Qin Yao raised her head in displeasure and said in a deep voice:

"Stop your worries. The raw material is lard. We can't afford this business. Besides, I have other uses for this recipe. Just save your worries. It won't make our family rich."

When Liu Ji heard that lard was used as the raw material, he called out in his heart, "What a guy."

No wonder it's so easy to use, it turns out to be made of lard.


"Madam, why do you want to keep this recipe?" Liu Ji asked curiously.

Qin Yao glanced at him and said, "Don't ask about my affairs!"

Liu Ji smiled: "Okay, I'll leave now. Madam, please rest early and don't look at the account book at night. Don't hurt your eyes."

He withdrew with a strong desire to survive.

Before leaving, I went to the kitchen to find an old pottery bowl, added a layer of ashes to it, and then put a few pieces of charcoal in it to prevent myself from freezing to death at night.

In fact, Qin Yao had never treated him harshly when it came to bedding. There were thick quilts in the room.

However, the house that has been unoccupied for too long is dark and damp, and the cold air creeps into the bed at night. If you don't burn some charcoal fire to toast the house, you will really get sick from the cold.

Qin Yao plans to cover the mud floor in the house with wooden floors when she has free time next year to create a more comfortable resting space for herself.

If you have more time, add another room, make the stables stronger, and build an extra shed to hold the carriages.

By the way, it is urgent to teach Dalang how to ride a horse. After the New Year, we have to have an urgent training.

If possible, add a pony to your home for your children to go to school with.

Lao Huang is too tall and is very unfriendly to Dalang and Erlang's height. If he falls off the horse one day, his buttocks will break in two.

At first, the purpose of customizing the carriage was to make it convenient for school, but driving the carriage required an adult as a driver. Qin Yao later realized that she could not pick them up and back from school every day.

After all, she still has a lot of things to be busy with. She needs to complete the quarrying and installation of the water mill and the farm work in the fields.

However, if you want to realize these ideas, you must have money on hand.

Qin Yao breathed out a deep breath, and the people who were in the way were gone. Finally, she got a moment of peace, lowered her head and concentrated on taking stock.

This time, Shopkeeper Wu's order was settled, and she received fifty taels of silver. After deducting the cost, the profit remained at twenty taels. She and Carpenter Liu split it half and half, 10 taels each.

These ten taels of silver, plus the original 206 taels of silver at home, make a total of 216 taels of silver.

During the year, my family bought a lot of new year's goods, including a small half fan of pork, with a balance of 214 taels.

The money for the water mill, which is spent almost every month, is not included.

Qin Yao made plans to buy land from October to the end of the year, but still couldn't buy it. Either it was too scattered, or it was not fertile land, but medium-sized land.

The output of the middle field is not as good as if she continues to rent the fertile land from Liu Dafu's family.

But Liu Dafu refused to let go of the place she was interested in. She had no choice but to wait and see. There was no time to rush such a big thing as buying a land.

Old Man Liu also meant the same thing. He asked Qin Yao to many stores, but there was no one that was particularly suitable, so he asked her to continue waiting. It would be easy to lose money if you buy urgently.

And who knows what will happen next year. The snow this year was light, and a thin layer of salty snow particles on the ground melted in a short time. Old man Liu had just finished dinner and looked at the sparse snow outside the house, and he was a little worried.

Auspicious snow can herald a good year. If the snow falls too lightly, the pests in the ground will not freeze to death, and the next year's harvest will definitely be affected.

Seriously, there will be a locust plague.

Liu Bai and others felt that their father was worried too early. This was the first snow of the year, and it might be heavy in two days.

Qin Yao took out all the silver and counted it again. Looking at the white silver nuggets, her heart felt hot.

It's a pity that there is no place for consumption here, otherwise I would at least have to spend some revenge to comfort myself for the hard work this year.

She counted the silver three times, and the more she counted, the more addictive she became. If not for the sleepiness, Qin Yao would have wanted to look at it a few more times.

Re-plan this asset, leaving 180 taels to buy land, leaving 34 taels to buy a horse for the family, and then the rest is money for tuition and house decoration and additions.

I don’t know how many more orders the water mill factory will receive next year, but with scattered selling parts and occasional orders, both she and Carpenter Liu can make money from their daily expenses.

Perhaps because the basic food and clothing problem has been solved, coupled with the "carpe diem" character developed over the years in the apocalypse, Qin Yao rarely worries about the future.

After collecting the account books, I looked at those lovely silver nuggets again, went back to the house, turned off the lights, and fell asleep.

Finally, she didn't have to get up early to work during the annual vacation, and all the work in the fields was done. She wanted to sleep in, even if the King of Heaven came to wake her up!

Qin Yao fell asleep peacefully, but Liu Ji couldn't sleep at all.

He just 'accidentally' heard someone in the main room muttering "Two hundred and fourteen taels of silver," and his heartbeat accelerated by two beats.

Liu Ji knew that Qin Yao had a lot of money, but he didn't know the specific amount.

The shock brought by his own guessing and Qin Yao's own words were completely different.

I actually have more than two hundred taels of silver at home!

It's more than two hundred taels. In the past, you couldn't make a profit even if you sold him by the pound.

Looking at the whole village, only Liu Dafu's family has so much money.

As long as Liu Ji thinks of the number 214, he will be so excited that he can't close his eyes. He is determined to pay attention. Even if Qin Yao wants to beat him to death, he will never leave this home!

Lying in the thick quilt, Liu Ji wanted to slap himself, making you offend someone you couldn't think of before.

If he had rejected Fan Xiucai early in the morning and studied conscientiously according to the study schedule given by the evil woman, the good days would have come long ago!

Liu Ji felt regretful and thankful at the same time. His thoughts were confused and he stayed up for half the night before falling asleep.

But when the rooster crowed in the yard, he sat up almost as a reflex, and opened his eyes with a "swish".

His eyes were obviously still bruised from staying up late, and there was a trace of red blood on the whites of his eyes, but his eyes were extremely bright.

After getting dressed and getting out of bed, he lit the candlestick, took out the books and spread them out on the small table. Only then did he come back to his senses, and his whole body was aroused.

Liu Ji holds his forehead, he is so damn hardworking!

But since the beginning has arisen, let’s continue to endorse it.

It was pitch black outside the window. The snow stopped at midnight yesterday, and it fell so lightly that it turned into water when it fell to the ground. The candlelight passed through and reflected little bits of light.

The cold hit, Liu Ji let out a breath of white air, it was terribly cold.

There was still a little charcoal left in the fire last night, so I hurried to the main room to find charcoal and put it in. I used a cattail leaf fan to fan the charcoal. I also lit the stove in the main room, filled the kettle with water and put it on the stove.

After doing this, Liu Ji returned to the room, warming himself by the fire while endorsing in a low voice.

After memorizing a few sentences, I felt that it was not interesting, so I took out the hair tie from my bag and tied it on. I received the blessing of the "Wenquxing Protects Me" hair tie, and I felt good instantly.

When there was a faint light on the horizon, he put down his book, walked to the kitchen, started the stove, and prepared breakfast for the family.

While things are cooking in the pot, he picks up the bucket and goes out, carrying back loads of water and filling the water jar.

When Da Lang got up for morning exercises, he saw the lights in the kitchen and the main room were on. He walked into the main room out of curiosity. The stove was burning warm inside and there was freshly boiled water hanging on the table.

"Dalang, when washing, use the warm water on the table in the main room to avoid freezing your teeth." Liu Ji whispered in the kitchen.

Erlang jumped out of the room, and Liu Ji immediately shushed and pointed to the master bedroom, please don't disturb your stepmother's sleep.

The two brothers looked up at the sky. The sun didn't come out in the west today?

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