Chapter 399 Building a primary school

 She also misses her eldest sister very much.

“By the way, brother, there is one more thing. I plan to build a primary school in the village...”

Qinghe Village is the place where I was born, and where my eldest brother and his family were born and grew up. It is also the hometown where my parents lived their whole lives and were even buried.

 Although she has only lived in this land for five years, she knows that her roots are here.

 She also wants to do something for this hometown.

Ningti came up with this plan after discovering yesterday that the village did not have its own primary school.

 She has always known the importance of education.

She also knows that some people in rural areas do not pay attention to their children's education.

 So she built a primary school and called it Qinghe Primary School.

“…After the primary school is completed, I will find excellent teachers and educational resources. From now on, as long as the children in our village reach the appropriate age, they can go to school for free in the village until they graduate from primary school.”

“I also want to set up a bursary fund and a scholarship fund.”

“Those who have difficulties at home can receive subsidies as long as the conditions are true.”

“Those with excellent academic performance can also receive scholarships.”

Ningdi knows that only knowledge is the opportunity to change their destiny. She wants to give the children in Qinghe Village such an opportunity, to get them out of the mountains, and to make their future better and better.

 Xu Aiguo understands Ningdi’s good intentions.

 As a father who was able to educate two top students in Beijing universities, Xu Aiguo knew the importance of reading very well.

Just like college students, if you go to college now, there are official subsidies, so you don’t have to spend any money at all.

 Don't talk about college students, just talk about high school students and junior high school students. Even if you go out, you must be looked down upon.

 Everyone admires top students and knows the greatness of knowledgeable people.

Especially when a family has a college student, everyone is envious of it, and they all say that the family’s ancestral graves are smoking.

 However, they are envious. When it comes to really letting their children and grandchildren go to school, few of them can insist on it.

 Some people have shabby ideas and believe that girls will eventually get married and that it is a waste of money to educate girls.

 Some families are in difficulty and cannot afford to send their children to school. Some children even have to work in the fields early to help their families.

Of course, some people are short-sighted and think that even if studying is useful, it will take many years to get the rewards. It is better to start working early now that you have the ability...

 Some are far away from home. Several nearby villages do not have their own primary schools. If the children at home want to go to school, they have to go to the commune primary school, and the middle school has to go to the county town...


 Due to various reasons, few families choose to send their children to study.

Even in the past few years, there have been some college students and technical secondary school students in the village. Even if the village gradually develops and there are more people willing to send their children to study, there is not much more.

But now, Xu Aiguo thought, if we really build a primary school in the village as Ningdi said, and then set up these student aid and scholarship funds, the number of people who choose to study will definitely increase greatly.

  Maybe not only children from your own village will come to read it, but it may also attract children from other villages to come to read it.

Xu Aiguo thinks that the younger sister’s idea is excellent.

 If he had the ability and enough money, he would also want to do it.


"Little sister, your idea is very good, but it costs a lot of money to build a primary school. Plus the fund you mentioned, it will be even more. The money is almost constantly needed, and the primary school is not just casual. It can be built easily, but it still needs official approval.” Ningdi nodded and said, “Brother, I know, but your little sister is short of everything except money.”

At this time Hans also answered, "Brother, I am also rich. If Ning needs it, I can also help."

Xu Aiguo was a little confused, "How much money do you have?"

Although my younger sister and brother-in-law lived abroad before, and when they chatted, they also said that they had a good life before, but Xu Aiguo felt that no matter how good it was, would it be good enough to spend money to build a primary school?

“Brother, you forgot, I am studying medicine...”

Ningdi explained.

 Ningdi is not only a medical student, but also an internationally renowned medical expert in country A.

 She is also a medical genius.

I think that when she was a child, she showed great talent in medicine. After her adoptive parents found out, they also focused on cultivating her in this aspect.

When Ningdi was young, she already had many medical patents, and these patents continued to give her a lot of money every year.

In addition, before Ningdi retired, because of her superb surgical ability, she was sometimes invited to perform surgeries on some private individuals.

 Every surgery is not cheap.

Of course those people are willing to give.

 Plus her previous salary as a doctor or teacher.

It can be said that Ningdi has a lot of wealth. Even if she is gone in the future, her patent income will continue to be given to her designated descendants.

 So, Ningdi is not short of money.

 She has the financial resources to build 10 primary schools, let alone one.

 As to whether the official will allow it.

 Of course it will be allowed.

 First of all, it is a good thing to spend money to build schools, and the officials are very happy to see it.

Secondly, after she returned to China, the officials here also said that if she could settle here, she could ask for anything. As long as it was not excessive, they would try to meet it.

 So, Ningdi knew that as long as she proposed the idea of ​​building a primary school, it would definitely come true.

Of course, what Hans said about helping his wife was also true.

 Although he contributed a lot of property by helping his wife return to China this time, there is still a lot left.

 In addition, he has accumulated a lot of wealth before, so Hans is not short of money.

As for their children, they are all capable people and they are not short of money.

 So, if his money can help his wife, Hans will be happy no matter what money he pays.

"So that's it..." After hearing Ningdi's words, Xu Aiguo suddenly realized and was a little shocked.

It seems that during these decades of separation, my little sister’s life has been more exciting and better than he imagined.

 That’s good, that’s good!

"Okay, if that's the case, then I don't have any objections. But it's better to discuss this matter with the village chief and village secretary first, and then let them go to the official people."

“Okay, then I’ll leave this to my eldest brother. When you need money, just tell me.”

"Well." Xu Aiguo looked at Ningdi with serious eyes, "Little sister, on behalf of the children in the village, I thank you."

Ningdi shook her head and said: "Brother, I am also a member of this village. This is also the place where I was born, and it is my hometown. Now that I have the ability, I naturally want to give something back."

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