Lu Zili kissed her on the lips again: "Okay, wife, I'll go right away!"

After saying that, he walked out quickly.

In the evening, although Bai Yi went to the toilet, she found that her relatives hadn't come. However, Lu Zili, who has always been able to toss, resisted and didn't touch her!

He held her all the time and warmed her belly intimately.

The next morning, when Bai Yizhi woke up, Lu Zili was still sleeping.

Through the weak light of the early winter morning, she saw his long eyelashes and handsome, suffocating cheeks, and couldn't help but admire: "You are a man, what are you doing so good-looking? You make some green tea and rotten peach blossoms outside every day!"

The corners of Lu Zili's mouth rose, and she closed her eyes and pulled her into his arms: "So, I said, after the filming of this movie is over, I will retire. Then you support me! This way I won't provoke rotten peach blossoms again. !"

Bai Yizhi laughed in his arms: "You are too unpromising a man! However, I like it."

Saying that, she raised her head and kissed his lips.

Lu Zili suddenly turned over and pressed her under him: "Yizhi, a man's willpower is the weakest in the morning, did you know?"

He pressed his forehead against hers, and their breaths merged together.

"I know! But, my stomach is uncomfortable!" She kissed him again as if on purpose.

"Yizhi, you brought this on your own!" Lu Zili lowered his head and kissed her lips deeply.

However, in the end, the last step, he still held back.

The memory is uncomfortable, he is her husband, he must love her, take care of her, and feel sorry for her. You can't just enjoy yourself.

After the two rubbed their ears on the bed for a while, they thought about going to a press conference, and, early in the morning, the director had called him several times to urge him to go to the studio for filming today, and the two got up reluctantly. .

On the company's side, everything about the press conference has been arranged.

They got there on time, because there was no Linna to make trouble, and Linnie came forward, and the news of Linna's arrest was announced.

Before the press conference, the news that Lingna had a crush on Lu Zili, was jealous of Bai Yizhi, and deliberately found someone to follow the film at a different location, and instructed Cui Xiaohe to deliberately jump off the building at Lu's, and Lu Zizhong ordered people to post it online.

Netizens have basically understood what happened.

Therefore, the press conference went very smoothly, and the misunderstanding was quickly cleared up.

Lu Zili even took this opportunity to express his affectionate confession to Bai Yizhi at the press conference: "Wife, hold the hand, grow old with your son!"

Tears filled Bai Yizhi's eyes and Lu Zili embraced in public.

All the reporters raised their cameras to take pictures.

Lin Ni looked at the figure they were embracing, and lowered his head lonely.

He lost. Sometimes, many people are like this. The moment you hesitate, you miss your whole life, and she has become someone else's wife.

However, no one noticed that behind the excited crowd, there was a man in a black casual jacket and a peaked cap, looking at their eyes with a malicious glow.

After the incident, Lu Zili rushed to the studio to shoot, and Bai Yizhi drove him there.

When the two parted, he hugged her reluctantly: "If you are not feeling well, don't go to work, go back to bed and have a good sleep!"

"Okay, I see!" After she replied, she turned around and got into the car.

However, after getting in the car, he suddenly received a call from Lu Chenyu, saying that she was asked to go to the company to see the talent shows of the actors who came to interview.

So, she drove to the company.

However, in the underground garage of Xingyue Media, she just came out, locked the door, and before she turned around, she was knocked unconscious with a stick from behind.

Hou Gang was wearing a black casual jacket, a mask and a peaked cap, with only two eyes showing.

When Bai Yizhi fainted, he hugged her directly from behind, dragged her to a van without a license plate, opened the door, and stuffed her inside.

Then, start the van, drive out of the parking lot, and head straight to the remote suburbs.

Lu Chenyu waited for a long time, but he didn't see Bai Yizhi coming over. He called her but no one answered. He thought Lu Zili was relying on her to keep her from leaving!

He simply waited for another half an hour, but when he called again, Bai Yizhi's cell phone was turned off.

He sighed: "This second child, there are several key scenes to be filmed today. If you don't let go of your wife, there is no future at all."

So, he called Lu Zili: "Second brother, you are going too far! Your director complained to me yesterday, saying that you were absent from work for a day yesterday. Why, you still want to be absent from work today!"

As soon as the phone was connected, he scolded Lu Zili angrily.

Lu Zili had just finished filming a very difficult scene to hang Weiya. He sat down and hadn't even had a sip of water yet! I was scolded by the second uncle.

I was very upset and went back: "Second uncle, did you quarrel with the second aunt, or that girl Tiantian made you angry again! I am filming well, and I invite you to provoke you!"

"Are you filming?" Lu Chenyu didn't believe it.

"What, second uncle, is it weird that I'm filming?" Lu Zili asked rhetorically.

"Is Yizhi with you?"

"Yizhi? No, she's not feeling well. I told her to go back to sleep. What's the matter? Are you looking for her?"

"No, I called her an hour ago and asked her to come to the company to see the talent of the new actor who was interviewing. She promised very well, but she hasn't come yet. Besides, the phone still can't get through!" Lu Chenyu said with a frown.

"Can't get through? Maybe her stomach is uncomfortable and she went back to rest. I'll call and ask!"

Lu Zili hung up the phone and called Bai's mother, but Bai's mother told him that Yizhi didn't go back at all.

Then, he called Nuonuo again and asked Nuonuo to see if Yizhi went to his villa.

However, after Nuonuo went to see it, he told him that there was no one in the villa at all.

Lu Zili called Yizhi again, but as the second uncle said, the phone was always turned off.

So, he was a little uneasy!

While racking his brains to think about where Yizhi might go, he received a call from his second uncle, Lu Chenyu.

"Second, come here quickly, something happened to Yizhi!" Lu Chenyu's voice was a little panicked on the phone.

"Second uncle, what do you mean by that?" Lu Zili stood up abruptly.

"Yizhi was kidnapped!"

After Lu Chenyu called Lu Zili, a staff member of the company said that he had just seen Bai Yizhi's car in the underground garage.

Just didn't see anyone.

For some reason, Lu Chenyu felt a sudden movement in his heart, and he asked someone to call for the monitoring of the garage.

Then, it was discovered that Bai Yizhi was knocked unconscious by a man in a black casual jacket, fully armed, with only two eyes showing, and was stuffed into a van without a license plate!

Today's small theater:

Hou Gang: "Lu Zili, I'll let you squeak, and let you be the national actor. Bai Yizhi is in my hands! I'll see what you will do!"

Lu Zili: "Hou Gang, you wait, I have to tear you into pieces!"

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