The aircraft carrier did not become a submarine, but took off and became an aerospace aircraft carrier that flies smoothly in the sky.

There is also optical camouflage, which can deceive the eyes on the surface.

"Is this the work of the Stark Group?" Dr. Banner couldn't help but ask Johnny.

"The energy core is produced and provided by the Stark Group, but other companies are responsible for the overall ship." Johnny said.

The higher the altitude, the thinner the air, so everyone entered the cabin.

"Dr. Banner, we need your help. We hope you can find the Rubik's Cube." The director said.

"I can write an algorithm. How many gamma ray detectors does S.H.I.E.L.D. have?"

"How much do you need?"

"The more, the merrier."

The director said: "I will contact all departments to provide equipment. What should I do?"

"Move all the detectors to a high place, and then I need a laboratory." Dr. Banner needs a quiet environment to write algorithms.

"We have everything here," the director said proudly.

The aerospace carrier is a mobile base with a variety of facilities that can satisfy the superhero's combat 06.

Johnny thought that this thing was useless, because once its position was exposed, it would be easily destroyed. It's definitely cool. The aerospace aircraft carrier is powered by a nuclear reactor and can fly all the time in the sky without landing. This small hull requires half the city's electricity to maintain the flight, which consumes a lot of energy.

It would be better if you could add a shield, Johnny thought.

The director looked at Captain America and Johnny and said, "You can rest first and maintain your strength. If necessary, you will be needed to attack.

Johnny took some time to walk around the space carrier.

Natasha Romanoff is worried about Hawkeye and hopes he will be okay. After they met, they performed many tasks together and had a good relationship.

The aerospace aircraft carrier is very wide, and the hangar inside is also very spacious, with various fighter jets and transport aircraft parked: "Cool, far beyond Earth's technology." Johnny knew that these technologies came from the Kree and Skrulls, It was improved by two aliens.

The design of the Quinjet transporter originated from the Kree Dr. Lawson, and subsequent improvements were made by the Skrulls. These alien refugees who have fled to Earth have been helping S.H.I.E.L.D.

Therefore, although the reactor of the aerospace aircraft carrier was designed by the Stark Group, other technologies are from aliens.

Johnny walked into the plane and wanted to learn to fly a plane. Although magicians usually don't need planes to travel, it is good to learn one more skill.

These aircraft can hover and fly at Mach 2 speeds. Even the Quinjet transport aircraft can break through the atmosphere and fly in space. However, due to its size, the life support system cannot last for a long time.

These are all improved by aliens. I have to say that the two aliens, especially the Skrulls, have really made outstanding contributions to earth's technology. It's a pity that humans are unwilling to disclose their existence or give them identities.

Just treat the Skrulls as hidden tool men, very easy to use.

"Very good." Johnny thought to himself that he had arrived at S.H.I.E.L.D. Then the matter of stealing S.H.I.E.L.D technology would be left to him. After that, he would have to browse the S.H.I.E.L.D database.

"Johnny, if anything happens, come to the bridge." Natasha Romanoff said.

Arriving at the bridge, everyone looked at the screen. Loki appeared in the German area. He openly appeared at a banquet venue and caused a scene.

"Go out and get him back."

Natasha Romanoff, Captain America, and Johnny set off.

Natasha Romanoff flew the plane, and Quin Jet set off at the fastest speed, flying directly from the Atlantic Ocean to Germany. The speed was not very fast.

Loki is deliberately stalling for time, because this is making a fool of himself. On the surface, it is him who is fooling around, but secretly, it is Hawkeye who is stealing rare metals.

"Submit, kneel and worship, I am your god!" Loki was dressed in glittering gold and high-spirited, holding a scepter like the return of a king. He watched the mortals kneel down in fear and unwillingness

Full of satisfaction.

But an old man stood and said: "Seventy years ago, someone like you tried to conquer us, but he failed."

Loki smiled and said: "Then he is your savior and complies with your needs. Humanity cannot live without God. Without God, you will lose your direction. Old man, how many years have you lived? Seventy or eighty? I tell you You and I have lived for fifteen hundred years and have seen too much human history. It is not that God conquered you, but that you need God, so God will respond to you."

Loki is much older than the survivors of World War II. And he knew very well that the reason for World War II was not that the devil played the flute and Hypnotic Ability disabled everyone, but that everyone could no longer survive, so he elected a devil and followed the devil to start a war.

This kind of thing happened not just once in history, but repeatedly. When everyone has money, they sing and dance. When everyone has no money, they immediately elect a devil or a tyrant and follow him to kill people and set fires. This is the normal state of the game, not just World War II.

It was like this before and it will be like this in the future.

Loki knew they needed a god.

At the moment Captain America descended from the sky and stood in front of Loki: "You know, I have seen a man before who wanted to make everyone kneel, and then he died."

Loki thought about another one and said: "You humans really don't like to read history. That's right. It's not that you don't want to read it, but that you can't read it because you are the creator of the problem."

By. "

However, Captain America was not a man of martial ethics. Facing a 1,500-year-old immortal, he used a sneak attack to throw his shield.

Loki was immediately knocked away.

This is not over yet, Johnny also appears wearing a steel suit, raising his hand and firing two palm cannons. Then he pounced on Loki and fought hand to hand. He kicked Loki with a football and hit him on the bridge of the nose, completely treating the opponent as a sandbag.

Although Loki deliberately lured the snake out of its hole, he was still furious in the face of this humiliating attack. He raised his hand and was about to attack, but at this moment passionate rock music came from the sky, and Iron Man also made his debut.

Boom! Landing to the ground with great momentum.

"Don't move!" All weapon systems unlocked, aim at Loki.

Loki was silent, and finally raised his hands, choosing to surrender.

When Captain America saw Iron Man appearing arrogantly, he knew that the opponent must be Tony Stark.

Johnny handcuffed Loki and put him on a transport plane. 607

Tony also got on the plane and asked Loki directly on the way back: "Where is the Tesseract?"

Loki smiled but said nothing.

Captain America felt that Loki's surrender was too easy: "He caused such a big commotion in the Tianma Research Institute before and was able to escape smoothly, but now he surrenders easily. This is not normal."

Tony said nonchalantly: "For an old guy, your observation skills are pretty good. By the way, your fighting moves just now were like aerobics, which are quite different from modern fighting. You should really take some extra classes."

Johnny knew that once his brother saw Captain America, the sequelae of education would definitely break out. He must have remembered that his father recognized Captain America more than him, so he felt unconvinced and found fault everywhere.

This was Howard's miscalculation. He didn't expect that Captain America was not dead.

Using a Deadman as a standard is a false standard. It doesn't matter if Howard says that Captain America is brave, upright, kind and powerful, or even that Captain America is the embodiment of truth, goodness and beauty. Because there is no proof, Tony can't find any evidence to prove that Captain America is a despicable person.

But if Captain America is still alive, he can't be perfect, there will always be shortcomings. For example, Tony is now criticizing Captain America's retro fighting moves, which are indeed inconsistent with modern aesthetics.

A living Captain America must have shortcomings, and Tony can pick out a thousand of them to oppose his father's education, prove that his father is wrong, and prove that his father thinks highly of Captain America.

So when looking for standards, it’s best to be imaginary. Because in reality, there must be good and bad, and there cannot be only advantages and no disadvantages. .

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