Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 2: Key lock? Then get out of the way

Chapter 2 Key Lock? Then get out of the way

 The blood was thick and obviously not yet dry, as if it had just been applied.

  …“I’m the only one.”

  Did you even make blood props for the horror atmosphere? Hey! ? It’s prop blood! ?

Yu Xing's heart trembled, and he almost threw the camera out of control. Others were attracted by his movement and looked over.

"What's wrong?" The brown-haired boy stretched his head and saw that Yu Xing's face was frighteningly white. He couldn't help but laugh, "You're scared before we even start?"

"There is blood... blood..." Yu Xing raised the camera to show it to the brown-haired guy. Of course, the other person saw nothing in the darkness.

The handsome man reacted quickly, quickly touched his camera and sniffed the palm of his hand: "I have it on my camera too."

“I have it too!” the short-haired girl exclaimed in a low voice, “Is it ketchup?”

It was then that a few people noticed that the cameras they had received were stained with red liquid and exuded a faint fishy smell, which was obviously far away from ketchup.

"Maybe it's fake blood, the kind often used in filming and so on. Aren't we here to test our courage today? I guess, not only is there fake blood, there may be other things arranged in the factory!" The girl with long curly hair laughed. , gave a sly guess. When everyone heard it, they felt that the logic was correct, and they felt relieved.

Yu Xing breathed a sigh of relief. He actually thought so too. After all, Assistant Hao gave the camera to him. Only Assistant Hao could arrange these things. The meaning of the assistant's actions was already obvious, which was to let them experience a "haunted house" night tour. Feeling, look at the potential of being an anchor...

However, you will still be subconsciously frightened when you first see it!

I just want to find a job with a decent salary. Why do I have to suffer like this...?

 The cold touch of the camera reminded him of the corpse in the refrigerator. He sighed quietly, raised the camera to his eyes, and used the night vision mode to observe his surroundings.

They came in through the gate and were in a hall. The exit of the hall should be connected to the office, employee changing room, raw material storage room, etc., but it cannot be seen now.

 The situation of the hall can be summed up in one word: dilapidated.

The usable machines have been removed long ago, leaving a few pieces of damaged equipment standing in the open space. The ground is covered with dust, rag bags, and broken boards.

If the battery is buried in a small pile of debris in the corner, it will take a lot of effort to find it. Eight batteries mean that one battery can only last about half an hour, so you need to hurry up.

“Well, why don’t you get to know each other first?” When everyone was familiar with the camera operation, the short-haired girl smiled helplessly. Why didn’t anyone mention this matter?

"Yes, I was so excited that I forgot about it." The girl with long curly hair responded very positively. Her voice was a little flamboyant like everyone else, and she was very outgoing. "My name is Zhang Shuya. I especially like watching horror movies. I have been to various places in China. The haunted house has a deep grasp of various routines~"

"My name is Tang Li, and this is my sister Tang Yuan." The handsome man nodded politely, and Yu Xing looked up unexpectedly. She didn't expect that this man and the short-haired girl were brother and sister.

“Fang Rui, I just graduated this year.” The brown-haired boy’s short-sleeved shirt looked a bit prominent. Everyone would have to say, “Young man, you are really not afraid of the cold.”

Yu Xing first turned off the night vision to save power, and then introduced it properly: "Yu Xing, Yu Ji's Yu, lucky luck."

 “Zhao Yijiu.” The young man wearing a mask spoke for the first time, revealing a pair of sharp eyes with a hint of gloominess.

His voice had a cold quality, which chilled the newly acquainted atmosphere as soon as he spoke.

"Um..." Fang Rui's eyes twitched, and then he suggested, "Let's look for batteries first. For the sake of efficiency, how about we group them in pairs?"

"Okay, I want to team up with my brother." Tang Yuan naturally approached Tang Li. It was natural for brothers and sisters to work together, and no one could object.

"It's okay to go in pairs!" Zhang Shuya glanced at Yu Xing with a smile, "I have a lot of facial control, you know. Um...Yu Xing, right? Let's work together so that I can cover you?" "

 It’s so enviable for a beautiful woman to take the initiative to show her kindness! Sure enough, is it still about appearance these days? Fang Rui sighed in his heart, and then heard Yu Yankong's message and said hesitantly:

"Well... forget it, I'm not very good at getting along with girls, and I don't know how to take care of girls."

 Fang Rui: My brothers are great and I am grateful to my family.

Zhang Shuya was a little unhappy at being rejected, but she was arrogant. When she heard the word "care", she knew that the other party did not take her abilities seriously. She didn't want to fight any more. She didn't have to think about the remaining relationship between Fang Rui and Bingzhaizi Zhao Yijiao.

Her emotional intelligence is still very high, and she immediately put on a regretful expression: "Fang Rui, the handsome guy doesn't want me, why don't you take me in?"

"Of course." Fang Rui gave Yu Xing a thumbs-up gesture, and happily completed the grouping regardless of whether Yu Xing could see it or not.

Yu Xing was naturally paired with the silent Zhao Yijiu.

 After that, three temporary teams defined the search scope, and Yu Xing and the two were assigned to the one-third of the site on the far right side of the factory. There was no hall, many rooms, and the route was a bit complicated.

Time is precious, so after a few words of symbolic encouragement to each other, everyone dispersed and walked towards their own search area.

 The two young men were silent all the way. Zhao Yijiu seemed to be like this, while Yu Xing didn't know how to speak.

  After the large army dispersed, the empty and dilapidated factory looked even more eerie. Even if the voice was slightly louder, there would be echoes. In addition, the sound of rain outside the window gave people the illusion that footsteps that did not belong to them were following them.

On the right side is the exit of the hall. A narrow corridor can only accommodate two people walking side by side. Yu Xing has a flashlight in one hand and a camera in the other, walking half a step behind Zhao Yijius.

Since the corridor is closed and there are no windows, it is almost impossible to see your fingers. Only the light beam held in your hand can give people some sense of security.

"Are you afraid of ghosts?" The cold voice was like a basin of cold water poured into the refrigerator, which instantly froze into popsicles. Yu Xing was stunned for a moment before he realized that Zhao Yijiu was taking the initiative to talk to him.

 I guess it was because he was neither active nor bold nor calm, but Zhao Yijiu's tone didn't seem to indicate any disdain.

"There should be no ghosts in the world. What I'm afraid of is visual and auditory jumpscare, as well as the suggestion of extreme fear. This is a natural physiological and psychological reaction." He reluctantly found an explanation and wanted to see it for himself. It doesn't look like a weakling.

"Really?" Zhao Yijiao's face couldn't be seen clearly in the darkness. He seemed to glance back at Yu Xing, blinked at Yu Xing's innocent and sincere expression, and fell silent again.     …”

  I can’t continue chatting today.

The corridor was not long, Zhao Yijiu was not squinting, and the air pressure around his body was low. Yu Xing kept changing the scope of the flashlight. Sure enough, after walking a few steps, he saw a fist-sized mouse hole lying in the wall. A small cylindrical metal object.

“Battery!” He felt better. Under Zhao Yijiu’s silent gaze, he bent forward and reached out to pick it up.

 But at this moment, his heartbeat inexplicably skipped a beat, and a bad premonition came into his heart.

Nothing will happen...thinking this, he hesitated for a moment before continuing to get it.

 However, it turns out that men’s sixth sense is also very powerful.

As soon as Yu Xing held the battery with his slender fingers, before he could stand up, Yu Xing saw a streak of blue-white mixed with faint purple appearing in the hole.

 That’s a palm!

  A man's hand squeezed out from the hole that should have been eaten by mice or insects. It looked like it had eyes, and it firmly grabbed Yu Xing's wrist!

 Cold, flaccid, and feeling like dead hands.

As soon as this hand touched Yu Xing's skin, he felt the cold air flowing directly to the Tianling Gai along this place, making his whole body stiff with cold.

"Ghost!" Yu Xing screamed and immediately backed away. There was a pulling force on his wrist, as if he was trying to drag his whole body into the small hole.

Zhao Yijiu saw that he was struggling hard and grabbed his back collar. Yu Xing felt that as soon as the other person touched him, the hand in the mouse hole loosened up.

The hand retracted and disappeared without a trace. Yu Xing was in shock, his wrist hurt, and he was afraid it would turn blue soon.

 “What is this?” He was a little panicked.

 Props arranged by Assistant Hao? Or the "haunted house actor" hiding on the other side of the wall?

Zhao Yijiu squatted down, shined a flashlight into the mouse hole, and even boldly poked it twice: "It's a normal wall, that thing is gone."

The two of them looked at each other and understood what the other wanted to express:

According to what Zhang Shuya said, this thing can barely have a reasonable explanation, but whether it is a deliberately arranged prop or a hidden person, can it disappear automatically?

This doesn’t seem to make sense.

"That hand just now doesn't look fake." Yu Xing frowned and noticed something was wrong. He touched the skin on his wrist, rubbed the goose bumps that appeared and murmured, "I'm familiar with the corpse, it's Just like the kind that has completed autolysis and decomposition, but has not yet begun to rot..."

"Are you familiar with the corpse?" Zhao Yijiu glanced at him, a little surprised.

“…Just saying it casually.” Yu Xing smiled, then spread his hand, and he finally got the battery.

Zhao Yijiu said "Huh" without going into details. He was silent for a moment, as if he was thinking. After a while, he glanced at Yu Xing and finally said: "...Tonight is a bit strange."


"Actually, I was the first one to enter the factory. Before I came in, I saw a shadow moving inside through the window. I thought someone else had arrived first, but I didn't see it after I came in." Zhao Yijiu's bangs half covered his eyebrows, and his eyes were filled with laughter. Full of doubts.

“Later, you came in one by one, and I never found out who the shadow was at the beginning.”

"No, if you tell a ghost story at this time, I will take it seriously." Yu Xing tentatively took a step back, and his nervous expression made Zhao Yijius feel a little funny.

"I'm serious. So I'm wondering whether tonight's test is just for the company to recruit new people. Maybe there are other things that are being concealed. Oh, if you are an atheist, just pretend that I didn't say it."

Yu Xing's face turned pale: "Atheist... I am sometimes an atheist and sometimes not. Generally, I am not an atheist before the results are announced and when I draw cards in the game. I am an atheist at other times."

 Zhao Yijiu: This is so true.

"General, in general, if you tell me that there is really a ghost here, I can accept it." Yu Xing's voice trembled while pretending to be calm. He looked back and saw that the factory door was far away from him, "I Can you leave now and never come back?"

“You’re here.” Zhao Yijiu said the most commonly used line among Chinese people without changing his expression, “If I think too much, you will be eliminated by the company.”

As he said that, he pointed ahead: "There is a door there."

This door is located at the end of the corridor, blocking the way for the two of them. Zhao Yijiao obviously intends to continue walking.

Yu Xing struggled in his heart. Before he was sure whether he would bump into a real ghost, he still lost to the attractiveness of the salary. He suppressed the urge to run all the way home and watched Zhao Yijiu step forward and push the door open: " …Locked.”

I can’t figure it out. It’s already abandoned. Why did you lock it? Yu Xing asked: "What lock?"

Zhao Yijiu, who was about to kick in the door, replied casually: "Ordinary key lock."

The decoration of the Qingyuan Pharmaceutical Factory is rough, and the door locks certainly don’t use combination locks and electronic locks.

“Then get out of the way and I’ll open the door.”

Yu Xing put the camera on the ground, took out a piece of wire from the pocket of his overalls and leaned over.

 Zhao Yijiu:?

 Friend, your skill point allocation is quite novel.

Several author friends said that the title of my book is a book title solicited by the street book title (#Д). Once I sign the contract, I can’t change it. Help me.



 (End of this chapter)

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