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in the sky.

Countless dead people rushed into Apocalypse, even if they were hit by frost, flames, poison, or other forces, they were not afraid.

What are you afraid of Death?

Here is the world of Six Paths.

——The Lord of Death is standing on Earth watching everything, and is ready to let the dead return to the Dead River and wake up again.

Combat has no prologue, and directly enters the situation of destruction and being destroyed.


Everyone saw the light of heaven.

First, a flash of white light appeared on the extremely distant horizon.

In an instant, white light hiding the sky and covering the earth came, covering the whole world, almost everywhere.

This sword.

Like a white world, completely shrouded everyone.

There is no way to refuse, no way to resist.

When the sword aura whizzed, all the thoughts in everyone’s hearts were cut off, as if there was something terrifying around peeping, coveting, and wandering.

It is completely unavoidable, unstoppable.

However, although the world formed by this sword aura has infinite kills, it avoids all sentient beings with extremely brilliant skills.

It flies over the Void and gathers the entire sword World’s Strength in one point ——


in the time it takes a spark to fly off of a piece of flint, all natural phenomena are collected, like illusory dreams, no longer exist.

The world was blank and quiet, and even the combat in the sky stopped.

The demon body slowly raised a hand, pointed it somewhere in the Void, and whispered:

“What sword technique is this?”

Where it refers to, Gu Qingshan appeared figure, and asked: “Why didn’t you die?”

“You think you can kill me?” Moto said with a smile.

“I really do.” Gu Qingshan admitted.

“Your Sword Technique is close to Dao, I guess this path was created by you oneself… It’s a pity you met me.” Demon said.

“would like to hear further details.” Gu Qingshan cup one fist in the other hand said.

“No one has ever been able to fight me, and no one can hurt me at all–I am the most Supreme being among the infinite All Worlds. I am here only to take away the technique contained in Six Paths of Samsara— —Only it is worthy of my identity.” Demon Body said.

Gu Qingshan looked at the devil’s body, and saw that its entire body was intact, with almost no scars.

At the same moment.

In the air.

A deceased monarch burst in an instant, turned into fluttering about flying ash, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Gu Qingshan Divine Sense was released a long time ago. Observing the movement of the audience at all time, naturally also captured this scene.

The rows of small scarlet characters are quickly displayed in the Void:

“Your sword hit the devil.”


“You are equipped with Title ‘Void War God’.”

“With the might of this Title, you sense countless mysteries gathered in the opponent’s body.”

“Because these mystery is a component of the opponent’s body, you can’t grasp it, but through this matter, this sequence has already found out the identity of the opponent.”

“The opponent is an unknown thing born in the law of karma mystery.”

“You just now that sword was transferred by it and killed a deceased monarch.”

Gu Qingshan slowly digested this section of emotion report.

——Never heard that life will be born in law of karma!

Maybe… can’t it be called life?

Think about it carefully, if the magical technique can give birth to some kind of existence, why not the law of karma?

Devil said that oneself has never been injured.

If it is true…

Then prove that it is born in the existence of higher rules and powers, far surpasses far beyond gods and Saints in the general sense.

Simply a monster!

——How to fight this?

His thoughts flickered, but he said with a smile on his face: “Do you dare to call it Supreme? I don’t know who you will win against the evil demon.”

Previously, when refining the power of Demon Sovereign, Gu Qingshan had felt those evil mysteries in the unturned place from a distance, and was almost caught.

At that time, he sensed the depths of Unturned Land, with a magnificent and irresistible will.

That’s why the sentence just now came up, just to test the reaction of the devil.

The magic body complexion greatly changed, and shouted: “How did you know about this?”

“Of course I know, after all, it has been waiting for this moment for a long time.” Gu Qingshan said.

The magic body coldly said: “No matter what you know, what it expects will always be impossible, and I will win the final victory.”

Gu Qingshan was silent, and gradually understood a few things.

First, the demon body knows that evil spirits are lurking in the dark;

Secondly, the goals of the demon body and the evil demon are not the same;

Third, it contradicts evil spirits, and it is likely to have confronted it.

From two to three, the two sides have different goals and conflicts.

Goals represent benefits–

Since it is a conflict of interest, what is their goal?

The magic body came for the Dao Technique contained in Six Paths of Samsara.

What is the purpose of evil spirits?

Gu Qingshan was thinking about it, but saw the demon body raise his hand and gently draw it from the Void.


A trembling sound rang out.

I saw a scepter pulled out of the Void by it.

This scepter exudes a misty golden light. From time to time, you can see the primal chaos flowing around it, releasing infinite eternal aura.

The magic body uses the scepter to tap Gu Qingshan, Xie Daoling, Asura King, Turtle Saint, Anna, opened the mouth and said:

“It is necessary for you to hear about my Title, and it is an honor to know what a noble existence oneself will die in the hands of——”

“I am the lord of the Holy Law of All Worlds, the master of primal chaos, and the king of eternal destruction.”

“Go to death now!”

It raised the scepter high–

Gu Qingshan hurriedly waved his hand shouted: “wait a moment! Your strength is so strong, let me bow down to the younger brother-can we surrender?”

The devil had a look.

It showed a trace of regret, and shook his head: “At other times, I am willing to accept people like you as subordinates, but now… Saint of Six Paths, and everything in Six Paths must be destroyed!”

The scepter made a vibrating sound, and suddenly released a golden waterfall that rolled up.

These golden waterfalls began to sweep between Heaven and Earth.

Everything that was swept by them was completely shattered and turned into dusty powder, and even the dusty powder was completely eliminated.

The power of eternal destruction!

Xie Daoling flipped through the Heavenly Book of Samsara, and suddenly a magical technique emerge in an endless stream flew out, and the Explosive Shot was on those golden waterfalls.

However, those golden waterfalls did not move at all, they just kept moving, destroying everything on Earth.

Xie Daoling stopped and said: “Trouble, these are the power of primal chaos, didn’t expect it can directly drive primal chaos, no wonder you dare to call yourself the ‘driver of primal chaos’.”

“So it is also the’King of Eternal Destruction.'” Gu Qingshan echoed.

——If it is the king of eternal destruction, what is the highest sequence in oneself’s hands?

——This is not the real Human World world, so Xie Daoling calmed down and watched Gu Qingshan’s information from the side.

She thought about it, opened the mouth and said: “Qingshan, there is a problem with it.”

Gu Qingshan also didn’t rush to attack, standing there and saying: “What’s the problem?”

Xie Daoling sound transmission said: “Obviously the six saints come out, reincarnation becomes the art, this is the secret I told you, do you remember?”

“Yes, I remember.” Gu Qingshan admitted.

He also reacted.

“Master, it really has a problem.” Gu Qingshan said.

The two looked at each other and both understood what the other was referring to.

——The goal of the King of Eternal Destruction is the technique contained in Six Paths of Samsara.

But it wants to kill the saint of Six Paths, and even the destruction of Six Paths of Samsara.

If you do this, the technique will not be born.

Is it lying? Or, even if Six Paths of Samsara is completely destroyed, it will not prevent it from mastering the technique?

If that were the case, it would be terrifying.

Both are lost in thought.

The King of Eternal Destruction looked at the two with a strange look on his face.

“I’m destroying Human World, you guys-don’t you stop me?”

It asked unbelievably.

“Shut up, I’m thinking about the problem, don’t interrupt my thinking.” Gu Qingshan said in an angry voice.

The Lord of Eternal Annihilation had a meal and furiously said: “You guy who hasn’t even established a complete road, watch me kill now–“

It didn’t have time to finish, and it was suddenly pulled in by a huge phantom.

Xie Daoling rushed to Gu Qingshan to say: “Since you know about evil spirits – so, your mind is so good, let me drag it, think about it, and tell me the answer later.”

Gu Qingshan couldn’t even shout, Xie Daoling disappeared from the place.

“Ai, Master, you are too arm-flinging shopkeeper.”

Gu Qingshan had no choice but to say something dry to Void.

The combat here doesn’t matter whether you win or lose, you don’t care about life or death, just drag and play.

It’s all fake anyway.

The Master picked this simple mission, but left the task of finding the truth to oneself.

Can oneself figure out the truth of the matter by standing here?

Where does this start?

Master, you look down on me too much!

Gu Qingshan feels helpless, but he has to think about it.

This monster born of the law of karma, is eager for the magic contained in Six Paths of Samsara.

However, it is in destruction Six Paths of Samsara.

Are you lying?

Or is there another secret?

No, there is too little information.

Maybe to explore the unstoppable place again to find out the intentions of those Demonic Creatures.

The goals of the Demonic Creatures are contradictory to the King of Eternal Destruction.

After knowing the intentions of the Demonic Creatures, you can calculate the idea of ​​the King of Eternal Destruction!

Gu Qingshan was about to go on, when suddenly the one layer illusory shadow in front of him began to vibrate violently.

Master can’t stand it?

Just thinking about it, I saw an incomparable force emerge from the illusion.

This force is so destructive, it instantly shatters everything around it, and finally condenses into a golden fist mark in the Void.

The illusory light and shadow were completely destroyed, Xie Daoling turned into a black shadow and was knocked out far away.

“You can block my this fist without dying, you are proud enough.”

The voice of the King of Eternal Annihilation sounded.

It slowly appeared in the Void, Zhang Mu looked at Gu Qingshan.

Gu Qingshan stood still, still looking at the golden fist mark.

“Is this your fist technique?” he asked.

“Of course, in addition to magical techniques, I sometimes also master some Apocalypse-like fist techniques-just to deal with those hard to kill.” The King of Eternal Destruction clenched his fist.

Across the Void, it gently punched Gu Qingshan.

Gu Qingshan didn’t dare to pick it up at all, and instantly turned into a sword aura to escape from the place.

Space Tribulation!

This fist is the real Space Tribulation!

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