Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 46: alice hell

Chapter 46 Alice Hell

The small red and black flags were waving, and the huge clock was ticking, making the central square fall into silence.

Yu Xing's words silenced Ling Heng. After a few seconds, he said, "I don't understand what you mean. Ajiu doesn't know anything."

 An expected denial. Yu Xing ignored it at all, and then poked the needle in the heart: "This plan was discussed secretly by the two of you when you were carrying her in the coffee chair, right? The curse on me just now was caused by her after getting off the coffee chair. You pretended to be crazy to attract my attention, did you do it behind my back?"

The old man sat down again on the ground, crossed his legs, and his arrogant look was in sharp contrast to Ling Heng: "You have basically locked the deceased, but before you start, there is another me. You can see that I am I became suspicious of you and decided to kill two of you - of course, to ensure correctness, Chen Jiu will do the killing for both of them. However, you have already occupied the quota of an insider of the murderer. Xie Ze and I cannot know Chen Jiu's identity at the same time. That’s why we have the current situation.”

He pointed to the model tower in the square: "You deliberately invited me here just so that when I die by her hands, I will mistakenly think that the murderer is you."

Ling Heng pursed his lips and glanced in the direction of Chen Jiu.

"But unfortunately, when I said this, she had already lost." Yu Xing knew what he was looking at and said leisurely.

Ling Heng withdrew his gaze and asked, "You don't have any direct clues to prove it."

 “Hmm?” Yu Xing was hesitant.

"Then how did you determine that the murderer was Ajiu and not mine?"

“Open your mouth. The fusion of the sacrifice’s ability and personality has different effects on each deducer. How could you, a researcher, fuse the ability to mutilate the experimental subject~”

Yu Xing smiled brightly and said in a bad tone: "What is exposed in the human subconscious is the most irrefutable. Isn't it sad, little scientist?"

This is really a surprising line of reasoning.

 “Heh…is this okay?” Ling Heng felt a little bit humiliated. It was clear that in this kind of logical deduction, as long as the slightest misdirection, people would be indecisive. But the person in front of him cleared up all the fog with just some details from weird angles.

He took a deep breath: "But it doesn't matter. Ajiu will pass the curse on to others. As long as I kill you and stop you from talking nonsense, there will still be two insiders."

Yu Xingyi shrugged: "It's a little late, look behind you."


His back was facing the model tower in the central square, with the tower behind him. Ling Heng was not afraid of deception and turned around sharply.

Zhao Yijiu's cold face, as if someone owed him a million, suddenly appeared two meters behind him.

 There was also a tiptoeing Wang Jue hanging behind him.

   Yu Xing: “Have you heard everything?”

 Zhao Yijiu: “I heard it.”

Yu Xing: “Do you believe it?”

 Zhao Yijiu: “Xin.”

Wang Jue: "It's so awesome. No wonder Zhao Yijiu didn't let me call you out!"

Just now Wang Jue and Zhao Yijiu saw Yu Xing Ling Heng in the square, and Yu Xing also saw them.

Yu Xing also pointed to the model tower at them. Just as Wang Jue was about to ask "what do you mean?", Zhao Yijiu covered his mouth and pulled the tower down to eavesdrop.

 It turned out that the gesture was to tell them to be silent and hide.

Zhao Yijiu moved quickly and had stealthy skills. Unexpectedly, Wang Jue was also good at following him without making any unnecessary noise.

 At this time, there was no room for turning around for Ling Heng—or Chen Jiu.

Ling Heng sighed and moved his body, probably wanting to run away. Zhao Yijiu took a step forward and reached out to grab Ling Heng's wrist.

"There is no rule that stipulates that suspects and detectives cannot kill people." Zhao Yijiu said coldly, and his words were even more ruthless.

Yu Xing became happy: "Okay, okay, let's do it. If my sacrifice hadn't been more powerful just now, I would have died. I'm so pitiful."

Wang Jue: “…?”

 Why do you feel like something is wrong?

 Ah, by the way, Yu Xing changed his face whenever he said he changed his face just now, I’m afraid he’s not an old man!

Zhao Yijiu stared at Ling Heng with cold eyes, and met Ling Heng's gloomy and elegant eyes. Then he tilted his head slightly and said to Yu Xing: "I will control him for you, you do it."

A strange light flashed across Yu Xing's eyes: "It's okay."

 When he entered this deduction, he brought nothing but clothes. Zhao Yijiu had a dagger after all. If he wanted to kill someone, he would either use Mingzhu Tears or some other killing method that could be done with bare hands.

Yu Xing stretched out a hand and pinched Ling Heng's neck.

The moment his fingers touched Ling Heng's skin, Ling Heng felt a particularly cold air flow from the other person's body into his body, making him shiver with the coldness.

Subsequently, a pulling force came from his neck, and he involuntarily took a step forward. The coldness that Yu Xing had passed over his body suddenly burst out, making Zhao Yizhu helplessly let go of his hand.

Yu Xing also suddenly retracted his hand as if being pricked by a needle. Ling Heng looked up in confusion and saw Yu Xing mouthing a few words to him close at hand - "Run away."

At this moment, he suddenly realized that Yu Xing didn’t actually want to kill him.

Before he had time to think about the reason, Ling Heng pushed Yu Xing away and ran towards Chen Jiu.

Yu Xing was pushed so hard that he couldn't stand still and sat down on the ground: "I'll go, he's so strong..."

"Damn, what's going on? He was restrained by the two of you and still had the ability to run?" Wang Jue looked on dumbfounded. He only saw Yu Xing grabbing Ling Heng's neck, and Ling Heng suddenly took a step forward. A terrifying aura exploded, breaking through the confinement of the two people.

“That cold breath—” Zhao Yijiu looked down at his hands. A thin layer of ice formed on his palms. “It’s lethal.”

 His eyes moved to Yu Xing: "Are you okay, sick Yangzi?"

"It's okay..." Yu Xing said, and the hand supporting his body suddenly touched a small hard object.

He looked down and saw that his fingertips were pressing on a ruby ​​the size of his little fingernail.

This is?

 He recalled it.

 It seems that when Alice came out, she patted her skirt and patted the gem that fell off.

With a thought in his mind, he put the ruby ​​into his trouser pocket with the attitude of "If it's so destined, I'll accept it."

 Then he got up and rubbed his butt.

 About letting Ling Heng go—

 Just kidding, Chen Jiu and Ling Heng should both be members of Single Prism.

The punishment for Chen Jiu's failure in the game is probably death. He has to stay alive, otherwise how will he follow Ling Heng to track down the more core members.

 So Ling Heng had to live, but it was hard to explain to Zhao Yijiu why, so he had to make this last decision.

"Since they ran away, we won't chase them," Yu Xing said, "Chen Jiu probably succeeded. If they are smart, they will hide from us after they meet up."

"Then we have nothing to do now?" Wang Jue thought for a while, and he found all four clues and two identities.

"Well, you really have nothing to do." Yu Xing nodded, "I have to help Brother Jiu open another game. He is the detective, and there is still one clue left."

Zhao Yijiu glanced at him sideways: "Where's Xie Ze? Don't you care?"

Yu Xing smiled: "I don't care what he does. Although he is not the murderer of Ruibo's murder in reality, if I admit it correctly, he should also be a murderer." "Oh?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Yijiu was a little surprised, and Wang Jue looked even more gossipy.

  “How to say how to say?”

"In the past two months in Mijin City, three women have died from having their throats cut. The police concluded that it was one person. Although the murderer has not been caught yet, the scope has been narrowed down to seven or eight, and the current suspects are There are three people, one of whom is a white-collar worker from a listed company. I forgot his name, but his age, height and other characteristics match Xie Ze. "

Wang Jue was shocked: "Holy crap, how did you know?"

"I have friends I know...little brother, your expression is too exaggerated." Yu Xing glanced at Wang Jue pointedly.

 Zhao Yijiu sighed in his heart—this is the excuse again.

I don’t know if this kind of friend really exists or if I’m just making it up.

After that, Yu Xing and Zhao Yijiu went into the haunted house. Most of the people in the haunted house were frightened. They put the clue note in the mouth of a skull prop. Zhao Yijiu held it with a dagger to prevent the skull from biting, and took out the clues at will. I glanced at it and threw it away.

 The clue has long since lost its meaning.

While they were taking action, Wang Jue sat outside the haunted house and waited, keeping an eye out to see if Chen Jiu and Ling Heng would attack him.

 It turned out that he was obviously overly worried. Until Yu Xing and Zhao Yijiu came out safely, he did not see the shadow of those two people.

After sitting alone outside for a while, Wang Jue also thought about what happened before. As a result, his thoughts kept getting more and more complicated. When Yu Xing walked to him, he could still hear him whispering:

“I’m convinced, brother, you are too decisive. Have you ever thought about what if you didn’t guess any detail correctly and then got it all wrong?”

"If this happens..." Yu Xing glanced at him, "I'll just find a piece of tofu."

 “Killed?” Wang Jue subconsciously asked.

Yu Xing said: "Eat it and feel regretful about your mistake."


 After that, they stayed up until the end of four hours.

The clock in the central square went back to zero again, and the announcement rang throughout the park: "The game is over, and the time for this park experience has come."

 “Game winner: Wang Jue, Heng, Xing, Lengjiu.”

 “Game failed: Guixin, Ze.”

 “Penalty for failure: death.”

 It was indeed death... Yu Xing raised his eyes and looked at a point in the void.

Ling Heng's body has his aura, and he can actually track Ling Heng's location at any time.

 Chen Jiu should be with him, and see the girl he likes die in front of his own eyes. How would it feel in the hearts of the members of Single Prism?

I really want to take a look around.

However, Paradise did not give him this opportunity. As he stood there, his head suddenly lightened, and his whole body floated up.

  No, that is not accurate. It should be that at this moment, they seemed to have no entity, leaving only consciousness, flying upward without weight.

Yu Xing couldn't see the consciousness of Zhao Yijiu and Wang Jue, but he could vaguely recognize that they were not far away.

The consciousnesses of several people floated into the sky, and were pushed further and further away by a repulsive force.

Yu Xing gradually saw the entire paradise, and saw Alice walking out of the tower as the clock reset to zero.

 “Congratulations on leaving Aliceland!”

Her hollow voice rings in the ears of every deducer.

Alice stood in front of the square, looking up and watching the consciousness of several deducers retreating away. An extremely vivid smile suddenly appeared on the face that should have been mechanical.

 It was like a ghost that had been pretending to be an inanimate body suddenly took off its disguise at this moment.

Yu Xing looked at this place from an angle similar to that of looking down from a high altitude, but a sense of clarity emerged.

 Is this really a paradise?

Sure enough, the next moment, the steampunk paradise in the eyes of the deducers was peeled off like pieces of paper, revealing its true appearance in pitch black.

Bursts of black gas surged out from the facilities that seemed to be burnt, and Alice also lost her pretty appearance. Transformed into a black, parched devil dressed in Lolita.

 All of a sudden, it went from a paradise of gear metal to a withering and decaying... hell.

  It is forced and quickly twisted into absurdity based on real events. There must be many loopholes in the rules of the absurd world.

Just like various game test servers and Ubisoft's works, bugs are the norm.

 So, Aliceland is in an initial state, very immature, and its attitude towards tourists...

Yu Xing felt that this place was actually a different kind of hell.

 A **** dedicated to punishing criminals.

 Hands severed, suffocated, roasted, frightened, suspicious, killing each other...

 Everything is just physical and mental punishment brought to these deducers under the guise of entertainment.

 Why do you have this idea?

Because Yu Xing didn't believe in such a deduction, he just coincidentally gathered two single prisms, a serial killer, and himself - who is also not a good person.

As for Zhao Yijiu and Wang Jue, he had a hunch that these two people must have their own dark pasts.

Alice became extremely ugly, with pits and wrinkles all over her face. Her dark skin seemed to have been drained of moisture, leaving only two scarlet eyes still emitting red light.

 She touched her skirt lovingly, and suddenly found that a gem was missing from the hem of the skirt.

She suddenly looked ferocious and screamed: "Who took my gem!"

His eyes wandered for a while, then locked on Yu Xing’s conscious body: “You, the thief, give me back my gem!”

   Yu Xing: “Oh haha.”

The next moment, his vision was extremely blurry. When it became clear again, he was back in front of the sports equipment warehouse, with a sea of ​​people blocking the back. The more than four hours he spent in the deduction game were only a moment in reality.

But when he pinched the little ruby ​​​​in his trouser pocket and turned his head, Zhu Yan's strange gaze was caught in his eyes before he could take it back.

 “Why are you looking at me?” He smiled.

 In the eyes of others, he should obviously have been standing here, but he might have been stunned for a moment.

But Zhu Yan took a few steps away from the crowd and looked him over: "Where were you just now?"

 (End of this chapter)

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