Hatred is the emotion of hatred, and Hulk is the emotion of anger. Anyway, after the transformation, it is difficult to control oneself. But as time goes by, even the dual personalities of Hulk and Banner can become one.

"Roar——" But now, Emil cannot exert his physical ability 100%.

But Abomination is intelligent after all. He was defeated by Hulk last time and learned some skills. Seeing that the enemy's attack was strong, he had to use moves.

Put your palms together and clap your hands to form an air shock wave, the intensity of which is at least level 13 gale.

Hulk used this palm to extinguish the fire. Now hating what he has learned and practicing, the huge airflow blew Johnny out. After all, he weighed less than 150 kilograms and was completely shaken by the strong wind.

Johnny didn't fall, but floated in the air.

"It seems that you still have an IQ, and you also know that you will gain wisdom after every experience." Johnny fell back to the ground.

Abomination has already struck out again, rushing in front of the enemy at extremely fast speed, hitting the enemy with its indestructible body.

Johnny did not dodge, but supported the orange round magic shield.

With a bang, Johnny continued to retreat along with the magic shield.

The charging hatred will not stop and keep advancing. Fortunately, this is a mirror space, otherwise these few minutes of fighting would be enough to tear down the prison.

"Mr. Emil, I suggest you control the power instead of being controlled by the power." Johnny said.

However, there was still no response, and I didn’t know if it was because of the tranquilizer. Johnny knew he had to change his approach. Fighting with someone who didn't have power was no fun at all.

Johnny's eyes condensed, the mirror space changed, and the hatred fell into the ground instantly. He drew circles with his hands to form a magic circle, and slapped Abomination on the chest.

soul astral!

Emil flew out of the body of hatred and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief, feeling that he was free.

"Who are you and where are you?" he asked.

"I am a magician, and I want to test it with you. But you can't control the power of hatred at all. You can only use brute force without skills, which is very boring. So I separate your soul from your body. Then we can have a good communication." Johnny said, "Don't worry, you're not dead yet."

"Magician?" To be honest, Emil never believed in magic, only science.

"That's right, Magician. None of this matters. What's important is that you control the power of hatred, rather than being controlled by it." Johnny said: "Mr. Emil, you have to stand up, otherwise you are just a monster."

"What should we do?" Emil didn't know how he could control the power.

"You have to control your jealousy. I know you long for power, but if you are controlled by power, you won't be able to exert your full strength." Johnny still hopes to fight the smart Abomination.

"Control your emotions? Let me try." Emil in his soul state closed his eyes and tried to calm down.

"Imagine that you are deep in the mountains, with the sound of wind, birdsong, and water flowing in your ears. Your heart is not restricted by anything." Johnny said, this is called imagination training, which can strengthen the ability to control thoughts. , if you control your imagination, you can further control your power.

Do whatever you think, instead of thinking uncontrollably. This is also the main content of meditation for beginners of white magic.

It is definitely still a bit difficult for Emil. He has been training his body and improving his ability, but he has never thought of training his mind. Now that his strength has skyrocketed, his spirit is no longer as strong as his strength.

Don’t expect him to master it on the first day, just take your time.

Abomination is definitely a good opponent. Although Johnny has met many powerful people since he traveled through time, those people are in high positions and busy with official duties, so they will not stop competing with him. But it's okay to hate him, since he's going to jail next, so he has a lot of free time.

Johnny can slowly train Abomination until he becomes qualified.

"Don't worry, practice slowly. In this mirror space, no one can interfere with you." Johnny said, "I'll go back first and come back to you tomorrow night."

Seeing that it was almost dawn, Johnny went back first.

If you hate it, keep the spirit body separated and practice meditation.

Although Johnny had a sleepless night, he was in good spirits.

Still no news from Tony, Johnny still has to go to work. In fact, he just signed in the office, and many things were completed by Potts and Stein.

"I will be interviewed by Time Magazine in the afternoon, and there will be a charity gala in the evening." Idris informed him of today's itinerary.

"Okay." Johnny said, "Actually, I didn't do anything, but I can be featured in Fashion Weekly. It seems that being the boss is really easy."

"You have stabilized everyone's confidence in the Stark Group, which is amazing."

"That's because the Stark Group has a good foundation, and it has nothing to do with me. With the efforts of two generations, the Stark Group has been moving in the right direction of development and invested in a large number of emerging industries. This is how the Stark Group can be stable. The reason." Johnny is still self-aware.

"If Stan were as humble as you, he wouldn't have such unrealistic ambitions." Idris compared Johnny with Stan. Johnny was really a hundred times better.

"He was unwilling to accept the limits of his talent, and it was easy for me to accept it, because I knew that all my powers were borrowed and none of them belonged to me," Johnny said.

To others, this sounds too modest, too modest.

In fact, it is a fact. This is true for all living creatures. The power is not one's own, but belongs to others. It's just that many people don't know this, and even if they know it, they don't want to admit it.

Johnny did as the Romans did, accepted everything, and borrowed strength.

In the afternoon, I participated in the interview. The beautiful reporter led the camera team to conduct the interview directly in Johnny's office.

The reporter keenly discovered that the office was full of photos of Tony and there were no items belonging to Johnny.

"Before the formal interview, can I ask a question? It's purely a matter of personal curiosity. You don't have to answer." The red-haired beauty smiled like a flower, making it irresistible.

"go ahead."

"I found that the furnishings in the office seem to have remained the same as before. There are no things of yours, not even your photos." The reporter asked: "I want to know why?"

"Because I believe that my brother is still alive, I am only temporarily acting as his agent." Johnny said.

"You guys have such a good relationship."

"Tony taught me a lot."

"But you didn't go to Asami Riko to study physics, but studied literature, and traveled around the world after graduation. Why is that? Why don't you follow your brother's route? Are you worried that you can't surpass him?"

This reporter had so many questions. Before the interview officially started, he was already asking questions.

"I really can't surpass Tony. His ability in the field of physics is unmatched. But this is not the reason why I choose literature. I choose literature because I am good at language work. I travel around the world just to learn languages. Now I have Mastered more than a hundred languages."

"A hundred languages?" The reporter was surprised. Generally speaking, learning ten languages ​​is considered a genius, and learning a hundred languages ​​is a complete miracle.

"Yes, a hundred. Each language has its own characteristics, which has benefited me a lot." Johnny said.

While we were chatting, the cameraman was also ready to take some handsome photos of Johnny so they could be published later.

Formal interview.

The beautiful reporter asked: "We all know that your brother was attacked by a terrorist organization. I would like to ask you what is your attitude towards terrorist organizations?"

"I personally believe that we cannot compromise with terrorist organizations, but we must be better at using forces other than force..."

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