Johnny asked Abomination to fight first to buy time.

Phil Coulson asks: "Can hate defeat someone?"

"I don't know, I'll know after we fight. Emil, you can use your full strength this time."

Emil said: "Then let me see if this guy can't help but fight." He transformed and rushed forward.

Johnny opened the portal and returned to the villa garage, put on the Mark 3 steel suit, and returned to the battlefield.

The battle soon entered the town. The Destroyer's destructive power was very strong. Even if he hated it, he didn't dare to resist. He could only avoid the laser and use punches to output.

The enemy is a set of remotely controlled magic armor that feels no pain, is completely maintained by magic power, and cannot be broken at all.

Although the attack power of hatred is powerful, it does no harm.

Banging fists, each blow was filled with shells, but to no avail.

"I'm here to help you." Johnny also came back, holding a gold-swallowing sword, but only sparks were struck on the Destroyer: "It is worthy of Wulu metal, not inferior to the heavenly weapons at all." "Six six three"

At this time, weapons made of Wulu metal are more effective. For example, the hammers, spears, swords, and machetes in the hands of the Four Warriors are forged from Wulu metal. Can pierce armor.

It's a pity that the Destroyer is also a divine weapon, and can recover even from minor damage.

The four warriors were quickly defeated and all their weapons were thrown away.

Johnny immediately picked up the Wulu spear that fell on the ground, shot out the spear like a dragon, and launched a violent attack on the armor.

There were hundreds of holes in the armor, but the metal on the armor flowed like liquid, and all the wounds disappeared. This is both magic and science. It is the characteristics of Wulu metal that have been brought to the extreme. It transcends the solid, liquid and gaseous states of objects and can be changed at will.

Phew! The Destroyer Helmet once again released a raging orange laser, and the entire town was reduced to a sea of ​​flames.

"Loki, that's enough!" Thor knew that it was Loki who controlled everything behind the scenes of the Destroyer, and that the Destroyer's power exceeded the strength of the Warrior. Neither human warriors nor Asgardian warriors can defeat the other.

In fact, if Johnny didn't show off his wealth or wear steel clothes, he would be able to exert his full strength. But if he defeated the enemy easily, how could he pick it up? How could he get the Wulu metal weapon into his own hands?

Since he couldn't defeat them, he naturally took the weapons of the Four Warriors into his hands. Anyway, they returned to Asgard to replenish their weapons, and Johnny accepted them unceremoniously.

"Loki, I promise you will never return to Asgard, and I won't stand in your way again. Let the innocent go." Thor walked out and couldn't let Loki hurt innocent people anymore.

At the moment he realizes the cruelty of war. Although war brings meritorious deeds, it also means that innocent people will be involved. As a king, how can he put the people into crisis? The king should bring peace and protect everyone.


The Destroyer knocked Thor away hard. Loki can let others go, but his brother must die. Only after his brother dies can he become the God King.

Thor fell to the ground seriously injured, and everyone was sad.

Johnny is not anxious at all, because Thor will recall his father every time he encounters a life and death crisis, and the power of Odin in his body will slowly Awakening.

The power of Odin is the power created by Odin, so if you want to borrow power, you must naturally accept Odin's belief. Only if you have unwavering trust in Odin in your heart, will your strength become stronger and stronger.

Every time he broke out, Thor's father's voice and smile were in his mind.

Before dying, Thor realized that his father was right and he was wrong, and his heartfelt repentance awakened Mjolnir.

Boom! The hammer in the S.H.I.E.L.D facility soared into the sky, turned at an incredibly sharp angle, and rushed straight towards Thor.

Thor instinctively raised his hand and held the hammer. At this moment, the sky and the earth changed color, the wind and clouds suddenly rose, thunder roared, and Thor returned to his position.

A bolt of lightning enveloped Thor, allowing him to regain his armor and regain his golden body.

Now everyone knows that Thor is not lying, he is really the real Thor, he is really a mythical being.

Holding the hammer again, the power in the artifact constantly bursts out.

He was so disgusted that he couldn't help but cover his eyes to prevent them from being burned by the strong light: "There really are gods."

Johnny's eyes were attracted to the battlefield, which was a duel between two artifacts. Mjolnir vs. Destroyer, both forces are very powerful. They are both forged from Ulu metal and have similar levels. They compare with the operator's ability.

Thor and Hammer have worked together for thousands of years and have a tacit understanding. And Loki and the Destroyer have only been working together for a few hours, and it is definitely incomparable that many of the Destroyer's functions cannot be used.

So overall Thor is stronger.

Thor swings the hammer to form a tornado, sucking the Destroyer into the sky with negative pressure, and then condenses the lightning and Destroyer waves.

One was an orange laser and the other was white lightning. The two terrifying energies collided in mid-air, and the onlookers below were dumbfounded.

Hawkeye said: "Johnny is right, it's a war between gods, and the war between gods has spread to the earth!"

Phil Coulson couldn't argue with that either.

With a bang, the Destroyer armor was knocked back, and Loki's link was broken by Thor. The Destroyer lost control and fell down, making a big hole.

The storm subsided and Thor returned to his friends. Next, he must return to Asgard to stop Loki's conspiracy...

"This warrior of the earth, please return the weapons to us." The four warriors will continue to fight and need weapons.

"Weapons, no problem, just wait a minute." Johnny opened the portal and took out a big box, opened it, and found ten rifles inside: "Here are the weapons for you.

"We need our own weapons, not Earth's weapons." The warrior said patiently.

"This is a weapon enchanted with Hellfire. Not only can it release huge amounts of Hellfire bullets, but it also does not need to change the magazine and can shoot infinitely." Johnny said: If you think it is useful, you can come to me to purchase it. "

"Don't act stupid, our weapons will be returned soon." Patience is about to be exhausted.

Johnny said shamelessly: "I still have something to do, let's take the first step." After that, he flew away.

Abomination also picked up the Destroyer Armor, sprinted to 120 yards, and disappeared.

"These cunning Earthlings." The four warriors had no choice but to use Earth's weapons. After all, they still had to fight when they returned.

The gatekeeper is still frozen, and it will take some time to open the portal. This gatekeeper has super hearing and Super Vision, and can observe every corner of the universe. He has a clear understanding of Loki's conspiracy, so he secretly helps the four warriors go to Earth to meet Thor.

Although he was frozen by the Ice Box at the moment, as Thor called out, the divine power in the gatekeeper burst out, breaking the ice and opening the way home.

Thor had to say goodbye to his girlfriend and go home to clean up the mess.

Hawkeye and Phil Coulson watched everything blankly.

"Johnny seems to have stolen their weapons." Phil Coulson said uncertainly.

"It was indeed stolen. 3.9 and the suit of armor were also stolen." Hawkeye said.

"This matter must be reported."

If you report it, report it. Johnny is no longer prepared to hide anything when he takes action this time, because the coming era will be a time of great conflict, and there is no point in hiding it.

Soon a long report was handed over to Nick Fury, and he learned that Johnny Stark turned out to be a mysterious magician.

"Aliens, magicians, this world has really become strange." The director has seen a lot of the world. He has seen the Kree, the Skrulls, Captain Marvel, the element-devouring beast... Now I heard that there are magicians on earth, and I am very calm. Magicians are magicians.

"I wonder if he is willing to join the Avengers Project. I think if Tony joins, he won't refuse." The director thought.

Johnny finally got Wulu metal. Its magic affinity is far higher than any metal on the earth. It is indeed extraordinary. .

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