That night, Xia Qianqian went to her neighbor to buy some paper, cut it into the size of a modern business card, and then wrote down her name and address. She also took the name of a well-off kiln: the tile kiln of the state of women. She was going to send tiles and send business cards tomorrow.

She didn't know that the news that she was going to send tiles free of charge in the town would be overheard by the Jiang family and spread to the old Xia family overnight: "Xia Dinghai, your niece is amazing. She is going to send tiles free of charge to rich families in the town."

"What? Free Xia Dinghai came out in his clothes, and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes, yes, I couldn't believe it if I hadn't heard it! This girl is very willing to put down her capital. I'm afraid your old Xia family's business will be robbed. " Ginger mother add oil and vinegar, said spit fishy son fly straight.

Xia Dinghai thought of his elder brother's most common saying: I can't bear to have a child with a wolf! Xia Qianqian now is to take the child to set the wolf! There is a great chance of success.

"I've got the news. Whatever you do, I'll go." Jiang's mother saw Xia Dinghai's fierce eyes, and knew that he had evil intentions and left happily.

When the cold wind blows, Xia Dinghai shakes. He quickly gathers up his old cotton padded clothes and turns to go home to discuss with Lao San.

They must stop Xia Qianqian, absolutely can't let her go to the town to send tile!


The next day is not bright, Xia Qianqian started. Before she set out, she took her new green cape with her and combed her hair neatly. At that time, she would put on her new clothes and go to the market for a stop. She would definitely turn back.

With the return rate, her tile is easy to send. And then, business will come to you in a steady stream!

"Qianqian, it's hard to walk in the dark. Be careful." The Qin family exhorted.

"Don't worry, mother. I have the experience of walking at night." Xia Qianqian is smiling. Back then, she and her donkey friends went on foot everywhere, picking out the difficult places to go. Sometimes when they went far away, they even set up tents in the mountains for the night.

"Well." Qin sent Xia Qianqian out, raising his hand and rubbing his eyelids from time to time.

When she got up today, her eyelids kept jumping, always feeling ominous.

"Niang, you can sleep with yunyun for a while."

It's dark outside. Qin can't see anything. You can only listen to the sound by your ears and know that Xia Qian has gone far. Maybe she thinks too much.

Xia Qianqian took advantage of the dim starlight to push the cart to the town. She was born strong, pushing a car without effort.

Xia Dinghai and Xia Dingfeng lie in ambush on the road outside the village, one on this side of the road and the other on the other side of the road. They are excited to hear the sound of the approaching wheels.

And Xia Qian Qian hard work has the improper uncle's status, falls the human tongue. So today, they are doing it more insidiously. They put some small traps on the road. If they step on the traps, the skin will bleed and the bone will hurt. Next, Xia Qianqian not only can't go to the town to deliver tiles, but also can't work.

They are thinking happily, suddenly they are knocked heavily by something in the back of their head, and they faint in the grass.

Gu Yanjing stood in the starlight with a cold face. He took out a fire fold from his arms, lit the glass wind lamp, took the traps off the road one by one with sticks, and put them neatly and orderly beside Xia Dingshan. Then, turn off the lights and leave quietly.

Xia Qianqian is lonely when she walks alone at night. She is very happy when she sees the lights and figures not far ahead. She quickens her pace and wants to go to the town with others.

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