Odin woke up from his deep sleep and was very satisfied with Thor's performance. Finally, his son understood the true meaning of not using force.

"Although what happened to Loki is regrettable, I am very pleased with your growth. In the end, you crushed the Bifrost and saved the Giants of Jotunheim, which reflects our Asgard's magnanimity as the Lord of the Nine Realms. Now you are a qualified heir to the king. All the people in the nine realms will recognize you."

Thor thought that he would not be able to return to Earth and see his girlfriend. But this is also a sacrifice that the king must make. He considers the Nine Realms, not himself.

Then Odin looked at the Earth's weapons: "This is the fire of hell, a very good enchantment method, very clean white magic. These weapons are really good. They use ordinary metal to release magic attacks. Although it is the idea of ​​throwing stones, it is indeed it works."

Human weapons, throwing stones. Human technology, boil water. All are classics.

Throw stones and boil water in various ways.

And Odin's artifact is the release of energy, which can destroy the world. However, the number of artifacts is limited, and even my wife is not qualified to use it.

Too bad weapons can't stop Ragnarök. But the warriors felt that they could purchase some, so they hoped to ask Thor to propose large-scale purchases.

"Father, after the warriors used Earth's weapons, they found these weapons very practical. If they want to purchase more from Earth, could you consider it?" Thor hopes that his father will agree. As long as his father agrees, he will wait for Bifrost. After repairing it, he can run around the earth properly.

"Okay." Odin did not disappoint everyone.

Thor was very happy, and the next step was to cultivate Bifrost with all his strength.

On the Earth side, Tony is still designing more steel suits, starting with making more new element reactors. Then we need to design more steel clothes that are easy to wear. Although wearing them with a robotic arm is cool, it is too inconvenient. If you encounter an emergency, you need to put it on quickly.

So he planned to consider an all-in-one steel suit that could be quickly positioned and put on.

The design drawings are changed batch after batch, and it is necessary to find a suitable design. Tony's head is also constantly working under high load, which is very hard.

I often go a day without eating or drinking, thinking about solving the problem of portability.

Johnny is definitely not lazy, he has been thinking about the combination of power, the restraint of power, and the growth of power.

Mutual growth, mutual restraint, and growth.

These are the three major elements of magic. Using the three major elements to build your own power is the only way for a strong person.

"It seems that the Mind Gem can also further stimulate the magic power. I don't know what kind of power it borrows. When the Mind Gem comes, I have to try it," Johnny thought.

Six Infinite Gems, the Space gem is the power of gamma rays, which can create Captain Marvel, Iron Man's reactor, and more. Mind Gem stimulates x genes and magic.

"Anyway, I have to give it a try." Johnny also took great pains to borrow power: "After seeing the power of Odin, I can't stand still and have to move forward. Now I have borrowed the power of water, the power of wood, and the power of white. Magic, black magic, is not enough, far from enough. Not only is the power not enough, but the combination is not enough. Odin borrowed at least eighty-eight kinds of power, and synthesized it through profound methods to give Odin the power to become the Level God Father. Also first target Level God Father.

Heavenly Father is a powerful man at the lord level of the material universe and the spiritual realm. He is not only powerful in the material universe, but also influential in the spiritual world.

"Loki should have met Thanos now, and the Avengers are about to be established. Next, the earth will take turns to be bombed by robots, aliens, and magicians. By then, super soldiers and individual armors will become mainstream developments. In this direction, even gangsters from the underworld need to acquire some high-tech equipment to rob banks."

Robots, aliens, magicians, actually Mutants, and super potions will become more and more common.

The four Avengers wars will cause a lot of problems. The first urban war will lead to a lot of social problems, the loss of control of super abilities and high technology, and the conflicts between the people and superheroes.

Then there will be the Ultron war, and everyone's doubts about superheroes will reach its peak, eventually leading to a confrontation between superheroes.

Then Thanos wiped out half of all life, causing a series of social problems and further widening the gap between rich and poor.

Then half of the lives were resurrected. Everyone was accustomed to the new life, but the dead people came back, causing social conflicts to increase sharply.

Avengers solved some problems, but also created many new ones.

"The endogeneity of contradictions, opposition and unity." Johnny thought that the birth of superhero solved one problem, but a series of new problems were born: "Nick Fury used superhero to solve the intruders, but he cannot use superhero to solve other problems. question."

But this is no problem for Johnny. Crisis is danger and opportunity. He grasps the context of the plot and just wants to make money.

Intelligence is money.

"Thor has also seen it, and the Wulu metal has been obtained. Next, the Avengers will be formed, and then there will be a series of money-making projects. Reconstruction, insurance, and the purchase of land destroyed by aliens into ruins at a low price. At that time, by colluding with Duck and Bright, we can unleash our capitalist nature." To some extent, Johnny is even more capitalist than Tony. At least Tony wouldn't sell the bullets fired at him to the enemy, but Johnny didn't care at all.

Johnny's idea is simple, if he doesn't do these things, others will do them. Could it be that if he doesn't sell weapons, others won't? As long as there is demand, there will always be someone to fill it, and capitalists must behave like capitalists.

In fact, terrorists cannot buy Stark's weapons, but they can buy Osborn's and Hammer's weapons. Even the military will secretly sell items in the weapons arsenal.

On the surface, the military is supporting its allies, but who knows who these arms will be sold to once they change hands?

Stark doesn't sell it, but people do.

After the urban war is over, there will be ruins everywhere and business opportunities everywhere. Hell's Kitchen will rise, new criminal groups will develop, and these are ways to make money.

“The ways to make a fortune are written in the law. "Johnny thinks about how to make money from the war.

At the moment the director had read the report and knew that Johnny was a magician, so he asked Natasha Romanoff to collect information.

Natasha Romanoff came to Hammer Industries and met Idris: "I want to see Johnny, do I need to make an appointment?"

"I'll get in touch." Idris contacted Johnny.

Johnny knows that Natasha Romanoff must be here on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D and lets her in.

"Nice to meet you, Natasha Romanoff agent." Johnny said, "What do you want?"

"There are some things I want to ask about (Liao Haohao) magic."

"I knew this day would come sooner or later." Johnny poured the other party a glass of fruit wine and said: "Before S.H.I.E.L.D was established, magicians were always protecting the earth. There are many magical secret realms on the earth: Kunlun, Daluo , Kamar-Taj, etc., who, under the leadership of the Sorcerer Supreme, maintain Earth's shield against enemies from the universe and beyond."

Natasha Romanoff didn't expect that Johnny would explain everything as soon as he opened his mouth, and it was a rich history from ancient times. She didn't expect that the earth has always been protected by magicians.

"I know you will definitely not be able to accept it, but this is the reality. Although the earth is very young in the universe, it has experienced a lot. Many powerful people have visited the earth and left miracles. Asgard and Giants of Jotunheim in the Earth War However, the Kree have done human experiments on the earth, and the hell lords have collected souls on the earth... The reason why the earth has not turned into a death star is because magicians have been guarding it since ancient times. Earth." Johnny said: "It's just that Magician has always been very low-key.".

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