there was a ghost in the well, and he also knew that Yu Xing wanted to deal with the ghost inside first, but he didn't expect it to be so quiet.

Until Qian San went out, Yu Xing exposed his two hands at the mouth of the well like a prank. Qian San could not recognize the hands of the ghost in the well, but Zhao Yijiu could recognize Yu Xing's. Not long ago, these hands were holding red silk ropes. , weaving bracelets there.

Seeing these hands, Zhao Yijiu was sure that Yu Xingzhen had just killed the original things in the well so quietly. He didn't know how he did it, because no matter how he thought, he could stay in the deep well in the center of the formation. None of the ghosts are just minions that can be crushed to death easily.

 What's more, the ghosts in Fengtou Town cannot be killed.

Hmm, has Yu Xing thought about Qian San’s response in advance?

 If he had thought about it, was it Yu Xing’s consideration not to stop the dagger just now?

As he was muttering in his mind, Zhao Yijiu saw Qian San shaking out a piece of talisman paper from his sleeve with sharp eyes. After a moment of perception, he realized that there was an energy flow extending outward on the talisman paper, which was not used for communication. , is used for decoding.

  is a communication symbol?

The reason why they came in so secretly was that they were afraid that Qian San in the house would send a message to Master Wanban without them seeing it, thus alerting the enemy.

Now that Qian San has come out, any attempt to subpoena him is just wishful thinking!

With a thought in his mind, Zhao Yijiu quickly shuttled through the shadows while manipulating the silk-thin shadows. In the midst of Qian San's horror, he tied his hands in advance and smashed the talisman paper.

 At the same time, Yu Xing popped out of the water.

The wet body and clothes, the long hair hanging down, the pale face under the gap between the long hair, and the malicious curve of the corners of the mouth were all like a ghost, with an impact that hit Qian San's spirit hard. superior.

 Qian San was in a trance, and all the "I want to bloom" sounds that had no effect on him in the yard were all turned into a gloomy and unfamiliar voice at this moment, which he could not hear clearly.

His eyes widened, and he suddenly noticed that the mouth of the "ghost" coming out of the well was opening and closing, and he subconsciously focused his attention.

 The voice in the courtyard suddenly became clear. Qian San discerned it, and the voice clearly said "I want to kill someone."

Yu Xing threatened with a smile: "Qian San, I want to kill someone." (End of this chapter)

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