Jiang's father immediately said, "Lizheng, she admitted to beating someone!"

"Yes, I played Jiang Ming. But I have a good fight! " Xia qianmeng's aggravating tone, "he ruined my reputation, shouldn't he fight? A woman's integrity is like life. Jiang Ming's destruction of my integrity is tantamount to murder. "

"Nonsense, when did I break her reputation?" Jiang Ming yelled, "I didn't say anything. You are slandering me!"

Gu Changde serious calm face: "Jiang Ming, how can you shout in the court? Speak well

Jiang Ming softened: "my Lord, Xiaomin is wronged. Xiaomin really didn't speak ill of her. What's the relationship between her innocence and Xiaomin? "

"Jiang Ming, in front of many villagers yesterday, you said that I was not innocent and that I was doing business by devious ways. Do you want to deny it now?" Xia Qian is fierce in both voice and color.

Gu Changde looks at her again. At a young age, he had such momentum that he thought of a sentence: women do not let men.

"I didn't say that you beat me and slandered me." Jiang Ming began to cheat. Anyway, who can prove that he said it or spilled it? If you don't admit it, that's it.

Jiang's mother also cried bitterly and said, "Mr. Li Zheng, my son is clean and helpful. He never embarrasses others, nor insults or conflicts with others. It's really Xia Qianqian's nonsense. Originally, we saw her as a little girl and didn't want to worry about her. But she's lying too much! Last month, my husband and my son passed by her house at night. She framed me as a thief and beat me up. I couldn't sleep for many days. I nearly killed my son yesterday. We were so afraid that we came to sue the officer. I beg Lord Lizheng to make the decision! "

"Oh, what happened?" Gu Changde sat upright behind the book case, "Jiang Shi, you might as well say all the previous feelings, and I'll make the decision for you."

Jiang's mother was overjoyed and stopped Jiang's father's trouser legs: "the scar is still there. This is Xia Qianqian's fight!" Turning her head, she asked Xia Qian, "Xia Qian, dare you say it's not you?"

"I did." Xia Qianqian admitted, "but that night they not only wanted to be thieves and steal my things, but also used incense! It's so dirty, it's obvious what you want to do. "

Gu Changde's face changed greatly, and he clapped jingtangmu angrily: "bold!"

Jiang's father pointed to Xia Qianqian and echoed: "bold!"

Xia Qianqian really wants to give him a big white eye.

"Lord Li Zheng said you are bold." Xia Dingfeng comes in and worries about Jiang Fu's IQ.

Jiang Fu was surprised: "Xia Dingfeng, what are you doing here?"

"For my great niece!" Xia Dingfeng straightened his back, a righteous and awe inspiring attitude, "Mr. Li Zheng, the three members of the Jiang family are broken mouthed and immoral, spreading rumors everywhere that my niece is not innocent. They not only harmed my niece, but also harmed the women of Xia family. It's hard for them to get married in the future. Mr. Li Zheng, please make the decision for Xia Qianqian and severely punish Jiang Ming! "

Jiang's father and mother turned white.

Xia Qian's mother and daughter have long been driven away by the Xia family. The Xia family not only doesn't support them, but also embarrasses them everywhere, so they dare to bully them. I didn't expect that Xia Dingfeng came here to discuss on behalf of Xia family!

Jiang Ming was also afraid and trembled: "second uncle Xia, don't get me wrong. I really didn't do that kind of immoral thing."

"Do you know the immorality now? Why did you talk nonsense earlier and ruin your niece's reputation? " Xia Dingfeng is very eloquent, aiming at Gu Changde from time to time.

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