The first lesson Blood Demon taught Johnny was Mind Control, and the second lesson was anti-Mind Control, which is Occlumency. Use magic to shield your brain against Mind Control.

The world has become quiet, and the sound of the dark spirit can no longer be heard. Now that the body of the dark creature is sealed, only the spirit can spread and affect others. People who are not strong-willed will be taken advantage of by darkness.

Johnny borrows the power of the Homo sapiens totem and is strong enough to resist psychic attacks.

The strange uninvited guest has been discovered, and all the people in Daluo have joined forces. Everyone armed with sticks and farm tools surrounded the outsiders.

"I'm not a bad person, I'm here to learn." Johnny said immediately.

Obviously no one believed it.

"Uncle Guang, can you believe this outsider?" Everyone asked a white-haired old man.

"I feel the presence of black magic." Guangbo said, "Boy, you have black magic on your body."

"I did learn black magic. Because I was young and ignorant, I was too curious about the occult, so I learned black magic. Later I learned that black magic is not the right way of magic. Only white magic can fight black magic, so I looked for someone who can learn white magic. We finally found Da Luo. Please teach me white magic to fight against black magic." Johnny lied.

Guangbo looked Johnny up and down, as if trying to determine whether what the other person said was true or false.

"Uncle Guang, we should give young people a chance to change their ways." At this time, a charming woman in green clothes came out, obviously agreeing to teach Johnny White Magic.

"Yingnan, do you believe this kid?"

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, we are only mortals and cannot judge the quality of a person through our eyes. Our ears will deceive us, our eyes will deceive us, and even our hearts will deceive us. Only behavior is the truth. He did not hide that he learned black Magic, and I haven’t concealed my desire to learn white magic, so what’s the harm in teaching it to him?”

"Okay." Guangbo said, "In that case, let's stay. Boy, what's your name?"


"Follow her, but don't have any bad intentions. We will keep an eye on you." Guangbo said, "Everyone has dispersed and you can do whatever you need to do."

Everyone still had work, so they left.

Yingnan walked forward with a smile. He was a kind elder and said, "My name is Yingnan. Next, I will teach you white magic. Let's talk while walking."

She was very interested in Johnny and asked, "How do you know about Da Luo?"

"I collected a lot of magic books and knew about the existence of Da Luo and Kamar-Taj. I also found the Sling Ring from the Warehouse at home, so I came to Da Luo."

"Why not go to Kamar-Taj, that's where the Sorcerer Supreme is, it should be more famous."

"I heard that Kamar-Taj focuses more on magic practice, while Da Luo focuses more on inner exploration. I think a magician should have a full understanding of the inner world."

Yingnan smiled: "It's true. If we don't understand our hearts, we will be deceived by our hearts. Come with me, and I will introduce Da Luo." She thinks Johnny is very good and a good prospect.

"Da Luo originally existed in another dimension, with an extremely vast area. But one day the Lord of Darkness led the Dark Spirit army and invaded Da Luo. Although we resisted, we were retreating steadily. Finally, we retreated here and obtained the treasure of this place. With the help of the Asgardian dragon, the dark army was sealed and the last piece of pure land was preserved." "This happened about four thousand years ago. I did not participate in that battle, but Guangbo was an experiencer of that battle. .”

Obviously, people in Daluo live very long, which is also the reason for cultivation.

"This is your room, classes start tomorrow."

Johnny said immediately: "Yes, teacher."

"Get some rest."

When Johnny was alone, he immediately opened the portal and went back to leave rumors to the people around him: "I'm going to take a leave of absence from school for a trip, and I'll be back in about two or three months."

This way he can concentrate on his studies.

When the Blood Demon saw his travel arrangements, he knew that Da Luo had taken him in: "Practice well, I entrust you with my life." The Blood Demon was born from Mephisto's blood. He must fight against Mephisto to survive, and he also hopes Johnny is getting stronger.

Tony supports his brother to travel more: "It will be good for you to see more of the world."

"I will bring souvenirs for everyone."

Try to master the practice method in two to three months, and Johnny can complete the subsequent practice by himself.

The next day, Johnny opened the door and welcomed Da Luo's morning.

In the morning, everyone in Daluo will conduct martial arts training, which is basically stick technique.

"Everyone in Daluo is a warrior and must be trained. I will teach you stick skills. After you learn it, you must train every morning." Yingnan had two sticks in his hand and threw one to Johnny.

"The stick is the ancestor of all weapons. It is the most common and widespread weapon. You can find something similar to a stick on any occasion. Come on, watch my moves first."

With a heroic appearance, a wooden stick changes unpredictably in Yingnan's hands, and Yanran becomes a magic weapon.

Johnny borrowed the power of the Homo sapiens totem, and his physical and mental abilities have been greatly improved. He has meticulous control over his body. His brain has learned these martial arts movements, and his body has also learned them.

Practice martial arts in the morning and meditate in the afternoon.

"Da Luo doesn't have many teachings on magic. He only has a set of practice methods to explore his own spiritual world. Through meditation, he can break through the fog and look directly at his true self." Ying Nan said.

It was on a big rock on the edge of the village that Johnny sat cross-legged.

"Johnny, have you ever meditated before?"

"I have meditated. When I was learning magic, in order to better control the magic, I often meditated." Johnny answered honestly.

Yingnan said: "This is just the potential level of meditation. Now you have to try to enter the deep level. You have to dismantle your soul, examine them, end them, and then assemble your soul again, so that you will no longer be deceived by yourself."

It seems difficult, let’s try it first.

Johnny meditated all afternoon, but there was no obvious change, and he still stayed at the level of magic.

Not being in a hurry, he continued to learn kung fu in the morning, first the stick method, and then Tai Chi. Stick method and Tai Chi are both non-lethal and defensive martial arts.

He definitely saw that Da Luo had offensive kung fu, but only magicians who had reached a certain level of mental state were qualified to learn it, and Johnny couldn't learn it.

After he learned two major non-lethal skills, he went to learn blacksmithing and followed Guangbo to build and repair farm tools.

Johnny is very patient and not in a hurry, because these are also learning.

Blacksmithing is a professional skill. If Tony didn't know how to blacksmith, he would have died at the hands of a terrorist organization. It was because he knew how to forge iron that he wore a steel suit with his hands.

Johnny has been tinkering with various metal parts in the garage since he was nine years old. Although he has no experience in blacksmithing, he has experience in lathe processing. Now he can learn to blacksmith quite quickly.

"He doesn't look like an eighteen-year-old at all." Guangbo said: "Not impatient, very patient, and has strong learning ability. He is indeed a good young man. Now I kind of believe that he only came into contact with black when he was young and ignorant. Magic. After all, who has never been young? He must be well aware of the dangers of black magic now, so he wants to learn white magic to fight against it."

Yingnan said: "If he wants to fight against black magic, he still needs to learn further. If he cannot see himself clearly, he will eventually be swallowed by Chaos."

"I like this guy."

Johnny meditates every afternoon, and his magic power has stabilized a lot, but he can't penetrate deep into his soul, let alone open it and examine it.

"Starting from today, there is one more project, which is reading." Ying Nan took some ancient books: "Do you know the words on them?"

"Knowing." It's all in Chinese, so Johnny naturally knows him.

"Take a good look, it will help."

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