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Civilization Tower World.

Divine Temple of Knowledge.

At this point, the grand welcome ceremony has ended, and the seniors have dispersed.

Some attendants and disciplines are packing up the mess.

Although it was complicated and busy, there was a sense of happiness in everyone’s face.

Until midnight, the disciples finally cleaned up the inside and outside of Divine Temple.

Immediately afterwards, under the direction of a Bishop, everyone began to arrange the assessment venue.

No way, this must be done immediately, and it will be too late.

——From tomorrow on, the door of Divine Temple will be full of people applying for admission.

This will be no doubt.

Because of the welcome ceremony during the day, Bramble Queen announced publicly that he would donate a large fortune to Divine Temple.

This is a wealth that can make the whole Vying for Hegemony Region move.

Even Pope, who has always been serious and serious, seems to be several decades younger.

Recall carefully that today is really a special day.

In the morning, Spiritual God was born.

In the face of all sentient beings in the entire Vying for Hegemony Region, Spiritual God sealed a pervert.

At the beginning of the afternoon celebration, Bramble Queen immediately made an unprecedented donation-in fact, compared with Spiritual God in this world, this donation has a greater impact on Divine Temple.

——At least for 30 years, every cleric of Divine Temple of Knowledge has no worry about all costs.

And every cleric of Divine Temple of Knowledge will receive special funding from Bramble Kingdom: Bramble Kingdom Honorary Knight Title.

In the 200 million strata of the Vying for Hegemony Region within the realm, the Honorary Knight of Bramble Kingdom can extract 10000 coins with sequence number 500 in any world.

This amount of money is enough for a person to spend most of his life comfortably!

And because of the dignity of Divine Temple, no jealous person would dare to attack the clergy to seize this wealth.

No one dared to openly deal with the believers of Spiritual God.

So the money is stable and cannot be taken away.

From this, one can even say that the donation ceremony of Bramble Queen has already surpassed Spiritual God’s birth, and it has become the headline news for the 200 million world to praise today.

Does this offend Spiritual God?

Of course not, Her Majesty the Queen is to help Spirit God’s Church develop its strength.

Tomorrow, Pope will award Queen Honorary Bishop’s Title!


Divine Temple of Knowledge depths.

Pope’s drawing room.

Although time is a little late, there is still a secret negotiation here.

Participants, only Pope and Queen, and a General beside Queen.

Pope said with a faint smile: “Laura Your Majesty, Myriad Worlds’ knowledge and secret are vast, why do you look so anxious?”

“Because I am a child, I always want to get what oneself wants, or you can say that I can’t breathe,” Laura said.

While speaking, Laura reached out and fumbled in the Void.

She reached out with a sharp hand and grabbed something.

Those are a pair of iron chain gloves, exuding soft dark golden rays of light throughout the body.

“Huh? The epic-level Knight’s handguards? I’m feeling lucky this time.”

Laura said in surprise, throwing her gloves behind her.

Ilya quickly caught the glove.

“Your Majesty, the treasury can’t fit it anymore. Look at this glove…” she asked.

“Don’t we donate a lot to Divine Temple of Knowledge?” Laura strangely said.

“That’s some piled up outside the treasury…”


Laura exchanged glances with her.

It turned out that only some trash outside the treasury was emptied.

These iron gloves are epic level of treasure, but they can’t be thrown in the trash.

“Ilya, you wear these gloves.” Laura said.

Ilya showed Laura a pair of gauze gloves exuding white Radiance: “Your Majesty? Forget it? Last time you touched a pair of Divine artifact-grade Holy Disciple hand gauze, I was carrying it.”

Laura said sadly: “Ai, what can I do, by the way-Lord Pope, I donate a pair of epic-level Knight gloves.”

She took the iron gloves back and threw them on the coffee table.

Pope saw his eyelids jump across.

“Laura ……Your Majesty, your generosity makes Divine Temple high and low very grateful.” Pope organized the language.

Laura waved his hand, and expression had become serious.

“Senior Pope, I have to tell you honestly, I must know some secret knowledge.”

“Your Majesty, tomorrow I will give you Title of Honorary Bishop, you will be able to browse all the knowledge accumulated by Civilization in Divine Temple of Knowledge.”

“No, Pope Your Majesty, do you think I spent so much effort just to know the knowledge of Civilization of the 10000 people?”

“What does Your Majesty mean?” Pope said.

“I want to know the secret of coin.” Laura said.

Pope’s eyebrows were loosened and said with a smile: “This is easy to handle. Although many coin’s wonderful functions are hidden, we have already learned about the first 700 coins.”

Laura said: “I don’t want to know this.”

Pope still keeps smiling, nodded and said again and again: “Your Majesty, I can’t think of your deep desire for truth and secret, but as the Honorary Bishop of our Divine Temple of Knowledge, this is not just in name only, but also in reality .”

“The coin after 301 was made by Four Righteous Gods, and many secrets are not even known to us, and you can’t think of Your Majesty as eager to learn about the secrets in these coins.”

Pope said with satisfaction: “Exploring the secret of knowledge, looking for the Origin of Civilization, and learning the truth of Gods creation from the coin, as long as Your Majesty can maintain this kind of curiosity, one day sooner or later, I can put the word 2 honor in front of your title Remove.”

Laura said indifferently: “You misunderstood, in fact, I am not interested in these 100 coins.”

Pope froze.

He suddenly found that oneself could not see through the little girl in front of him.

Pope tentatively asked, “So… what do you mean…”

Laura lowered her voice and lowered her voice: “Sir Pope, I want to know the secret of the last 3 coins.”

The smile on Pope’s face was completely closed, and the sound sounded a little dry: “The last 3 coins were only cast one, Your Majesty. It may be difficult for you to trace their traces. Holy Court is willing to work with you to find them. .”

Laura said: “You’re wrong. I don’t need Holy Court to help me find it. What I have is a way to find the 3 coins.”

She looked at Pope and saw some kind of fear in the other person’s eyes.

“Sir Pope, you probably guessed it, I know that.” Laura said.

“What’s the matter?” Pope asked.

“Gu Shu told me that it was a matter of bringing the dead back to life and myriad creations against the current, but it didn’t know the specifics.”

Pope suddenly got up and said quickly: “Time is not early, Her Majesty the Queen, please come back.”

Laura sat still and slowly said, “Your Excellency, I remember that the things I donated haven’t arrived yet. Will you just drive me away?”

Pope coldly said: “Your Majesty, Divine Temple of Knowledge can donate any of your donations, and Divine Temple of Knowledge will never divulge that taboo to anyone, including you.”

He opened the door and said: “Please, Your Majesty, our meeting is over. Please don’t come to Divine Temple of Knowledge again!”

Ilya looked at Laura anxiously, and walked over to protect her quietly.

“It’s okay, Ilya, let me go. I have something to say to Pope,” Laura said.

She opened her own small satchel, took a black box from it, and put it gently on the coffee table.

“Please take a look at this,” Laura said.

She opened the box and closed it immediately.

At this moment, Pope saw a black finger bone lying quietly in the box.

The moment the box closed-

A pale flame rose from the black finger bone, and flew out of the box, floating like a mist in the air like a mist, condensing for a long time.

Pope stared at the white flame, an absent-minded saying: “My Spiritual God…”

Involuntarily, he closed the door.

“Sir Pope, do you feel it?” Laura said softly.

Pope stared at the ray of flame, and a grain of cold sweat gradually gathered on his forehead.

“You devil.” He muttered in a low voice.

“No, this is just a monetary business deal, Lord Pope.” Laura said.

“This is disrespect to Spiritual God,” Pope said.

“How can I be disrespectful to Spiritual God? This finger bone is neither the family dependent of 4 Righteous God nor the body of 7 Demon God. It is from 100000000 10,000 years ago, and belongs to an unknown and unknown Spiritual God.”

Laura smiled: “I believe this does not offend the 7 Spiritual Gods, so I plan to give it to you.”

Finger bone of Spiritual God.

Finger bone of Unknown Spiritual God.

It is different from the 7 known a God roads, it must contain an unprecedented become a God mystery.

Pope stared at the box, and his throat rolled.

He took out a white handkerchief and wiped off his cold sweat.

——Want to kill each other now?

He looked at the little girl opposite.

Little girl slightly smiled.

Green leaves emerged from her back, holding her gently.

Bramble Holy Tree!

Damn, this is comparable to the existence of Spiritual God.

It is protecting her!

Pope immediately died.

He tried his best to restrain his own emotions and whispered: “Laura Your Majesty, what do you want?”

“Tell me that secret, the donation from Divine Temple of Knowledge remains unchanged, and the contents of this box were given to you personally.”

“Or you can not tell me the secret, but I believe someone always knows.”

Laura also lowered her voice: “Even if you don’t say, other people will always tell me the secret in order to get this finger bone, what do you think?”

Pope was silent for one minute.

He laughed suddenly.

Shaking his head, Pope said with emotion: “His Royal Highness, Laura, you are welcome to become the official Bishop of Divine Temple of Knowledge.”

“Your Excellency, Holy Tree is here, please tell the secret first, be careful not to tell lies, and then you can take the box.”

“…Your Majesty, you listen well, I will just say it again.”


“At that time, it was the most powerful era of Spiritual God. The last 3 coins were jointly cast by the 33 ancient Gods of Spirit. Spiritual Gods spare no effort completed this highest achievement and created more than all Spirituals in 3 coins. The power of God.”

“The three coins each hold a part of the power, you must collect them together, and then they will be inspired by the three Special Existences they represent in order to achieve that.”

“Is that really possible?” Laura clenched her fists and her breath became short.

“Yes, this is the ultimate power that can bring the dead back to life, let everything go against the current, and make the destiny of myriad creations of all beings deterred.” Pope whispered.

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