Lu Ziran quickly stretched out his hand to help Long Ruoyang up from the ground: "Ruoyang, are you alright!"

Long Ruoyang shook his head and glanced at his sister timidly: "I'm fine!"

Lu Ziran looked at Long Ruoting with a stern tone: "Ruoting, you are ten years old, and you are still an elder sister, how can you push your younger brother!"

Lu Zizhong shook his head. He really didn't understand why the daughters of Uncle Longwei and Aunt Yiyi were such unreasonable children.

From childhood to adulthood, it seems that every time I see her, she is very arrogant and rude. She grabbed the things she liked with confidence, and because of this, Tiantian was deliberately pushed down by her many times!

And if something goes wrong, he will sit on the ground and cry in a shocking, earth-shattering manner, as if everyone around should follow her, let her, coax her, and turn around her.

"Long Ruoting, you are already ten years old. There are both winners and losers in game competitions. If you can't afford to lose, you can stop playing. Now that you have played, you must have the courage to face failure. Don't mess around here, crying and crying. What a mess. Ruoyang is your brother, not your punching bag!" His voice became a little stern.

From childhood to adulthood, Long Ruoting has been favored by Liu Yiyi. Long Ruoyang is a kind-hearted child, and she is obedient to her sister. No one has ever criticized her so severely!

Therefore, suddenly faced with such a majestic face of Lu Zizhong, she was startled, stunned, and then suddenly ran out crying "Wow".

Because my mother and Aunt Yiyi are best friends, the relationship between the two families is not bad, and the children often play together when they are free.

The Nine Treasures of the Lu family are very clear about Long Ruoting's person and character. Seeing that she suddenly ran out crying like this, several people couldn't help frowning.

Lu Zili sighed worriedly: "Brother, why are you ignoring her? It's too bad, she should sue again!"

Lu Zixun: "Yeah, how will this girl arrange you!"

Lu Zita tilted his head in confusion: "Uncle Longwei is such a loyal person, how could her daughter be so unreasonable! It's really puzzling!"

Lu Ziqian glanced at Long Ruoting, who had already rushed outside the living room, and sighed lightly regardless of the rampant Long Ruoting: "You still think about how to explain it to Dad and Mom! Long Ruoting makes such a fuss, Mom and Dad will definitely not want to save face. Ask the indiscriminate critics first."

Lu Zibai was unhappy: "Why, we haven't treated her very much. Today is our birthday, and we are birthday stars. Mom and Dad won't give us face like this!"

Lu Ziran nodded in agreement with him: "Sixth brother is right. It's our birthday today. If my parents want to criticize us because of this annoying Long Ruoting, I will ignore them again!"

Momo looked at Long Ruoyang who was standing beside her, and quickly reached out and pulled Ranran: "Okay, of course, don't talk about it. We're eight years older than her anyway!"

Dudu didn't agree with Momo's point of view a little: "A rude child should be educated from an early age! We shouldn't condone her!"

Everyone was discussing the issue of Long Ruoting, and suddenly there was a noise outside the venue.

"Xiao Tao!" Lu Zita heard the voice of one of the girls and ran out quickly.

The rest of the Lu family children glanced at each other and ran outside.

In the large courtyard of the Lu family's old house, Mother Lu invited professionals to set up a beautiful outdoor venue.

On a rare sunny day in winter, the warm sunshine is scattered in the yard, and all kinds of food and cakes exude an appetizing sweet taste in the sun.

Xiao Tao, as Lu Zita's little follower since childhood, had prepared for their birthday a few days earlier.

Today, early in the morning, she put on beautiful clothes and came to Lu's house with her parents.

Just now, after they came in, Mom and Dad went there to say hello to the elders of the Lu family. She saw that the waiter had a new dessert on the table, so she walked over, picked up a knife, fork and a plate and picked some to eat!

Who knows, the first dessert hasn't been eaten yet! A girl suddenly rushed out of nowhere and hit her directly.

The plate with the food in her hand was not steady, and because of her height, it fell directly on the girl's face.

She was taken aback by the sudden accident in front of her, and she recovered and was about to apologize!

But who knew that the girl who was younger than her and only reached her chin angrily grabbed a handful of cream from the cake behind her, and smeared the cream on the cake before she could react. on her face and new clothes.

The fourteen-year-old Xiao Tao got so angry that she stretched out her hand and pushed her unceremoniously and pushed him to the ground: "You girl is too rude! It's fine if you bump into me and don't apologize, and even put cream on it. On me. This is my new clothes!"

The girl sitting on the ground cried and got up, raised her hand and jumped up to hit Xiao Tao: "This bad guy, I'll kill you!"

Xiao Tao's eyes narrowed slightly, with anger on her face, she raised her hand and grasped the girl's wrist accurately: "Hit me? You should see if you have the strength before you talk about it!"

When the Lu family Jiubao ran over, what they saw was Long Ruoting's face with a cow, her wrist being held by Xiao Tao, and her little face was twisted and crying.

Lu Zita quickly walked to Xiao Tao: "Xiao Tao, let go quickly!"

This girl was weak and had poor resistance since she was a child. She was sent to practice martial arts by her senior brother at the age of six to strengthen her body. How could a little princess like Long Ruoting be her opponent!

When Xiao Tao saw him, she let out a cold snort from her nose and let go of her hand: "Little Shishu, how can you have such rude and poor relatives in your family. What a disappointment! These are my new clothes! "

As she said that, she pointed at her body with the cream on her chin with infinite regret, and then glared at Long Ruoting again, wishing she could be beaten again.

Lu Zita held back his laughter and took out a tissue: "Hurry up and wipe it! Be careful, Big Brother will take care of you later!"

Xiao Tao glanced at him disapprovingly: "I didn't do anything wrong, why did he deal with me? Could it be that others are going to hit me with their noses in the face, so should I stick out a smile and let her hit? I didn't sick!"

Xiao Tao carefully wiped the cream on her chest, seeing that no matter how hard she wiped it, it couldn't be wiped clean, and she was a little annoyed.

Lu Zili, who was behind Lu Zita, gave Xiao Tao a thumbs up: "Xiao Tao is good, you said it well! Come on, you still have cream on your face, second brother wipes it for you!"

As he said that, he took out a tissue and was about to wipe Xiao Tao's face. But before her hand touched Xiao Tao's cheek, she was stopped by Lu Zita.

"Second brother, you don't need to be courteous, Xiao Tao will wipe it herself!" Lu Zita's voice was indifferent and somewhat ruthless.

There was a smile on Lu Zili's mouth. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Long Ruoting, who had just left crying, pulling Liu Yiyi. They were followed by Uncle Long Wei and his terrifying parents, heading towards this side. came over.

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