Sanduoduo covered his aching cheeks and stared at his mother: "I slandered him? Well, I'll show you the evidence!"

Saying that, she ran to her bedroom angrily, and quickly took out a yellowed notebook from the bedroom.

"Look for yourself! I remember you told me that Uncle Wang Cheng has the habit of writing a diary. This is his diary. When we returned to China this time, I found it in the crevices of the bookcase in the study when I was packing. ."

Saying that, Sang Duoduo threw the notebook in front of Sang Ru.

Sang Ru picked up the notebook in disbelief and flipped through it. It is indeed Wang Cheng's handwriting.

Most of the contents of the diary are related to her. It was when Wang Cheng began to pay attention to himself.

His writing is very good, and all kinds of moods are described very delicately.

Sang Ru followed the contents of the diary, as if returning to the unforgettable college days many years ago.

They went to medical school. Luo Zhenghua is their senior.

On the first day of the freshman year, she held her suitcase in one hand and kiwi juice in the other, and walked smartly on the spacious road of the medical school.

Then, after being handsome for only three seconds, she suddenly tripped over something and threw herself directly into the arms of a boy who was approaching.

The kiwi juice was sprinkled directly on the other side.

It's not bad luck. The bad thing is that she was drinking kiwi juice, and the other party happened to be allergic to kiwi fruit.

A lot of small red rashes soon appeared where it was spilled.

Full of guilt, she accompanied the boy to the school's infirmary. Fortunately, his condition is not very serious. The doctor prescribed some anti-allergy medicines for him. After taking some, he is much better!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Senior, I'll treat you to dinner!" After she came out, she was embarrassed and kept apologizing.

The boy scratched the allergy and itchy spot on his body lightly and suddenly said, "My name is Luo Zhenghua, how about you!"

She was stunned, and replied mechanically, "My name is Sang Ru!"

Luo Zhenghua chuckled: "Okay, I'll treat you to dinner."

The way he smiled was like the warm autumn sun, which instantly warmed her heart.

That was the best start of their love.

But, later, Liu Meiying appeared!

Liu Meiying attended a third-rate medical school in Yucheng. Nothing compares to their top schools.

Liu Meiying's parents had just arrived in Yucheng to open a breakfast shop. The grandmothers of the two of them used to be old sisters in the countryside, and they were very optimistic about their marriage.

Luo Zhenghua's parents are both college students and public officials. The family conditions are much better than Liu Meiying's.

The Liu family is very courteous to the Luo family, and they want to promote their marriage.

However, at that time, her relationship with Luo Zhenghua was very stable, and the Liu family had little chance.

Until Luo Zhenghua graduated, she was in her final year of medical school.

He proposed to her, and they rented a house near the school and lived together.

It was the best time of her life! Luo Zhenghua would make breakfast every morning and wake her up!

Affectionately call her little slacker!

She thought they could get married when she graduated! You can live happily ever after.

However, that day, she remembered very clearly, was a gloomy autumn evening.

Liu Meiying stopped her on the way to school, showed her a laboratory test sheet, and told her proudly that she was pregnant with Luo Zhenghua's child.

They will be engaged soon! Let her stay away from him in the future!

She felt that the sky was falling, and ran to the hospital where Luo Zhenghua practiced to find him.

In the face of her questioning, he was speechless, just kept saying sorry!

The cruel reality was far beyond what she could bear. She slapped him and ran out angrily.

When she ran out of the hospital, the rain poured down, and she walked silently in the rain, crying!

Rain and tears mixed together, blurring her eyes.

She was bruised on her leg by the speeding car from the opposite side, fell to the ground, and passed out.

When she woke up, she was lying in the hospital with Wang Cheng beside her.

The doctor diagnosed that she was pregnant!

During her most painful and sad time, Wang Cheng was always with him.

Later, Luo Zhenghua and Liu Meiying got engaged. She got angry and accepted Wang Cheng's confession!

Later, when they were pregnant with Duoduo for three months, they got a license to get married.

When they got married, Wang Cheng promised that he would never touch her without her permission.

One hundred days after Duoduo was born, his father helped them go abroad and contacted medical schools abroad to let them go abroad to continue their studies.

All expenses are covered by their family!

Wang Cheng works very hard abroad, treats their mother and daughter very well, and treats Duoduo like his own!

However, although she has always been grateful to him in her heart, she has never been able to accept his too intimate actions. Therefore, when Duoduo was one year and eight months old, when Wang Cheng had a car accident, they had never been intimate as Duoduo said!

Over the years, she has always felt guilty towards Wang Cheng. Therefore, for his mother and his family's requirements, within the scope of her ability, she will meet them.

However, when Sang Ru looked at Wang Cheng's diary, her face became more and more solemn.

In Wang Cheng's diary, in addition to recording what happened between the two of them, it is also full of guilt and remorse.

When he approached her, the purpose was not simple at all. He just wanted to take advantage of her family's connections to study abroad.

His home is in a remote town with many brothers and sisters, and his family simply cannot afford his tuition fees abroad.

Moreover, when approaching her, he actually had a girlfriend who had been in love with him since high school.

It was just to get close to her that he broke up with that girl ruthlessly!

Later, after they went abroad, he took advantage of their family connections to secretly take the girl abroad. On the day of the car accident, he was there to celebrate his birthday with that girl!

After reading Wang Cheng's diary, Sang Ru sat on the sofa, her face pale, and she didn't speak for a long time!

Sang Duoduo sat down beside her: "Mom, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

Sang Ru suddenly laughed, a smile full of helplessness and bitterness, but more of a relief!

For so many years, she has always felt that she is sorry for Wang Cheng, as long as she thinks of him, her heart is full of guilt.

It turned out that after a long time of trouble, she had been used by him all the time.

She closed the diary and looked at her daughter: "Did you already know that Wang Cheng is not your biological father?"

Sang Duoduo nodded: "Yes, half a year ago, we returned to China to pack up, and when I found this notebook, I knew that he was not my biological father.

Mom, after so many years, thanks to your guilt, nostalgia, and not moving, Uncle Wang Cheng's diary has been kept in the crevices of the bookcase and kept. People are doing it, God is watching, so this is true! "

Sang Ru sighed: "Duoduo, since you already knew it, why didn't you tell me?"

"Mom, then tell me first, is Luo Zhenghua my biological father?" Sang Duoduo asked.

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