At night, while Johnny was building a UV grenade in the garage, he thought about whether he could lend his power to others.

"The ancestor of the symbiote, the spider totem, the spirit of vengeance, the source of white magic, the source of black magic..." Johnny suddenly discovered that there were many choices for borrowing power.

Symbiotes and Vengeful Spirits are also good powers that need to be integrated. Although Symbiotes and Vengeful Spirits have their own consciousness, as long as they work well together, their combat effectiveness is very strong.

Spider totem is the animal god, one of the sources of Spider-man's power, similar to the source of Black Panther's power. Black Panther is the cheetah totem, and there are many other totems that borrow power from the animal god.

White magic and black magic, one is Emperor Weishan and the other is Sithorn. They left the white magic encyclopedia "Book of Weishan Emperor" and the black magic encyclopedia "Dark God Book". These two books record all the white magic. Magic and black magic, but the use of high-end magic requires the approval of Emperor Weishan and Sithorn.

"Borrowing power requires a threshold. The threshold for symbionts and vengeful spirits is to find symbiotes and vengeful spirits and complete the integration. The self-awareness cannot be controlled yet. The threshold for animal totems is to let them use the power of magic or technology. The body acquires some of the animal's characteristics and masters some of the power of the animal totem through training. White magic and black magic require magic ability first. People without ability are not in their eyes. I use some hellfire now, which does not count as white magic. It’s not considered black magic, at most it’s just a magic primary school student, nothing.”

"Vampires should be the product of animal totems and black magic. Part of them is bat totem and part of black magic. So vampires can not only be transformed by black magic, but also activated by technological serum and become vampires. In this way, Captain America Maybe he's also a user of an animal totem, maybe a human totem." Johnny said to himself.

Humans are animals too, so they should also have totems. Spider totem, cheetah totem, bat totem... humans also have human totems.

Johnny thinks that Captain America may be a human totem, and even his big brother Tony is also a human totem. Otherwise, how can we explain Tony's ability to resist being beaten in the steel suit?

The steel suit is not a Black Panther battle suit. There is not much Vibranium in the steel suit. However, Tony wearing a layer of steel suit can withstand artillery shells, falls from high altitudes, and attacks from powerful enemies in the universe. His internal organs are not injured. It is probably the activation of human beings. The power of totems.

Even ordinary people such as Hawkeye and Black Widow have gained the power of human totems.

Only ten UV bombs were made, and Johnny took the bombs to school the next day. Three were given to Duck, three to Bright, and the remaining three were kept for himself.

The extra one is for demonstration.

"Put on your sunglasses." The three of them put on their sunglasses, and Johnny activated the bomb. Without any delay, the ultraviolet light exploded in an instant, and there was absolutely no way for vampires within twenty meters to survive.

"Have you learned it?"

"I've learned it. With this kind of ultraviolet grenade, I won't be afraid of vampires anymore." Dak finally had the courage: "Boss, thank you."

"You're welcome. Actually, I have something to ask you for help with."

"Just say it."

"I want to join the football team," Johnny said.

"Huh?" This was something they didn't expect. After all, Johnny's figure was too slender.

Johnny wanted to test his body through physical training to see if he had a human totem. The main reason why he joined the rugby team was that he needed more control samples. He couldn't do it behind closed doors and studied other people's bodies more.

He had written down the name of the 'Human Totem', but he didn't feel it. This represents two possibilities. First, there is no human totem; second, there is, but it is not called by this name.

"Since the boss wants to join, it's definitely no problem." Both of their parents are sponsors of the rugby team, so it's no problem for someone to join.

There is no problem with the coach. Although Johnny is weak, he is a child of the Stark family and is very welcome. Even if you can't play, it's still good to be a manager.

Johnny doesn't mind any position, but the important thing is that he will train with football players and have the opportunity to observe the bodies of athletes and study whether human totems exist.

It stands to reason that it should exist, after all, spiders have their own totems. Humans are not as good as spiders.

Spider-man obtains Ability through the bite of a mutated spider, Black Panther obtains Ability through heart-shaped grass, and vampires obtain Ability through blood transfusion or serum. How do humans master the power of human totems?

Humans are human beings, how can they mutate? It cannot be said to be mutation, but rather evolution.

Johnny trained with everyone. The butler specially prepared a nutritionally balanced meal and scientifically supplemented nutrients, which made his muscles visibly increase and he grew a lot.

1995 was a special year. S.H.I.E.L.D's Nick Fury and Captain Marvel met and together they foiled the Kree's conspiracy to invade Earth and seize the Space gem.

Before Captain Marvel left, the cosmic pager that called her was given to Nick Fury for him to use in times of crisis.

S.H.I.E.L.D was founded by Tony's father and his comrades, an agent organization to protect the country. Nick Fury is still an ordinary agent and has not become the director, but his work ability is fully reflected in this crisis.

These have nothing to do with Johnny, because this crisis is very small-scale, and there is not much news other than seeing TV news saying that someone beat up an old lady and that the subway tunnel collapsed, causing traffic problems.

This is not yet an era when everyone has a smartphone. When something happened, no one could record it immediately, so everyone could only see the subway that was out of service and listen to witnesses recall it in news interviews.

By the time Johnny found out, Captain Marvel was already gone. But he knows that there is a group of alien refugees on the earth now, namely the Skrulls who were persecuted by the Kree.

Nick Fury will use their transformation abilities to complete various tasks, build his own power, and finally become the director. But he was unable to resolve the issue of the legality of the alien refugees, leading to conflict between the Skrulls and humans.

"Aliens are also here, and their technology is not weak. However, technology ultimately requires energy, and it is also a borrowed power. Magical power like Hellfire can also become an energy source for machinery." Johnny knew that in the Marvel universe, technology The boundary with magic is actually not that clear.

For example, genetic engineering can make Peter Parker become Spider-man, activate the spider totem, and use technology to activate magic. Technology can also be activated with magic, for example Thor's magic can charge machines.

As long as it is energy, it always tends to borrow power. Technology is just a key, opening the door to borrowing power. Magic is actually the same, it is also a step, allowing the magician to find a more powerful god to borrow power.

"Science and metaphysics are both to prove the right and wrong of philosophy. However, the power of philosophical concepts has its own will. They use science and metaphysics to show their power. This is the comic universe." Johnny said that in this philosophical concept of the universe They are all self-aware and not invisible.

Both science and metaphysics borrow the power of these conceptual gods. Under the conceptual gods there are a large number of gods and demons, both large and small.

Weak human life needs to borrow power through various channels. Science and metaphysics, technology and magic are all keys. Johnny also knows that if he wants to master luck, he must also borrow strength. This step is inevitable. Now that we have traveled to such a world, we can only do as the Romans do.

But before borrowing the power of luck, he first had to see what borrowing power meant.

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