"How did you figure it out?" Johnny heard that Tony finally decided to have surgery, and curiously asked him how he changed his mind.

"I met a kid who told me that inventors should invent something. Before, I had been staring in one direction until I lost my way. Now I should start from scratch and reorganize my thinking. There are only so many human technologies. , the next thing I should consider is to maximize the existing technology, rather than blindly pursue high technology." Tony used parts from the supermarket to build weapons, which made him realize one thing: "The higher the steel suit, the better. The better the technology, the more suitable it is, the better. In the past, I pursued high technology blindly and forgot the original intention of the steel suit."

Johnny thought that his thinking had changed, as if he had changed from black magic to white magic. The idea of ​​​​white magic is similar to what Tony said, using limited power to combine the most suitable magic.

There are only so many human technologies, and Tony can't force it. He can only think about problems from different angles.

"Miss Potts will be pleased."

Potts was indeed happy because Tony finally figured it out and immediately contacted the doctor to arrange surgery.

"Johnny, all these steel suits are given to you." Before Tony had the operation, he gave Johnny all 42 sets of steel suits he had designed with a wave of his hand.

Johnny said: "Is it because the new steel suit needs to be redesigned after the operation is completed?"

06 "Yes, although the previous steel suit can also use external energy, it is mainly functioned by my reactor. Since I want to remove the shrapnel, I don't need to consider two function modes for the next steel suit. I have to focus on A kind of design. The old steel clothes can be worn by you by changing the size. They are all given to you.

"Thanks." Johnny wasn't polite, and he didn't want anything for nothing.

Potts and Rhodes watched Johnny enter the operating room.

The operation went smoothly and all the shrapnel was removed. Tony and Happy were discharged from the hospital at the same time and immediately held a party to celebrate.

After removing the shrapnel, Tony started research on a new steel suit. With the previous experience, the new steel suit will be more powerful, not pursuing multiple functions, but more specialization.

"Dr. Maya Hansen, from today on, all Extremis research results are the property of Hammer Industries." Once Killian died, all his wealth was swallowed up by Johnny.

Dr. Maya didn't say anything, after all, this is business. Extremis's research will continue, and she still has to work.

Killian caused a lot of trouble by pretending to be Ten Rings, and gas prices have risen a lot, but it's a pity that it's over now. But everyone has already accepted new energy vehicles, and it is impossible for many consumers to go back and buy gasoline-powered vehicles.

Hammer Industries' new industries have also gained a firm foothold and earned more valuations.

"One trillion." Johnny was also very happy when he saw that Hammer Industries' valuation exceeded one trillion.

Most of the one trillion yuan is in stocks and cannot be withdrawn. But with so many valuations, it will be much easier for Johnny to do things. These valuations are his capital.

Soon, Johnny acquired the Hell's Kitchen Police Department and established his own security force in Hell's Kitchen. These people will be equipped with more powerful weapons and equipment.

Let Emil train them and teach them fighting skills, while Hammer Industries will provide weapons.

Now that Johnny is so popular, there will be reporters secretly investigating his situation, looking for dirty information about Hammer Company, and even looking for Johnny's illegal and criminal activities.

"It's very suspicious that there are no opponents to such a large-scale demolition of Hell's Kitchen," reporter Ben Yurick said.

He is a news reporter who has become popular recently. He won a journalism award for reporting on alien invasions and taking wonderful photos of aliens.

He was originally a person determined to expose the darkness of society. After becoming famous, he never forgot his original intention and still reported news and looked for darkness in Hell's Kitchen.

The biggest news recently is, of course, Future City. Hammer Industries has the ambition to transform Hell's Kitchen into a brand new city of the future. For such a grand plan and such a large-scale demolition, there is no one opponent? This makes him feel incredible. There must be something evil when something goes wrong. He believes that Hammer Industries must have used shady means.

Now that Hammer Industries has taken control of the police station, it's even more terrifying.

Ben Urick knew that the person in charge of the demolition was Jin Bin. This guy had a black background, but he became one of the contractors of Future City. Then he would definitely outsource and cut corners.

Make profit from this.

Kingpin is definitely not a good person, and Hammer Industries' reuse of Kingpin is definitely not a good thing. Ben Urick visited those who agreed to the demolition, looking for clues.

He definitely wanted to interview Johnny too and wanted to know if he knew about Kingpin's bad behavior?

It's coming soon, Johnny attends a banquet at the Hell's Kitchen Police Department, and Ben Urick goes to cover the event as a reporter, so he decides to force a visit.

All the famous characters from Hell's Kitchen are here, including Kingpin.

Kingpin's bald head can be said to stand out from the crowd. He is taller than ordinary people, like a bear.

Johnny's speech at the banquet was nothing more than expressing his expectations for the future of Hell's Kitchen, hoping to build Hell's Kitchen into the most advanced and safest area on earth.

Everyone applauded.

Johnny has met many villains, all of whom are kings of the street world, but in front of the capitalists, Kingpin is just an ant. Johnny will definitely not look down on him, after all, Kingpin needs to do many things.

Johnny shook hands with Kingpin and encouraged: "Mr. Fisk, your ability is admirable, and the construction of the future city depends on you. Once the future city is established, you will be a major contributor. You will definitely have a place in the future city."

Fisk could tell that Johnny was trying to win over him and try to make things easier for him. He said: "It is a great honor to cooperate with such a kind and visionary entrepreneur like you. The future city will surely impress everyone."

The two boasted about their business.

At this time, Kingpin was also gentle and elegant. Who would have thought that he could crush someone's head with a car door.

Jin Binye is very ambitious in 920. He wants to enter the upper class society, leave the street world and truly enter the upper class. Unfortunately, the class jump is not so easy to complete. Even if he wears a suit, often goes to art galleries, does the same things as a capitalist, or even is more elegant than a capitalist, he still cannot enter the class of the old country squire.

But the less you can join, the more you yearn for it.

After the party, Johnny was ready to leave. Ben Urick appeared: "I am a newspaper reporter, can you delay class for a few minutes?"

Emir stopped the reporter. He didn't use force, he just stopped the reporter.

Johnny asked the other party to get in the car: "I know you. You have taken a lot of alien photos. They are very good and have been widely circulated. What can I do for you?"

"I'd like to interview you."

"Okay." Johnny said, "If you have any questions, you can ask."

"I want to know, do you know the background of Wilson Fisk?"

"I've heard some, but since he hasn't been arrested, those rumors are not surprising. What I look at is his ability, and he did a good job in this demolition.

"It's just because it's so good that I find it strange. Sir, every demolition will have various problems, but this time, there is not a single opponent for such a large-scale operation in Hell's Kitchen. Don't you find it strange?" Ben Urick asked: "I suspect that Fisk used illegal violence to silence the opponents.

He is bold and straight to the point. .

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