Adorable Collection Order: Mr. Lu, Your Nine Sons Shocked the World

Chapter 1071: The love of Bai Yikang and Nie Qiuyi

That year, she tried her best to get admitted to the university. She could have been admitted to key colleges with her scores. But considering the tuition fee, she finally chose Yucheng Teachers College with lower tuition fees.

However, in this way, even though she promised not to give her a penny from the family, her parents, who were more patriarchal and lazy, still refused to let her go to college.

They want her to go out to work as soon as possible, get married, support her younger siblings, and support her parents.

That summer vacation was like a nightmare for her, and her mother even instructed her sister to steal her admission letter while she was sleeping.

She hid her household registration book and her ID card.

She didn't want to give in, she didn't want to be like those of her peers, marrying and having children at the age of seventeen or eighteen, and wasting her life in a backward mountain village.

She wanted to go out and see, to see the outside world, and to fly like a bird in the blue sky.

So, she pretended to give in, and under the pretext of going out to work with fellow villagers, she defrauded the household registration book and ID card, and ran to Yucheng secretly.

I found the teacher in charge of enrollment at Yucheng Normal School and explained my situation.

The teachers are all very nice. After learning about her situation, they helped her go through the admission procedures and apply for a student loan. Then she went to school secretly behind her parents' backs.

But how long can this be kept secret?

Soon their parents found the school and threatened that she could go to school if she wanted, but she had to give the family 1,500 yuan a month for living expenses. Otherwise, she would go to school every day to make trouble and make her drop out.

Facing such a vampire-like family, she could only choose to compromise and promise to send back 1,500 yuan for living expenses every month.

So, in order to go to school and to fulfill her dream, she worked hard, lived frugally, and squeezed out 1,500 yuan a month to send it home.

During the first half of the semester, they opened a new lo-mei shop in front of their school, recruiting temporary workers. The salary is very good!

So, she hurried to apply for the job.

There, she met Bai Yikang for the first time.

On that day, he wore a white shirt and blue jeans, which gave people the feeling of being clean, warm, handsome and sunny.

Her heart was pounding at the time. He didn't even dare to look up into his eyes.

Later, after the other party asked her some questions, they knew that she was a work-study student, and immediately decided to hire her.

She was full of gratitude for this young and promising boss.

This job is close to the school, and the pay is very good. She calculated that if she did it well, in addition to the money she gave to her family, she would have two or three hundred left a month!

So, she worked very hard and very hard. In the gap of work, I did not forget to memorize English words.

She dreams of being able to go abroad one day, get rid of her family completely, and make a clean break with that horrible home.

She never thought that one day she would have an intersection with a young and handsome boss.

That day, she remembered very clearly, it was a late autumn night, and she got off work as usual to go back to school.

A gust of wind blew, and on the ginkgo tree in front of the braised meat shop, the golden leaves fell like butterflies under the street lamps.

Fascinated by the beauty in front of her, she bent down and began to pick up the beautiful butterfly-like leaves on the ground. I want to keep this beauty in my heart forever!

Just then, a car stopped in front of her. Their young boss, Bai Yikang, suddenly stuck his head out of the car. The bright street lights shone on his face. Charming.

"What are you doing here?" As he spoke, he opened the car door and walked out.

Another gust of wind blew, and ginkgo leaves hovered and fell above his head. On a deserted autumn night, under the bright street lamps, he slowly walked towards her like a god.

Nie Qiuyi clearly heard her heartbeat.

On that day, they stood in the cold autumn wind and chatted for a long time! Later, it gradually became more familiar.

That year was the best and happiest time in her life.

Bai Yikang took her to visit many internet celebrity spots in Yucheng. They studied the new taste of braised pork together, went to Luozhaigou to pick the freshest fruit together, went to the roof to watch the sunrise together, discussed the latest TV series together, and studied the operation of the online store together.

She fell in love with him uncontrollably in the more than a year of getting along!

However, they can only bury everything in their own hearts. They are people from different worlds, which is simply impossible.

She thought that she could keep this beautiful relationship until she graduated and left Rain City.

However, who would have thought that in her senior year, my aunt's son was going to work in Yucheng. He heard that she was working in a lo-mei store, so she asked her to call and ask about the situation.

When she called Bai Yikang that night, he was in a mess and was in a bad mood.

So, she hurried over and saw him in the bar who was already drunk. He should have quarreled with his family, and he kept arguing not to go home without letting her call to inform the family.

She had no choice but to open a room in a nearby hotel and help him in.

However, what she didn't notice was that when they entered the hotel, her aunt's son saw it.

After going to the hotel, Bai Yikang kept crying, felt sick, had a headache, and she took care of him and helped him wash his soiled shirt. I was busy until about four in the morning, and finally I couldn't stand it anymore, so I fell asleep beside the bed.

However, at six o'clock the next morning, my aunt and his family broke into the door. Seeing Bai Yikang's upper body bare, they decided that he had bullied her and clamored for him to be responsible.

She wanted to explain, but she was pulled aside by her aunt and scolded. It is said that a man with such good conditions, if she does not grasp it properly, she will regret it for the rest of her life.

She loves him, and being able to marry him is something that she would wake up laughing from her dreams. So at that moment, she hesitated, she was greedy.

That was something she had been regretting for so many years.

It was her temporary greed that hurt him and pulled him into the endless abyss.

She still underestimated the greed and shamelessness of her family. During the whole process of talking about marriage, she was ashamed and ashamed!

There were times when she wanted to come forward and tell the truth.

But her parents threatened her, saying that as long as they listened to everything about this marriage, they promised that they would never disturb her life in the future.

So, when she was naive and young, she believed their words again.

This marriage exhausted the Bai family and made Bai Yikang hate her to the core.

After they got married, he stayed in the guest room and never touched her!

No matter how good she was to him, he turned a blind eye and rejected her thousands of miles away.

Later, in the second month after their marriage, her parents began to act as demons again.

Let Bai Yikang give her two younger brothers a storefront, and let him introduce her sister to a good family with similar conditions to the Bai family!

The greed and shamelessness of her family made her completely sober. She had already harmed him and could no longer implicate him. So, already in her senior year, she began to plan for divorce while applying for studying abroad.

She wants to escape from Rain City forever, escape from that terrible native family! Let Bai Yikang's life return to peace!

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