Chapter 335 Shaking conspiracy!

After hearing the man actually said that, he was there hastily and interrupted the man’s words.

Said: “Okay, okay, don’t talk nonsense there.”

Said that the butler was still looking around and saw that there was no one around, Qing Yu at this time had already retracted their heads.

I heard the butler and the man say: “Then Miss Lisa, how can I inherit all his property? Am I not her relative?”

“And I’m just his steward. I told you to come here. The idea is to let you force her to make her will.”

“Let him give me all the inheritance, and then you will kill that Miss Lisa. After that, it will be a hundred, and all his property will belong to me in the future.

After hearing what the housekeeper said, Qing Yu and Guy looked at each other.

Guy’s face is quite ugly, Qing Yu knows it.

It turns out that this person must be the housekeeper of Miss Lisa’s house whom he said.

It turns out that this butler is such a bad person, he has such a big conspiracy?

That is, after that Miss Lisa was assassinated, he wanted to seize all the property of Miss Lisa’s house.

This was a terrifying conspiracy, Guy wanted to rush up there and argue with the butler.

But Qing Yu pulled it back, and whispered: “Don’t be impulsive, let’s watch the changes and listen to what they say?”

So Guy heard that after Qing Yu said so, he calmed down and the two people were there, quietly listening to the two people conspiring there.

Listening to Qing Yu, everyone feels creepy, this guy is really too bad.

And just attacked such a poor girl, how could he bear it?

Even Qing Yu sounded very uncomfortable, and Guy at this time, especially the two of them, saw the back of the housekeeper and the man walking away.

Guy couldn’t help but smashed his fist against the wall and said, “It’s so irritating. I didn’t expect this butler to be such a bad person. I never dreamed of it.”

“It turns out that he drove me out because he was afraid that I would come into contact with Miss Nalitha.”

“He wants to monopolize Miss Lisa’s property. This person is simply terrible.”

Qing Yu said to Guy special: “We have to take a long-term plan, and we can’t get rid of it. It seems that this guy has planned for a long time, he has planned for a long time.”

“We have to take all the property of Miss Lisa’s family as our own. He is too careful and a bit too scary. Let’s think of a way.”

Luffy on the side said, “Is it boss, if that’s the case, do we have to help that Miss Lisa? We don’t know her either.

Guy on the side quickly said, “I beg you to help me, I think the butler must be a particularly humble and shameless person.

“He also has a lot of people. If I can’t deal with those little guys alone, can you help me?”

Qing Yu thought for a while and hesitated there. Nana Snow shouted out there, “Boss, why are you still hesitating there? Since we have encountered this matter, how can we ignore it?”

“Furthermore, that housekeeper is obviously a pirate. He pretended to be a housekeeper and came to this Miss Lisa’s house to plot a misconduct. How can we not come forward when we have encountered such an unfair thing?”

Hearing Nanayuki’s words, Qing Yu no longer hesitated, so he looked at Carson and Comparable again.

Compi also nodded there, indicating that he also agreed. Since he is here, he doesn’t care, as long as their boss agrees.

Carson said angrily there, “I really didn’t expect that terrible pirate would want to attack such a girl, if we don’t save him.”

“Will we push that girl to a dead end? Boss, let’s help.”

Qing Yu smiled and said: “Then since everyone agrees, what else can I object to?”

“Then let’s go to the housekeeper for a while to see who he is?”

So they walked around, pretending to have a chance encounter with the housekeeper on the road.

When the butler saw it, Guy was very angry afterwards, and Guy walked over and said, “So this is the butler, what are you doing?”

The butler snorted coldly and said, “You, the pirate’s son, will stay away from our lady in the future. Your identity is not in the same world as us. I hope you can recognize the facts.”

0…seeking flowers…

But Guy was there, and he said indifferently, “What’s the point if I am the son of a pirate? What use are you saying there?”

“Even if I am the son of a pirate, it will not prevent me from being friends with Miss Lisa”

But the butler was there, with a look of contempt and said: “As the son of a despicable pirate, you have no right to approach our lady?”

“It seems that you still want to have another plan. I advise you to give up completely.”

When Qing Yu and the others heard this, Guy’s father turned out to be a pirate. Is this what happened?

No wonder Guy didn’t look down on them after they landed in this place, or felt strangely with them.

It turns out that his own father is a pirate, and the butler over there sneered and said, “Aren’t you just trying to make money? You can make a price, how much money do you want?”

“You poor fellow, you were abandoned by your old dad, what are you still trying to do here?”

When the butler actually insulted his dad, Guy was already flushed with anger.

Staring at the housekeeper with red eyes, he shouted, “You are not allowed to insult my dad. My dad is a pirate, what’s the matter?”

Hearing that he admitted that his father is a pirate, the butler even laughed at him and said: “Then why don’t you brag and say that your father is a rich businessman, saying that your father went out to visit relatives, why don’t you stop saying those deceptive things? Is it?”

“It looks like you are really your father’s good son. In the bones carved out of a mold, you are such a shameless person.

After hearing this, Guy really couldn’t stand it anymore. He punched him there and knocked the captain to the ground.

He was holding his nose, and the blood in his nose flowed out from between his fingers in an instant, watching the punch quite fiercely.

At this time, Guy Te is simply a kind of crazy perseverance, Taixia, there roared: “I have a pirate’s father, but I am very proud, he is the bravest pirate, I am proud of it. What’s wrong with your pirate father?” Qian,

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