Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 85: One dares to make it up and the other dares to believe it

Chapter 85 One dares to make it up and the other dares to believe it

The Island of the Dead is actually neither big nor small. It is a place that can be traveled from start to finish by walking very quickly and in three days.

The first and second groups of the armed force set off just like this. Each group had ten people and moved in different directions. The second group plus an accompanying doctor and two cameramen made a total of thirteen people.

 When they set off, it was one o'clock in the afternoon. They expected to return the same way at four-thirty and return to the camp before eight o'clock.

 When this situation lasted for more than half a month, the team explored the surrounding areas of the Island of the Dead, then changed the location of the camp and tried to go deeper.

  Anyway, this team of more than 100 people came here and had no intention of going back within half a year.

If a research institute is really established here and it becomes stable, they will retire after their success, the experimenters will stay, and more professional protectors and operators will be in charge of the Island of the Dead.

The trees continued to recede, and Yu Xing reached out to block the branches extending from the side to prevent the camera from being blocked.

This island has no traces of human intervention at all, and there are naturally no paths. Every step you take does not know where it will land. Maybe there is a deep pit underneath covered with fallen leaves.

cloudy day. The temperature in the afternoon was just right, which gave everyone a relatively comfortable environment to explore on the first day.

"It's been an hour, and I haven't seen a bird." Xiang held the gun and relied on his rough-guy image to speak completely freely, "There aren't even bugs in this **** place, right?"

Her team member responded: "Yes, even if the sea is deserted, it's not really nothing. There are signs of activity in the images sent back before."

Xiang shrugged and saw from the corner of his eye that Fang Xiaoyu's face was pale, as if he was too tired, while the other cameraman, Uncle Liu, was still full of energy.

 She thought about it and thought this was a good opportunity.

 “Hey, Fang Xiaoyu, are you tired?”

Yu Xing wiped the sweat from his head and said honestly: "Tired."

 “Everyone, rest where you are for ten minutes!” Xiang gave the order loudly.

  No one has any objection. This hour does not feel like exploring, but like pure mountain climbing.

The surrounding trees are all common species and overgrown with weeds. Occasionally, you can see brightly colored poisonous mushrooms and unknown flowers with transparent liquid flowing out.

Yu Xing "dutifully" took pictures of all these plants, but there was no trace of ghosts.

 At this time, Yan sat next to him.

"Hey, little cameraman, did you come in through the back door?" Xiang asked very directly, not knowing why.

Yu Xing frowned at first, then relaxed, and said cheerfully: "Yes! But my camera skills are very good, and I am brave enough, so I won't hold you back!"

Yanma patted him on the shoulder: "I believe in your evil deeds. If your courage and skills are not a hindrance, your physical strength will be enough."

 Yu Xing, who was once again criticized for his poor physical fitness: “…”

 His glance at Longzhou was blocked by the camera.

“Do you have anything to ask?” Two seconds later, he temporarily turned off the camera and asked proactively. Once she heard that he was so cooperative and had the same characteristics as the NPCs who came specifically to deliver information in previous deductions she had experienced, she felt even more at ease.

"Let me ask you," Nightmare leaned over, "Our mission is to explore the island, but no one knows what is on the island. We still don't know what the higher-ups mean. Is it for us to find death? Spirit, or prove that the undead do not exist?”

 “You don’t know?” Yu Xing looked surprised.

He said: "Well, although we are employed by this project team, we don't know anything and we don't have any confidence."

Yu Xing then scratched his head and said: "There are ghosts here, ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, you can call them whatever you want. My brother-in-law really didn't tell you? It's impossible, is it because you don't believe what he said?"

   :“Is it really a ghost?”

Yu Xing: “It couldn’t be more true.”

Seeing a hint of disbelief on Yan's resolute face, Yu Xing continued: "You think, a research institute is going to be built here. Also, those few paranormal researchers who stayed on the ship, do you think they are just decorations? But I don't think so. Don’t worry too much…”

 “Why do you say that?” Xiang was a little surprised.

"In the images transmitted back a few times, there are many images of invisible shadows being hit by fighter jets." Yu Xing said, "From those images, it can be seen that the shadows are affected by physics. At least they have entities, so your Weapons should be useful to them."

 Getting this important clue, Xiang nodded.

 She has roughly determined her position in this deduction. The ghosts in the deduction are not a big threat to her. What is important is the people.

Because she didn't expect that she would be the target of the ghoul... The name of this thing doesn't sound like a good bird.

 And she chose the magician as her hunting target simply because she had a sacrifice called [True Gaze], which has a restraining effect on abilities such as illusions and blindness.

  [This paragraph of nonsense makes my scalp numb]

  [If I hadn’t seen him enter the game from the preparation space, I would have almost believed it]

  [Nie treats Xing as an NPC and believes in it hahaha]

 [One dares to ask, one dares to make up, and one dares to believe]

  [I really don’t know whether to say that Xing’s acting is too natural or that Xing’s acting is too unlucky, these two are so funny hahahaha]

The conversation between Xiu'er and Xiu'er continued, and Yan touched his chin and sighed: "I never imagined that there are real ghosts in the world. Hey, Fang Xiaoyu, we have guns, so we are not afraid. What about you, since you have a backstage, why are you here on the front line? ?”

Yu Xing said matter-of-factly: "It's fun. If something happens, you will protect me."

"You are really innocent, let me tell you." Ni's expression suddenly became serious, "Don't trust others too much. There are many people with evil intentions in this team. This is what I have spent so many years in the mercenary team in exchange for blood. Lessons to come.”

Yu Xing was confused: "What do you mean?"

Nightmare pointed at Yu Xing's camera and laughed: "You yourself know that you have to turn off the camera when talking about these things. Even if this project is really launched in the future, it will be kept secret. In fact, many of the people who come to the island now are not involved at all. For confidential work, such as logistics and equipment transportation, they only know what they should do and don’t know what others are doing.”

"So, no matter who asks you, tell me that our armed forces have to contact the undead head-on. Those in the rear are very safe. There is no need to tell." Xiang's face was serious, like an adult admonishing a child, " If anyone asks you again in the future, just say you don’t know.”

 “Oh, that’s it.” Yu Xing understood.

  [Fortunately, you will be a little more low-key now? ]

 [Why do you also listen to "npc"? Maybe he thought this was a tip given to him by the npc Longzhou hahahaha]

  [How stupid, I want to go to another live broadcast room]

Xiang looked at her watch. Ten minutes were almost up. She was not in a hurry to dig out all the clues on Fang Xiaoyu and build a good relationship. Later, if someone asked Fang Xiaoyu the same question, she could also take the opportunity to lock in other deductions. By.

So she stood up contentedly and gave the order—keep going!

What she didn't see was that Yu Xing showed a weird smile after she turned around.

 (End of this chapter)

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