Facing a real business war, Tony is in danger.

My brain was disturbed by microwaves and I felt dizzy. The reactor was captured and shrapnel struck his heart.

At the critical moment, he saw the birthday gift Potts had prepared for himself, which was an old reactor. It was supposed to be thrown away by Potts. But she wrote "Tony Stark has a warm heart" and sent it back as a gift. It was on the table. As long as it was put on it, it would be saved.

Johnny went out on a date and could only save himself at this time. Tony crawled hard and came under the workbench, reaching out to grab it, but unfortunately he couldn't get it.

When I stood up at all, my body felt like it was being bitten by ten thousand ants, and my strength became weaker and weaker.

At the critical moment, Dudu made a great contribution and took off the reactor and handed it to its owner.

Tony was full of emotions. He created technology with his heart, and technology would eventually reward him.

"Tony, the door is open, I'm coming in." Rod came to the garage and saw Tony lying on the ground, and immediately rushed over: "What's wrong?"

"Stan betrayed me and took away the reactor." He gasped, "I have to stop him."

"I'll contact the police."

"It's too late, Potts and the police have already dispatched. Stan took away my reactor and must have secretly designed the steel suit. I have to attack immediately, otherwise they will be in danger." Mortal flesh and blood cannot fight against the steel suit.

"What do you need me to do?"

"Conduct air traffic control." Johnny hoped that the air force would not get in the way this time.

When Rhodes saw the handsome steel suit, he couldn't help but be envious and said, "Sooner or later, I will have one too."

Tony sets off.

Stan returned to the laboratory and completed his own 'Iron Overlord'. His steel suit is big, black and thick, with a mechanical heaviness everywhere. The armor height exceeds two and a half meters, and its domineering mechanical structure is full of power.

Johnny and Idris are eating in the restaurant. Idris tells Johnny that this date was arranged by Stan.

"I'm curious, why would he order it personally for a simple date? Could he have other plots?" Idris knew Stan's ambitions, and he had been plotting against Tony and Johnny.

Johnny realized that Stan was trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain. He must have gone to attack Tony, but it was definitely too late to go back now, so he said: "It's okay, Stan doesn't have much time."

Idris thought Johnny was mysterious, so how could he tell that Stan's time was running out? "Why do you say that? Is Stan going to take action?" she asked strangely.

"He won't have a chance if he doesn't take action. Brother Tony has already produced a technology that transcends the times. Once it is announced, the shares of Stark Group will definitely rise. Tony's status will be as stable as a mountain. Stan can't shake his status at all. "

Idris asked: "What technology is so powerful?"

"Steel suits and individual armors generate electric energy through the fission of palladium elements to drive the armor. This system will rewrite the technology tree in the next hundred years. As a new energy source, micro nuclear reactors will eliminate petroleum and lithium batteries." Johnny said: "He could really change the times."

Idris is also aware of the power of this technology. Once it is announced, Stan will really have no chance.


While the two were eating and chatting, a big explosion occurred not far away, and a burst of light rushed into the sky.

"Is that the direction of the company?" Idris couldn't help but look out the window, looking at the explosion lighting up the night sky.

Johnny knew that Tony and Stan were engaged in a business war to determine on a physical level which direction the company should go.

Johnny took out the phone and turned on Potts directly: "Miss Potts, what happened?"

"It's your brother who's fighting Stan. They're all wearing steel suits. God, what's going on?" Potts couldn't understand how the conflicts within the company escalated into the Iron Man War?

Two men in steel suits were fighting hand to hand, with sparks and lightning. It was really cool. He was hit from the company to the road, then to the sky, and finally to the roof.

Tony's old reactor had insufficient energy to begin with, and it was also stretched thin against the fully militarized Iron Overlord.

Stan was determined to sell the steel suit to the military, so he naturally piled up the defense power of the steel suit. The military likes leather that is durable and cheap.

Although Tony's steel suit is good, it is too expensive. The military can't afford it.

Stan's armor is very good, but unfortunately the core energy cannot be broken through and Tony's technology has to be snatched away.

Tony was speechless. The enemy's armor was so strong that it wouldn't matter if it fell from the sky. At this time, he could only think of other ways to push the enemy into the company's reactor.

Pay huge amounts of costs and bury your enemies and your company's arms department along with them. The arms department is the veteran department of the Stark Group, but now it can only say goodbye.

Stan never dreamed that Tony would be so ruthless as to destroy the reactor.

The flames of the explosion shook half of the city and affected nearby electronic equipment, all of which were damaged.

The losses are huge.

Johnny thought that if the shares were still in his hands, this would be another opportunity to short-sell. Unfortunately, the shares were all returned to Tony, and there was no way to short-sell the shares in his hands.

Won, but it was far from over. There has been such a big fuss, and everyone needs an explanation, and many people have offered compensation.

Compensation is certain, but it must be paid with Stan's inheritance.

The winner takes all and the loser bears all the losses. This is the game of war.

"Johnny, come back quickly, Tony needs help." Potts contacted Johnny and asked him to go home.

Potts drove Tony back in his car.

Seeing Johnny, Potts said: "His reactor is going to run out of power. Is there any spare one?"

"There is no spare one yet, but you can connect an external battery." Johnny took out a battery and connected it to the reactor for power supply.

Only then did Tony recover and said, "It seems that we need to build a few more backup reactors in the future, otherwise it will be too dangerous."

Johnny saw that Tony's steel suit was damaged again, and thought that becoming Iron Man would really cost money: "Take off the steel suit and check your body again to see if there are any fractures."

Potts on the side saw that Tony was fine and immediately called to start public relations work. There were a lot of witnesses this time, so she had to find an excuse.

Rhodes was also contacting people from all walks of life. He came up with an excuse: "We can say that we were testing new technology, which led to the accident."

"Okay." Potts immediately asked everyone to contact the media to unify their message.

"Media control has already begun," Lord said.

As Johnny watched them work methodically, he knew that their efforts would be in vain, because Iron Man would announce himself, and Stark's stock would skyrocket.

A new era is coming.

"Okay, Tony, it's been arranged." Rhodes said, "We'll all be on the same page when the time comes."

Johnny said: "I'm going to call the doctor, my brother's arm is sprained."

"Let's just say it was a golf sprain," Potts said.

"It's better to say that I accidentally sprained it while trying to pick up the beautiful woman. Everyone knows that I like racing sports, not golf." Tony said.

"Okay, let's just say your hand was crushed by the beauty, but what about the injuries on your face?"

"He was caught by a beautiful woman." Tony said.

Everything is arranged, all Tony has to do is follow it.

"The thing about Stan was self-defense. Stan attacked the police first, and we fought back," Rhodes said.

Everyone has agreed to hold a press conference.

Everyone was very nervous, but Tony was very calm. The makeup artist did the makeup. Although his hands were still hanging, his appearance must not be bad.

Johnny is more concerned about the stock price, because on the night he had dinner with Idris, he bought all the shares of Stark Group with 100 million U.S. dollars. Now he is waiting for the stock price to appreciate. If it doesn't triple, he will feel sorry for himself.

"Three times, at least three times." It was short before, but this time it was long.

Because of the explosion in the Stark laboratory, everyone felt that the Stark Group was in bad luck. No matter how rich the family was, it would be ruined sooner or later. Therefore, the stock price plummeted, and Johnny bought a lot of stocks for 100 million US dollars.

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