This luxurious villa, this low-key decoration, Shi Qiang, or Johnny, never dreamed that one day he would be able to sleep in a bedroom of 100 square meters. The previous shared house was only less than 10 square meters, and even the toilet was Not as good as.

"It must be very tiring to clean such a big house." This was his first thought. He definitely didn't need to clean it. There were professional cleaning staff in charge.

It has its own swimming pool, a large garden, and a garage of luxury cars. If this is a dream, he hopes he will never wake up.

Tony looked at the curious Johnny and recalled the doctor's words. The doctor said that the patient's memory was a functional disorder. Some remembered, some did not. At least there was no problem eating, sleeping, and talking. But he had no memory of past experiences. As for the blood clots Doctors are not sure whether the memory can be recovered after it disappears.

But Tony felt that even if it wasn't possible now, with the development of science and technology and the rapid advancement of medical technology, it would definitely be curable, so he could wait.

The news of Mr. and Mrs. Stark's death made international headlines. After all, it was a wealthy man who died in a car accident, which may have some impact on the economy.

It was a huge amount of blow to Tony, which meant that he could no longer hide under the wings of his parents in this life and had to become stronger on his own.

First, I have to finish my studies at MIT, and then I have to manage the company. There are still a lot of things to do.

Because Tony has to go to college, how to take care of the children is a problem. Having to arrange Johnny's school life is definitely not a big problem for Tony. He can first hire a professional housekeeper and then arrange the best private school with just one phone call. There was no need to discuss this with Johnny, it was all arranged directly.

The next day, a greasy-headed elite in his early thirties appeared at the door and said: "Good morning, sir. I am the new butler introduced by the Butler Association, named 'Ewen Kennedy'. I am very happy to serve you. .”

Tony said: "Were you introduced by J.A.R.V.I.S?"

"Yes, it was the retired legendary butler who introduced me." When Tony was a child, there was a butler named J.A.R.V.I.S. But now that he has retired and is recuperating in a nursing home, he will definitely not be able to take care of Strong again. Ni, so Tony contacted this loyal and reliable old butler and asked him to recommend a new butler.

Originally, there was no need for a housekeeper at home, but with Johnny, professionals were still needed: "Very good, your task is to take good care of Johnny. He is my younger brother and adopted brother."

"Okay, sir, please introduce me to little Johnny."

Johnny didn't expect that there would be a professional butler to take care of him. He was really dizzy. What kind of treatment was this for Batman?

At the moment Johnny has realized that he has traveled to the Marvel universe and met the future Iron Man Tony Stark. This is a comic book world with strange powers and chaotic gods, so it is necessary to plan carefully.

He usually goes to bed early and gets up early as arranged by his housekeeper, and eats a balanced diet, but he has never been so comfortable. But now that we know this is the Marvel universe, we still have to plan.

When he went to a private elementary school, he would think about what to do whenever he had time. As a part-time worker, I also watch movies to relax in my spare time. Instead of going to the cinema, I become a member of a video website, which is more cost-effective and I have some knowledge of superhero movies.

"What do I want to do, what is my goal?" First of all, we have to answer a question. Johnny's goal in his previous life was to get married and have children, be an ordinary person, and give his children a warm home.

But because I don’t have a car or a house, and I don’t have time to fall in love, I have always been single.

After traveling to a world of strange powers and chaotic gods, he became Tony Stark's younger brother. It shouldn't be difficult to get married and have children. But is it really just that? In this world, the earth will face crises at any time, and we don’t know when cosmic beings will invade. We don’t even know when Thanos will snap his fingers and turn himself into ashes.

If you don't have strength, you won't know how to die.

But to be honest, Johnny has no interest in becoming a hero. Although heroes are cool, he doesn't like to fight and kill.

"Protect yourself first and make sure you won't be killed by Thanos with a snap of his fingers." After much deliberation, he set a small goal for himself, which was to survive and avoid Thanos' snap of his fingers.

But how? Thanos' snap of his fingers randomly wipes out half of all life in the universe, and the unlucky ones will disappear. I don't know if they can become stronger through practice and resist the snap of their fingers.

In the movie, it seems that all living beings are equal and have a 50-50 chance of disappearing no matter how strong they are. Survival has nothing to do with strength, but luck.

"Then let's find something to improve luck?" Johnny thought to himself, would he want to wear an amulet in the future?

Speaking of luck, Johnny thought that Mutant's super ability was luck. When faced with a situation where death was inevitable, good luck could save the day. Even if you are standing on the road and someone else is involved in a car accident, you may be lucky enough to escape unscathed.

But Johnny couldn't remember the name of the lucky Mutant, only that he was a woman.

"Sure enough, you should still look for props to improve your luck. You have to pay more attention to it in the future." Johnny had a route to improve his luck.

"Then there is the issue of combat effectiveness. Iron Man will definitely make a lot of steel suits in the future. I am his little brother, and the first to get the better is the first to get the moon. But the steel suit is just equipment after all, and I have to find ways to improve my strength." Johnny Very traditional, I still trust my body more than the equipment. Although he doesn't like to fight and kill, he cannot protect himself without strength. He will not be the first to use force, but if the enemy attacks, he must fight back.

"The way to strengthen the body is mutation and training. If I had Hulk's physical fitness, I wouldn't have been hit by a car twice." Johnny said to himself: "But physical mutation is not reliable. I might become Captain America." , Spider-man, may also become a monster. You still have to practice on your own. I remember that there are two training systems in this world: magic and boxing, but no matter which one is very secret, ordinary people have no chance to encounter it at all, only those who are destined to pass it on. "

There are still many problems with becoming stronger. Even if Johnny knows where Magician and Fist Magician are hiding, they can still hide behind closed doors and not accept him.

Mutations are too risky and may fail.

"Improve your luck and train your body." Johnny temporarily decided on two routes: "It takes money to buy amulets, and it also costs money to exercise. Although I have enough food and drink now, and I have excess nutrition, how can I make money if I don't have any pocket money at my disposal?"

Soon Johnny had the idea of ​​​​making money. He had no money, but the cute classmates in the school had money, and he could make money from these rich second generations.

For example, help them with their homework. After traveling through time, Johnny discovered that he had language ability in his mind. No matter what English word or sentence it was, he could understand it completely as long as he saw it.

Just like the word "Tathagata", if a reader without a foundation in Buddhism sees the word "Tathagata", they will only think that it refers to Buddha, which means Sakyamuni. But if you have some knowledge of Buddhism, you will know that Tathagata refers to all Buddhas, and refers to the state of "nothing comes from, and no place to go".

When Johnny sees Tathagata, he will immediately understand what Tathagata means, and even feels that his spirit has reached the state of Tathagata and becomes very ethereal.

When you see the word apple, you have the image of apple in your mind; when you see the word earth, you have the image of earth in your mind...

This feeling is amazing, and it is the same in English. A lot of professional vocabulary composed of letters can be understood immersively at a glance, just like a plug-in.

Not only did this eliminate the language barrier, it even made him a language expert. Because of this, his grades are very good and he can help his classmates do their homework and make money.

Anyway, these second-generation rich people don’t care about their grades, only their status.

One dollar per job. It's February 1992. One dollar can buy a lot of things.

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