Chapter 241 The Demise of the Queen Ant

“Destroy my hope, I want you to die.” The queen ant was completely crazy at this moment.

She is not reconciled.

For the continuation of the ethnic group, how much he and she paid.

Her mission from birth is to restore the vitality of her mother planet.

There are countless ethnic groups behind her.

There are still many people like her.

But decades have passed, and countless people have been bleeding in space.

What’s more, their own civilization has been targeting them once they find that they are alone, they will be frantically rounded up.

So for so many years, they have been walking on the edge of life and death.

I dare not relax for a moment.

Finally found hope, but Ye Jin completely destroyed this hope of life.

When the last hope and belief in her heart were shattered, she had become extremely crazy.

She also no longer saves energy.

Even if the energy can be preserved, but still unable to obtain the star source is of no avail.

She wants to kill the person in front of her completely, this is the last hope.

No one wants Ye Jin to die more than she at this moment.

All the muzzles on the spacecraft were aimed at Ye Jin and burst out.

Ye Jin’s fiery red energy knife has more than doubled its size, and it has been wiped out by a full percentage when it meets with each other.

As a price, his defensive cover was also shaky.

The whole person was shot hundreds of meters away.

Penetrated countless underground materials.

In the end, it hit a hard boulder.

The queen ant’s spaceship suddenly rushed in front of him, and with another blow in the backhand, it blew him up again.

Ye Jin’s defensive shield was crumbling.

But fortunately, his energy is extremely sufficient, and he continues to replenish when he is attacked.

Only in the blink of an eye, it was restored as intact. .

Seeing this scene, the queen was even more angry.

These things should be hers!

It’s her mother star too!

“You are not allowed to use it, die for me!” The queen flew forward again.

Ye Jin looked at the moment she rushed over, raised his left arm, the curved particle cannon exploded and collided with the spaceship, setting off a huge explosion, and all the surrounding matter spread out.

In the flames, Ye Jin, like the god of war, did not attack at all. Even if those laser cannons slammed on him, he never gave up. Instead, he grabbed the spaceship and forced it to the ground. In the corner.

The queen looked at Ye Jin and forced her into the corner of the boulder, but she still didn’t panic in her heart.

Because Ye Jin’s mecha is relatively large.

But in front of her spaceship, she was still like a dwarf.

The firepower is also bad by a whole lot.

So he couldn’t think of any way Ye Jin could beat her.

In the end, instead, let him force him over.

“Ye Jin, you can’t beat me! Maybe I can’t completely destroy you, but as long as I want to go, you can’t catch me at all.”

The queen has great self-confidence.

“Really?” Ye Jin said lightly.

When the queen heard his words, she couldn’t help but burst into her heart.

She didn’t know how this kind of wrong feeling came from.

However, Ye Jin was too confident, a little too confident.

“Your only fault is that you shouldn’t be so close to me!” Ye Jin said lightly.

When the queen ant heard these words, her head exploded, and the point she had overlooked suddenly jumped out. She finally knew why Ye Jin was so confident.

She… is so close to Ye Jin!

But all her retreats had been blocked now, and then crazy sirens came from her spaceship.

“Strong intrusion! The outer protective cover will fail, and the energy power will soon fail!”

Crazy sirens sounded.

The queen’s souls are all dead.

How could she not know what kind of terrifying situation these sirens represent.

In so many countries back then, under its invasion, the information was completely disordered, and all missiles were launched automatically, destroying their own country.

But now finally the retribution came to her.

She tried her best to stop it, but even though his spacecraft was several times stronger than other spacecraft, it still couldn’t withstand such a terrifying information intrusion.

Because it has been completely destroyed, there is no backup information energy.

It’s already doomed to the collapse of information.

Her outer mask completely collapsed after the alarm sounded, and even the internal circulatory system lost its function. Here, the high temperature as high as the swing degrees Celsius, instantly penetrated through the outer metal of the spacecraft.

The interior of the spacecraft became extremely high temperature.

The queen felt like she was in a fire. If it hadn’t been for her strong physical fitness, she would have been unable to resist the intrusion of the heat.

Fortunately, the material of the spacecraft is a special material, extremely high temperature resistant, so it is not melted instantly.

And at this moment, the energy power system has been completely locked and cannot be broken in a short time.

In other words, this spaceship is like an isolated island, trapped here.

What’s more terrible is that this is in the heart of the earth.

Possess an extremely terrifying energy storm.

In just a moment, the queen felt she began to dizzy, as if there were countless crazy roars roaring in her ears, to tear her whole mind to pieces.

This is still inside the spacecraft, isolating countless spaces. .

If it is directly exposed, I am afraid that it will not last for a while.

Jin’er’s voice was also in Ye Jin’s mind.

“The master has completely invaded the other party’s information network system and can take over all of it.”

This is the power of quantum computers. Even if countless spaces are isolated, she can still invade the opponent’s spacecraft information system through the controller here.

If the opponent is the original mothership, it cannot be invaded at all.

But she was only driving an ordinary spaceship.

No matter how powerful the spacecraft is, it is only a spacecraft.

It’s not a mass level at all.

Ye Jin glanced at the spaceship for the last time, and slowly backed away.

The spacecraft driven by the queen lost its energy power system and stopped there, unable to move.

But when she saw Ye Jin keep backing, she didn’t feel a trace of joy, but was full of fear.

“Start the self-destruction system!” Ye Jin said lightly.

At the moment he gave the order.

The queen’s spacecraft also sounded the final death knell.

“The spacecraft started to activate the self-destruct system, do you stop it?”

“Stop! I told you to stop!” The queen yelled frantically.

“The authentication is incorrect, please re-enter.”

The queen is going crazy, what is going on?

She didn’t know that the system inside had been completely changed by Ye Jin. The queen’s spacecraft also sounded the final death knell.

“The spacecraft started to activate the self-destruct system, do you stop it?”

“Stop! I told you to stop!” The queen yelled frantically.

“The authentication is incorrect, please re-enter.”

The queen is going crazy, what is going on?

She didn’t know that the system inside had been completely changed by Ye Jin

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