Nick Fury, every minute you wait, the more enemies you have, the less hope you have of closing the portal. We have given your special team time, but now we must launch the nuclear bomb and the Security Council is responsible for global security. "

The director was definitely not willing to accept it: "They are still working hard. If you give them some time, they will definitely be able to close the portal.

"Sorry, we can't wait any longer."

In fact, the director and the senior management were right, and they all took risks. After all, they were not sure that their route was definitely correct.

Will launching a nuclear bomb definitely close the portal? Not necessarily, because the way to close the portal is to use the energy of the contact between two gems to close it. Nuclear bombs may not be able to do that.

And can the Avengers definitely close the portal? Not necessarily, because they still don't know that a scepter is needed to close the portal, so they are still fighting blindly and have not received information yet.

Where does this information come from? Loki will definitely not say, so only the scientist in charge of the portal knows. But scientists need to reboot their brains.

After getting the information, we still need a scepter. There are too many details. Once a certain detail fails, the enemy will occupy the city and eventually evolve into a full-scale war. By then, more than 15 million people may die.

The total casualties during World War II, including military and civilians, were in the hundreds of millions. Fighting an all-out war with alien invaders is no joke, and humans may not be able to win 750. The scale will definitely be more exaggerated than World War II, and at least 300 million people will die.

After comparing the numbers, the top brass chose nuclear bombs. If the portal cannot be closed, another 300 million people will bet on fighting a full-scale war. If it is closed, then 15 million people will be sacrificed, and it will stop here.

One is a bad option and the other is a worse option.

Director Nick is facing the same situation. If he can close the door, everything will be fine. If it can't be closed, it will be a total war. He wants to believe that the Avengers can close the portal without a nuclear bomb. A good choice, a worse choice.

A good option, a worse option. A bad option, a worse option.

Nick chooses the option. The top management chooses the bad option because the probability of success of the good option is too low and higher than if there is no bad option.

In short, the two sides had conflicting views. The director directly launched a rocket and blew up a fighter jet with a nuclear bomb. But the other one took off anyway.

The director couldn't accept it and only hoped that the Avengers could go to the crisis.

The battle lasted for a long time, and Thor was exhausted. After all, he was still the God of Hammers, not the real Thor. The power of Odin in his body has not yet Awakened, and the battery life needs to be improved.

"You are the one controlling these drones?" Loki jumped from Chitauri's motorized spaceship in front of Johnny: "You damn guy (a GBg), it's time to settle the score."

Loki is such a face-conscious person. He still remembers that Johnny's football kick almost broke his nose. It was a very strong kick.

"I specifically asked Barton for information about you. You are an adopted son of a wealthy family, but you are obsessed with the occult. I can imagine that you live in the shadow of your genius brother. It is really sad to rely on magic to escape." Loki laughed.

"Are you talking about yourself? You were adopted by Odin, but lived in the shadow of your powerful brother. You didn't have the physique of an Asgardian, so you became a magician." Johnny said that Loki's words were completely a boomerang and hit him. body.

Loki was very angry because the two people's situations were indeed very similar. No more nonsense, just lift up the scepter and hit him: "I'm different from you, I'm smarter and stronger than Thor."

"It's a pity you didn't learn your lesson!" Johnny opened two portals and deflected Loki's attack.

However, Loki turned into a ghost and dodged the attack: "You don't learn a lesson." Another Loki appeared from behind Johnny and stabbed him in the back with the dagger in his hand.

Loki had encountered this technique of 'Attack Return' before controlling the Destroyer, and he still remembered it. The reason why he still attacks head-on is to make Johnny relax his vigilance and carry out a sneak attack.

"The me you saw last time is different from the one I am now." Johnny's self-awareness was reconstructed by the Mind Gem, and the intuition of Homo sapiens was strengthened to a higher level. In the past, he could not detect Loki's fake magic, but now Can be easily seen through.

Just when the backstab was about to be completed, Johnny wielded the sword gracefully, and the gold-swallowing sword flexibly blocked the dagger, and the battle began with Loki.

The god of deceit had to retreat to resist the strange Flight's sword. The dagger blocked and sparks appeared.

My own dagger is made of Wulu metal, how can I resist the opponent's sword? This sword is definitely not something from the earth. Loki knew very well that no metal on the earth could stop Wulu metal, the flying sword was too powerful, and the small dagger was somewhat unstoppable. He looked at Johnny in the steel suit, and even through the mask, he could see his triumphant expression.

"Too much!" Loki released another scepter beam.

Johnny could feel the way this energy was running, and he grabbed the light with his right hand.

Loki's eyes widened and he looked at the strange ability displayed by the other party in disbelief. This was light, how could he be caught?

Because Johnny is using the innate realm at the moment, which is the self-awareness built by the Mind Gem, and has huge amounts of affinity with the energy of the gem, he can catch this light from the Mind Gem.

This is the same principle as Johnny grabbing Mjolnir. There is no interference with self-awareness, and he is very simply in contact with the power of the universe.

Catch, then fight back.

Johnny turned around and hit Loki with his psychic laser. With a bang, he knocked the opponent off the roof.

Scepter let go and Johnny caught Scepter.

At the moment the fighter jet carrying the nuclear bomb had launched the nuclear bomb: "It exploded in two minutes and fifty seconds."

"We must get the scepter." News came from Natasha Romanoff. It turned out that she had learned the method of closing the portal from the brain-restarted doctor and needed a scepter.

Johnny thought to himself that it was a coincidence, it was here: "I'll be here soon, the scepter is here with me." Take off.

"Slowly close the portal first." Tony said, "I just received a communication from Nick. A nuclear bomb is coming. I have an idea."

The countdown has now entered, and Tony must send a nuclear bomb into the universe as soon as possible.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, all energy is used for steering." In this battle, even the new energy was almost used, because energy weapons have been used without stopping.

"Sir, you don't have enough energy now, you won't be able to come back." J.A.R.V.I.S said.

"I know, all the energy goes into steering." Now is Tony's chance to test him, and he decisively proves Captain America wrong. When it comes time to sacrifice himself, he can sacrifice himself without hesitation.

"Sir, do you need to pick up Miss Potts?"

Tony said: "Connected." He began to say his last words.

Johnny arrived at the Stark Building, and Black Widow was already here. The controlled doctor returned to normal and sat on the ground dejectedly, knowing that it was all his fault.

Hawkeye and Captain America are still fighting, but Hawkeye no longer has a bow and arrows, and all the special arrows have been used up, so he can only fight with alien weapons.

Captain America also had many wounds on his body. Although his body could withstand frontal bombardment from Chitauri infantry weapons, it would still be very painful.

Thor doesn't have much physical strength anymore, but there are still many enemies: "We have to help Tony open the passage, otherwise the enemies will definitely intercept him."

Captain America said: "Johnny, move all the drones to the portal, do your best to reduce the number of enemies, open a channel for Tony, and let him send the nuclear bomb in. Although there was no nuclear bomb when Captain America was sleeping, he woke up Afterwards, I also took up extra classes and learned that nuclear bombs ended World War II and were extremely powerful.

"Leave it to me!" Johnny asked all the drones to rush towards the portal and self-destruct. For a moment, there was crackling in front of the portal, flames were like clouds, and debris was like rain. The drones and enemies perished together, clearing the passage. .

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